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Financial Web Services

Facebook Twitter What would a disruptive bank look like? A while back, I got into a to-and-fro on Twitter with Marc Andreessen and Chris Dixon about banking, which garnered a fair amount of interest and commentary1234, after Marc declared that he is “dying to fund a disruptive bank“.

What would a disruptive bank look like?

So far, finance startups have shied away getting their own banking licence, opting to use an existing bank instead. Movenbank and BankSimple talked up their plans to shake up banking but, in the end, both dropped “bank” from their name and partnered with CBW Bank and Bancorp respectively (Simple was subsequently acquired by BBVA). In effect, they built a presentation layer on top of an existing bank.

I don’t think that’s the path to the future of banking. Even if you ignore the downsides of building a business on someone else’s platform, I believe that you can’t be truly disruptive unless you build the full stack. A bank can be broken down into two distinct businesses. I believe that the technology platform can provide a strategic competitive advantage. REST API V1.2.1 · OpenBankProject/OBP-API Wiki. Version: 1.2.1 Status: STABLE Index About The Open Bank Project API is a RESTful API for banks that supports multiple views on transaction data, data enrichment and data blurring.

The protocol consists of baseline and optional end points. Implementation hints and notes. The implementation of V1.2.1 is work in progress Root Baseline Returns information about: API versionHosted by information Request: Verb: GET URL: / Response: HTTP code: 200 Body: Banks Returns a list of banks supported on this server: ID used as parameter in URLsShort and full name of bankLogo URLWebsite Request: Verb: GET URL: /banks. Can the Bloomberg Terminal be “Toppled”? – matt turck.

In the eye of some entrepreneurs and venture capitalists, the Bloomberg terminal is a bit of an anomaly, perhaps even an anachronism.

Can the Bloomberg Terminal be “Toppled”? – matt turck

In the era of free information on the Internet and open source Big Data tools, here’s a business that makes billions every year charging its users to access data that it generally obtains from third parties, as well as the tools to analyze it. You’ll hear the occasional jab at its interface as reminiscent of the 1980s.

And at a time of accelerating “unbundling” across many industries, including financial services, the Bloomberg terminal is the ultimate “bundling” play: one product, one price, which means that that the average user uses only a small percentage of the terminal’s 30,000+ functions. Yet, 320,000 people around the world pay about $20,000 a year to use it. If you think that this sounds like a perfect opportunity for disruption or “unbundling” at the hand of nimble, aggressive startups, you’re not alone. What gives?

Frontal assault: good luck. Runtime Technology for Financial Desktop Applications. In A Changing Financial World, Thinknum Wants To Democratize Financial Analysis. One of the most important functions of any modern financial institution is conducting valuations.

In A Changing Financial World, Thinknum Wants To Democratize Financial Analysis

On Wall Street, this means developing financial models – projections of how a company will perform based on a set of assumptions. Get these models right, and suddenly you can make trades on public equities that bring in enormous profits. Blow it, and see billions of dollars evaporate. Despite the importance of financial models, the process behind modeling remains as cumbersome as ever. Since today’s analysts develop models using Microsoft Excel and collaborate through email, it is difficult for multiple analysts to work on the same document at once. This is the world that Justin Zhen and Gregory Ugwi discovered when they graduated from Princeton together and joined Wall Street in the heyday years before 2008. The founders, though, are not limiting their vision to just a few analysts in Manhattan. Remodeling Financial Analysis Going Global “Let’s say you are a tomato farmer in India. Financial Analysis.

Banking APIs