Museo. Research Process Livebinder USC-SLIS 742. Research Process Models. We know from decades of studies that when people do research, they follow a process with some predictable stages.
There are many models of this process. Here are three. As you read, think about what these models have in common. The Search Process Model 1 Step 1: Choosing a Topic and Asking Questions Define your research problem, explore topics, do some background building, and create questions to guide your research. Step 2: Identifying resources Figure out what resources you’ll need to best answer your questions and solve your research problem.
Step 3: Planning your search Narrow or broaden your topic, create subject and keyword lists to search, prioritize your questions, create interview questions, schedule interviews, and organize your search time. Step 4: Hunting and Gathering Gather all the information you think you’ll need. Step 5: Sifting and Organizing Decide what to keep, what to leave out, how to record the information, how to organize your notes into useful parts. How to Use Information Fluency for Effective Online Research Strategies. The Internet is a swelling ocean of information.
Navigating through the steady flow of that information ocean can be hazardous. This is certainly true of a student who is not information fluent. The driving question is what are some smart online research strategies? Luckily this falls within the realm of the Essential Fluencies, namely Information Fluency. This involves the 5As process: Asking the right questionsAcquiring the knowledgeAnalyzing the content for relevancy and credibilityApplying the knowledge to our useAssessing the effectiveness of our message. Oak Harbor, Washington INFORMATION SKILLS. This document was developed as part of a consulting assignment with the library media staff of the Oak Harbor (WA) Schools, who wished to create a rating scale which would help them assess how well students are performing on the tasks associated with the Research Cycle .
The document is copyrighted by the Oak Harbor Schools and by Jamie McKenzie, but copies may be made by schools for distribution to staff. Any other duplication or transmittal in any form is prohibited unless permission is granted expressly. 1. QUESTIONING A researcher recognizes decisions, issues and problems when looking at a topic. 5 - Discovers independently an issue or problem which needs a decision or solution after exploring a topic 3 - Formulates questions about topics with adult help to elevate the question to focus on issues and problems 1 - Relies upon adults to state questions and topics 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Student Toolkits. Gooru. Rockwell Schrock's Boolean Machine. Move your cursor over the Boolean operators to the left to see how each one works.
When using AND, you only receive pages including both of your search terms, though not necessarily next to one another. When using OR, you receive pages containing either one or both of your search terms. The NOT operator is used to find pages including only the first term and excluding the second term. Bamboo DiRT. 10 Great Tools for Academic Research You Should Know about.
1- Zotero Zotero is the only research tool that automatically senses content, allowing you to add it to your personal library with a single click.
Whether you're searching for a preprint on arXiv.org, a journal article from JSTOR, a news story from the New York Times, or a book from your university library catalog, Zotero has you covered with support for thousands of sites. 2- Endnote EndNote gives you the tools you need for searching, organizing and sharing your research.
High School Tutorials - Main Menu. Lichelle Leonard: Bloom's Pyramid Interactive. Educational Handouts and Tips. Mural.ly. Rutgers RIOT - Research Information Online Tutorial. iResearch, The University of sydney Library. 22 Great Places If You Teach Research Skills. If you are a teacher-librarian or media specialist, you are the one responsible for making sure students have learned the proper research skills.
Since all students need to how to do research, why are school districts still cutting jobs for our position? Once kids get to middle and high school, they need to know how to do certain things tied to research, including a bibliography, website evaluation, searching techniques and so much more. Below you will find sites to assist you in teaching research skills for all ages.Use the Teacher-Librarians tab at the top to find a megalist of stuff for you. Curriculum: Understanding YouTube & Digital Citizenship – Google in Education.
Overview We have devised an interactive curriculum aimed to support teachers of secondary students (approximately ages 13-17).
The curriculum helps educate students on topics like: YouTube’s policies How to report content on YouTube How to protect their privacy online How to be responsible YouTube community members How to be responsible digital citizens We hope that students and educators gain useful skills and a holistic understanding about responsible digital citizenship, not only on YouTube, but in all online activity. Lessons in English Below is a list of lessons, and the recommended flow for delivery. Or you can download the Full Teacher's Guide or the Full Set of Slides in PDF. Lessons in Additional Languages Below is a list of lessons and resources in additional languages beyond English:
Critical Thinking. Notemaking. Online explained. Copyright. Citing. Evaluation Skills. Research Process. General Reference. Research Help.