Greek Mythology
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British History Online. National Monuments Record. Gods, Goddesses, and Heroes. A family portrait of the 12 Olympians.
But wait, who's that crouching by Zeus? The ancients Greeks were polytheistic — that is, they worshipped many gods. Their major gods and goddesses lived at the top of Mount Olympus, the highest mountain in Greece, and myths described their lives and actions. In myths, gods often actively intervened in the day-to-day lives of humans.
Myths were used to help explain the unknown and sometimes teach a lesson. For example, Zeus, the king of the gods, carried his favorite weapon, the thunderbolt. Many stories about how the Greek gods behaved and interacted with humans are found in the works of Homer. Painting © M. The Statue of Zeus at Olympia (recreated above) was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. A Soap Opera from Hellas Courtesy NASA and Cislunar Aerospace, Inc.
Papyrus fragment with lines from Homer's Odyssey [Greek, Ptolemaic] (09.182.50)
Homer- Ancient Greek Poet. Read Homer Online - Ebooks Marble terminal bust of Homer.
Roman copy of a lost Hellenistic original of the 2nd c. BC. From Baiae, Italy. The so-called Hellenistic blind-type can be paralleled with figures of the Pergamon Altar, and the original of the type was perhaps created for the great library at Pergamon. Homer's ancestry can be traced from Odyssey. When we think of the blind poet Homer with relation to Ancient Greece, the first thing that comes to our mind is his beautiful epic poems Iliad and Odyssey. The argument whether Odyssey was written by Homer or not has been going on for a long time. There is also much debate about how Homer composed such long poems, because for people now to memorize such long stanzas, seems impossible. Homer's famous epics:
The Odyssey by Homer. The Odyssey - Homer. Contact: .
Copyright 2000-2014, GreekMythology.comTM. For more general info on Greek Gods, Greek Goddesses, Greek Heroes, Greek Monsters and Greek Mythology Movies visit Mythology. All information in this site is free for personal use. You can freely use it for term papers, research papers, college essays, school essays. Griyego mitolohiya, 그리스 신화, 希腊神话, griekse mythologie, mythologie grecque, griechischen Mythologie, ギリシャ神話, Греческая мифология, mitología griega, ग्रीक पौराणिक कथाओं, الأساطير اليونانية, Grekisk mytologi.
The Odyssey by Homer. HOMER (c. 8th cen - c. 8th cen) and Samuel BUTLER (1835 - 1902) The Odyssey is one of the two major ancient Greek epic poems (the other being the Iliad), attributed to the poet Homer.
The poem is commonly dated to between 800 and 600 BC. The poem is, in part, a sequel to the Iliad, and concerns the events that befall the Greek hero Odysseus in his long journey back to his native land Ithaca after the fall of Troy. It takes Odysseus ten years to return to his native land of Ithaca after ten years of war; during his 20-year absence, his son Telemachus and his wife Penelope must deal with a group of unruly suitors who have moved into Odysseus' home to compete for Penelope's hand in marriage, since most have assumed that Odysseus has died. The poem is a fundamental text in the Western canon and continues to be read in both Homeric Greek and translations around the world. Genre(s): Action & Adventure Fiction, Classics (Antiquity), Nautical & Marine Fiction Language: English.
The Odyssey Interactive Map. Greek Mythology. Greek Mythology: God and Goddesses. The Greek Gods (1 of 4)
The Greek Gods (2 of 4)
The Greek Gods (3 of 4)
Greek Mythology Video — The Greek Gods (4 of 4)
Mythology - Ancient Greek Gods and Myths.
Ancient Greece - Gods and Goddesses - The British Museum. Olympian Gods of Greek Mythology THEOI.COM. The Olympian gods ("Theoi Olympioi") presided over ever facet of ancient life and were often grouped according to their common functions.
THE THEOI AGORAIOI were the gods of the "agora" (the marketplace and people's assembly).