Big Data Hits Real Life - Video. Uk.businessinsider. Andrew McAfee: What will future jobs look like? Testing Google's new Translate app in Times Square, 'the tourist capital of New York' – video. The internet is after your job – video. Tim Berners-Lee: A Magna Carta for the web. Big brother is watching you shop.
For the past 20 years, those who say that Big Brother is watching you have tended to focus their attention on bogey men such as the ubiquitous CCTV cameras, the National DNA Database and the US and Chinese governments snooping on emails.
More recently, though, it's become clear that governments aren't alone in their interest. Companies, particularly those with big online operations, are building up increasingly sophisticated pictures of their customers - and their model is more Brave New World than 1984. Of course, concerns about online privacy are nothing new. They started way back in the dial-up age with worries that partners might find grubby sites in your browsing history, and then grew as knowledge of cookies spread and employers started castigating staff when they posted on Facebook that their boss was an idiot.
How to get 3m YouTube followers. Kevin Allocca: Why videos go viral. Andrew Blum: What is the Internet, really? Using the Internet and Social Media to Search for a Job. Bandi Mbubi: Demand a fair trade cell phone. Online Footprint.