Shining. Fritz Lang's Metropolis - Official Website. Cam/cameos.html. FAQ A Hitchcock guide to the novice, and a follow-up to your emails.
. - - - - - - - - - - - - Biography A small summary of his life work, and personal milestones. Filmography In-depth information on all his feature films. Includes a small summary, cast lists, photographs and related links. Wit and Wisdom Hitch was an incredibly witty and funny man; here are some of his most famous sayings All the Cameos Here it is, the big list of when and where Hitchcock makes his appearances in his films. Collaborators Hitchcock films are filled with great collaborators, from actresses like Ingrid Bergman to composers like Bernard Herrmann.
Essays Hitchcock was a great entertainer and at the same time had a lot to say about life, art and humanity. Dark Side of Oz. Dark Side of Oz [Setup] [Similarities with Pictures] [Similarities] [Conclusion] [Pink Floyd Lyrics] I've done this experiment quite a few times, and I'll have to admit that there are a lot of coincidental events and themes.
Although Pink Floyd has never admitted to doing such a thing (except Roger, who stays quiet when asked), there are just a few points that should be examined. I guess you'll just have to come to your own conclusion. It's just the way it is with this band. Click here for the Wizard of Oz Poster ~ Over The Rainbow Trippy inspiration for Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon ~ 24x36" Breathe Dorthy is on Earth, and everyone is talking to her, but this what are they really saying? Released March, 1973 "Speak to Me" (Mason) "I've been mad for fucking years, absolutely years, been over the edge for yonks, been working me buns off for bands... " 'The Music Never Stopped': What if You Were Stuck in the 1960s? This is not porn - Rare and beautiful celebrity photos.
Actors in Character - Now That is Acting! Feb 21, 2011 / Category : Movies / 18 Comments There's no denying the fact that most of us have pretended to be actors.
Photographer Howard Schatz, from Vanity Fair, took this idea one step further, place actors in a series of roles and dramatic situations to reveal the essence of their characters. Mindfuck Movies by Matthew Baldwin. There’s a certain brand of movie that I most enjoy.
Some people call them “Puzzle Movies.” Others call them “Brain Burners.” Each has, at some point or another, been referred to as “that flick I watched while I was baked out of my mind.” But the phrase I find myself employing, when casting around for a succinct term for the entire genre, is “Mindfuck Movies.” It’s an expression I picked up from a college roommate of mine, an enormous Star Trek: The Next Generation fan who adored those episodes when the nature of reality itself was called into question, usually after the holodeck went berserk or Q showed up and hornswoggled everyone into thinking they were intergalactic dung beetles (or whatever…I never really followed the show myself). Uncovering The Secrets of Mega Shark Death In The Sk. 5-Second Films · New Film Every Weekday! Star Wars If Dr. Seuss Had Created It! Let’s revisit Star Wars yet again and see what we can get from its odd and ultimately creative and inspirational imaginary world.
There are a lot of “Star Wars if…” mashups to be found on the Internet. I have no doubt in my mind that we will look at Star Wars as old and obsolete technology sometime in the future, oh say, in about 200 years or so. But for now, it’s one of the most revisited worlds to derive inspiration when inventors and scientists are thinking up new and exciting technologies. If George Lucas wouldn’t have thought up the idea of a futuristic world from the start, I wonder what would have happened with all the geekyness that resides in its concept. That’s when the thought hit cartoonist Adam Watson. If I wasn’t so attached to the concept of Star Wars, I would certainly not mind at all if Dr.
Casting A Live-Action ‘Daria’ Movie. Last week we asked you to vote for the actress you thought should play Daria in a live-action movie of the classic MTV show “Daria.”
Of the eight nominees, you selected deadpan “Parks and Recreation” hottie Aubrey Plaza for the titular role, a choice we couldn’t have been any more pleased with because, as mentioned, she’s who we would have also selected. So to reward your good taste, we’ve cast the rest of our pretend “Daria” movie. You can check it out after the jump, and make sure to comment on our genius picks below. Aubrey Plaza as Daria So Aubrey, our readers have elected you to the title role of a movie that we neither have the authority nor the resources to make. Ellen Page as Jane Ellen Page was also in the running for Daria, and finished a close second to Plaza in the voting.