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The Coming Water War- InfoGraph

The Coming Water War- InfoGraph
Related:  Ressources, développement durable

The Anatomy Of An Infographic Information is very powerful but for the most bit it is bland and unimaginative. Infographics channel information in a visually pleasing, instantly understandable manner, making it not only powerful, but extremely beautiful. Once used predominantly to make maps more approachable, scientific charts less daunting and as key learning tools for children, inforgraphics have now permeated all aspects of the modern world. I designed a couple of infographics back in college, the need arising especially around the time Soccer World Cup fever spiked. Infographics can appear daunting to some with the sheer amount of data they present, but designed in the right manner and step by step, they can actually be one of the most fun things you will ever create. Today I am going to walk you through the anatomy of an infographic, its different levels and sub-levels and a 5-step process to ensure that your infographic is not only conceptually sound, but accurate and easily understood. Anatomy Of An Infographic

Portail environnement What Are The Hardest Languages To Learn? [INFOGRAPHIC] Learning a new language can be difficult, but some languages can be trickier than others. For native English speakers, the difficulty level of a new language depends on a variety of factors. So which are the most difficult to learn? And which languages would you be able to master in under a year? View the infographic below to learn more. (Click Image To Enlarge) Use This Infographic In Your Class We think that infographics are an awesome learning and teaching tool, so our creations will always be available for you to print out, use with your students and embed on your blog! Embed this image on your site <a href=" src=" <a href=" Blog</a> Warm-Up Activity Before handing out the infographic, discuss the following questions with your students: Are some languages harder to learn than others?

InfoGraphic Designs: Overview, Examples and Best Practices Information graphics or infographics are visual representations of information, data or knowledge. These graphics are used where complex information needs to be explained quickly and clearly, such as in signs, maps, journalism, technical writing, and education. They are also used extensively as tools by computer scientists, mathematicians, and statisticians to ease the process of developing and communicating conceptual information. They can present a rich amount of information without intimidating you. You may be interested in the following related articles as well. Feel free to join us and you are always welcome to share your thoughts that our readers may find helpful. Don’t forget to and follow us on Twitter — for recent updates. What is InfoGraphics? Infographics are traditionally viewed as visual elements such as signs, charts, maps, or diagrams that aid comprehension of a given text-based content. Little History of InfoGraphics! Why Using InfoGraphics? Elements of Information Graphics

Réseau agriculture durable Cette collection a été créée pour que le lecteur trouve rapidement des réponses à des questions cruciales, souvent en prise avec les grands enjeux planétaires. Pour chaque thème, une fiche centrale de 4 ou 6 pages pose la problématique. Elle renferme une dizaine de fiches recto-verso relatant des témoignages d’agriculteurs. Chaque numéro est téléchargeable gratuitement. Si vous souhaitez recevoir une version papier, il vous est demandé 2 euros ou bien 4 timbres au tarif en vigueur. Pourquoi/comment réduire ma consommation de pesticides à la ferme (2014) Pourquoi/comment réduire ma consommation de pesticides à la ferme (2006) Pourquoi/comment développer le pâturage Pourquoi/comment adapter son système herbager pâturant aux aléas climatiques Pourquoi/comment Aménager sa ferme pour le pâturage tournant Pourquoi/comment préserver ou améliorer la biodiversité à la ferme Pourquoi/comment gérer et valoriser son bocage Pourquoi/comment économiser l’énergie à la ferme mais aussi… FR CIVAM Poitou-Charentes

Chinese: The New Dominant Language of the Internet New York Times op-ed columnist Nicholas Kristof recently argued that “[E]very child in the United States should learn Spanish, beginning in elementary school; Chinese makes a terrific addition to Spanish, but not a substitute.” As more parents encourage their kids to study Chinese, and more schools – both public and private – begin offering Chinese language classes, it might seem that Americans are neglecting a language with far more day-to-day applications: Spanish. The reality, however, is that Spanish remains the most studied foreign language in the US [PDF]; and enrollment in Chinese courses has skyrocketed because of China’s ever-increasing global influence. For example, if you think that English will always be the most widely used language on the Internet, you might want to think again. This infographic from The Next Web indicates that five years from now, Chinese will be the dominant language online. Click to Enlarge Source: TNW(Visited 2,129 times, 1 visits today)

How To Create Outstanding Infographics In this tutorial you will learn that data doesn't have to be boring, it can be beautiful! Learn how to use various graph tools, illustration techniques and typography to make an accurate and inspiring infographic in Adobe Illustrator. Start by using the Rectangle Tool (M) to draw a shape. The entire design is based on a grid of four columns. Condense the shape so it fits within the left-most guide and centre guide. Move the shape over to the right and add another guide to the centre here. Using the Rectangle Tool (M) draw a thin white box on the centre line that will be the width of the gap between the columns. Repeat the process for the other columns with your final result being below. I like to place the most important graphics first and work-in the ancillary charts and graphs afterwards. Early on you can experiment with placing a main graphic that will help give the piece some visual interest. Give the circles a variety of gradients. I'm using a variety of graphs in this infographic.

Le Spoutnik illustr? Les jeux olympiques : une vidéo annotée ! Wednesday, 27 January 04:09 pm C’est une fonction avancée de YouTube qui permet d’insérer des commentaires et des liens dans la vidéo. Je m’en suis servi pour commenter cette vidéo disponible sur le site du Comité international olympique (CIO). L’aventure d’un scribe en Mésopotamie Tuesday, 10 November 12:15 pm Nous avons regardé cette vidéo en classe. Une vidéo du Grenelle de l’environnement très géographique Thursday, 24 September 09:29 pm Ce film publicitaire du Grenelle de l’environnement intervient près de deux ans après les conclusions du Grenelle : « Deux ans après les conclusions du Grenelle Environnement, au lendemain du vote solennel au parlement de la loi Grenelle 1, et alors que débute au Sénat la loi Grenelle 2, le Ministère lance une campagne de communication afin de sensibiliser les Français sur toutes ces avancées. » Cette vidéo est très pédagogique et très géographique : on pourrait dire pédagéogique ! Thursday, 24 September 03:25 pm

20 Examples Of Infographs That You Don’t See Every Day | I think we all know what an infograph is, and nowadays they are increasingly popular. The bad thing is that almost all of them are becoming boring and very similar. In this article I have collected 20 infographs that are very unique design and also interesting subjects. Twitter Dots: Mapping all Tweets for a specific Keyword Twitter Dots translates individual tweets as simple dots on a geographical world map. Mapping Android Activations Worldwide In the war for the next smartphone platform, all weapons are allowed, including some good old mapping captured in a 1080p HD video. Visualizing the Airspace in Europe Transport visualization firm Ito World has taken flight routes drawings to the next level, in particular by adding a detailed level of information in terms of the exact travel altitudes of the tracked airplanes. Poverty Infographic A two poster series exploring the effect poverty has on education. 9 Years of Sleep Visualizing a Security Attack on a VOIP Honeypot Server Ghost Counties

What Shapes Our Language? Our language is constantly being shaped by a number of different influences, from social media and pop culture to other languages and even human error. Thanks to the ever-evolving Internet, new words enter our language almost daily. But beyond new words, technology has had a big impact on the ways in which we communicate, particularly with respect to how many words it takes us to get our point across. (Click Image To Enlarge) Use This Infographic In Your Class We think that infographics are an awesome learning and teaching tool, so our creations will always be available for you to print out, use with your students and embed on your blog! Embed this image on your site <a href=" src=" <a href=" Blog</a> Warm-Up Activity Why are languages constantly evolving over time? Writing Challenge

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