Teaching Modern Languages. Jürgen Wagner's EFL-Teacher'sToolbox. ELE en la Red. La boîte à outils du prof de FLE. Blogs und Podcasts für Spanischlernende. Blogs et podcasts pour le FLE. Jürgen Wagner's EFL-Treasure Trove. Interviews sur la Bretagne. Kids in British Schools. A la Une : Ten activities from Jürgen Wagner Our German colleague Jürgen Wagner has created ten activities called "Kids in British Schools", that he has tested with his students.
They will soon be published in the German magazine "Diesterweg Internet Detective", so we also benefit from a professional layout... Each task includes a worksheet that you can download for free (in the word format so easy to adapt to your students if you wish to do so) and several links to articles and websites to work from. Moodle and Web 2.0. TICE et langues. Las TIC en el aula de ELE. Links für Spanischlehrer. Links für Französischlehrer. Links für Englischlehrer. Newsletter Fremdsprachen. Homepage von Jürgen Wagner. Fremdsprachen und Neue Medien.