Réseaux sociaux : Modes d’emploi Facebook, Twitter, Instagram et Snapchat Le portail Comment ça marche a mis à jour en juin 2015 ses modes d’emploi Réseaux sociaux, un dossier coordonné par Jean-François Pillou. Ce dossier propose une présentation générale des réseaux sociaux avant de dérouler des fiches thématiques pour apprendre à créer, paramétrer et gérer sa présence sur des réseaux sociaux grand public. Fiches pratiques pour tous Les principales fonctionnalités y sont listées et explicitées avec des captures d’écran et une ouverture vers des applications tierces (statistiques, modules supplémentaires…). Chaque mini-dossier est construit pour être compréhensible par tous. Les fiches pratiques consultables sur le site sont également téléchargeables en pdf (pour faciliter leur consultation hors ligne). 5 fiches pratiques réseaux sociaux L’ensemble de ces ressources sont mises à disposition sous licence Creative Commons. Introduction Réseaux sociaux (à télécharger en pdf) Fiche pratique Facebook (à télécharger en pdf) Fiche pratique Twitter (à télécharger en pdf)
From the horse’s mouth to your ear, #flipclass student speaks! Kaitlin Graf is a Grade 10 student (now Grade 11) at Okanagan Mission Secondary. This is her second semester in a Flipped Math class with my colleague and fellow flipper, @Math_Johnson. My name is Kaitlin Graf and I have experienced two semesters of Math (Math 10 and now Math 11) in a Flipped Class. At first I disliked the Flipped Class but later I realized that it was actually very helpful. I remember the first flipped class lesson I had. We all filed into the classroom and were handed a notes package along with a checklist of things we should complete before a test deadline. However, after a while in the flip class, I began to see the benefits of the flipped class and use them to my advantage. As well, I could move through the course as quickly as I liked, do as much or as little homework as I felt I need. The videos provided are additionally helpful because you can re-watch them as many times as you want. At the end of the day, I cannot imagine returning to a regular Math class.
Les outils qui rendent possible la classe inversée 1. Introduction à l’infonuagique Quiconque a déjà travaillé avec la vidéo sait à quel point ce média est « lourd » côté informatique. Un enregistrement d’une minute de bonne qualité occupe beaucoup d’espace sur l’ordinateur. C’est pourquoi on a recours à un service comme YouTube. On dépose la vidéo une première fois, mais le visionnement devient ensuite très simple et rapide. Le fait de déposer un fichier (dans ce cas-ci, un fichier vidéo) sur un service en ligne pour y avoir accès de partout s’appelle l’infonuagique, ou l’informatique en nuage. Il existe d’autres applications de l’infonuagique. 2. Pour la création de capsules vidéo originales, il y a différentes façons de procéder. La méthode « enregistreur d’écran » La première façon d’envisager la fabrication de vidéo est d’enregistrer ce qu’on voit à l’écran, tout simplement. - Application ShowMe (application iPad, gratuite) - Enregistreur vidéo Activinspire (tableau interactif Activboard) - Camtasia (logiciel commercial Mac et PC) 3.
Flipping the Class with Explain Everything & Google Drive - Turning Learning On Its Head Flipping the Classroom with an Explain Everything and Google Drive Today I did a workshop for Chicago Public Schools where I helped them think through how to use iPads to flip their classes. If you are considering using iPads to create flipped videos, there are many tools. One of them is Explain Everything. And since CPS is a google apps school system I developed a workflow for them to share the videos they created with Explain Everything to google drive. Feel free to share this and comment. Part 1: Setting Up Google Drive Part 2: Uploading Files (ppt,etc) to google drive to prepare for importing into Explain Everything Part 3: Using Explain Everything to Make a Simple Flipped Video Part 4: Advanced Features of Explain Everything Part 5: Adding Picture in Picture in Explain Evertyhting Like this: Like Loading...
40 herramientas para aplicar la metodología flipped classroom en el aula [Infografía] La pedagogía inversa o flipped classroom es una de las metodologías educativas que más revuelo están causando. Desde que los profesores de química Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams la llevaran a la práctica por primera vez en las aulas del instituto Woodland Park High School, en Woodland Park, Colorado (Estados Unidos), ha ido sumando seguidores de manera progresiva. Este nuevo modelo de enseñanza propone darle la vuelta a la case, de modo que los alumnos adquieren los conceptos teóricos en casa, a través de la visualización de un video, una presentación o cualquier otro recurso; y después, en clase, resuelven sus dudas y trabajan de forma individual y colaborativa. Si quieres innovar y llevar a la práctica esta metodología, te recomendamos 40 herramientas que te servirán para poner tu clase del revés. Descarga en PDF la infografía “40 Herramientas para aplicar la metodología Flipped Classroom en el aula” Crear videolecciones o videos interactivos 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
Next Vista for Learning Pros and cons of teaching a flipped classroom | Versal The concept of “flipped classrooms” has been a hot topic for the past couple of years. Can instruction be effectively delivered at home, freeing up class time for debates, projects and labs? The model flips the traditional approach of using class time for explaining concepts and homework for reinforcement. When flipping their class, those most typical use case we see is where teachers provide lesson materials the night before class as online video, podcasts, blog posts or interactive courses, and then plan a collaborative project for class time. Flipped classrooms usually work best with science, geography and other courses that enable students to explore and research topics. Pros of flipped classroom teaching Passive student learning is removed, with teachers moving into a coach or advisor role. Cons of flipped classroom teaching Teachers need to be highly organized and plan well ahead of class.
ShowMe - The Online Learning Community The Flipped Classroom Guide for Teachers As technology becomes increasingly common in instruction at all levels of education from kindergarten to college, the modern classroom is changing. The traditional teacher-centered classroom is falling away to give students a student-centered classroom where collaborative learning is stressed. One way educators are effectively utilizing online learning and changing the way they teach is by flipping their classrooms. What is a Flipped Classroom? High school teachers Aaron Sanns and Jonathan Bergman were the first to flip their classrooms. The Flip started when these teachers began supplying absent students with an online lecture they could watch from home or from wherever they had access to a computer and the Internet, including school or the local library. While a traditional classroom is teacher-centered, a Fipped Classroom is student-centered. Unlike the traditional classroom model, a Flipped Classroom puts students in charge of their own learning. Action? Get 2 Free eBooks
Collaborize Classroom | Online Education Technology for Teachers and Students How Flipped Classrooms Change from Schools to Colleges Infographic Blended Learning Infograpics How Flipped Classrooms Change from Schools to Colleges Infographic How Flipped Classrooms Change from Schools to Colleges Flipped classrooms are changing the way education is being imparted all across the US. The flipped classroom describes a reversal of traditional teaching where students gain first exposure to new material outside of class, usually via reading or lecture videos, and then class time is used to do the harder work of assimilating that knowledge through strategies such as problem-solving, discussion or debates. Read also: The Flipped Classroom Guide for Teachers Via: emantras.us Embed This Education Infographic on your Site or Blog!