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GreenPiThumb: A Raspberry Pi Gardening Bot - mtlynch.io. Introduction This is the story of GreenPiThumb: a gardening bot that automatically waters houseplants, but also sometimes kills them.
The story begins about a year ago, when I was struck by a sudden desire to own a houseplant. A plant would look nice, supply me with much needed oxygen, and imply to guests that I’m a responsible grown-up, capable of caring for a living thing. Amazon. Plus de 50 idées pour votre Raspberry Pi. Nous sommes nombreux à nous être procuré un petit ordinateur Raspberry Pi pour nous lancer dans des projets de ouf malade...
C'est très cool, mais à part le classique Media Center XBMC, qu'avez-vous fait avec votre Raspberry Pi ? Si vous séchez niveau idées, voici une petite sélection que j'ai rassemblée au cours des derniers mois. J'imagine qu'il y a encore beaucoup d'autres idées et de tutos, donc n'hésitez pas à partager les liens dans les commentaires, je les rajouterai à ma liste. Merci ! En attendant, j'espère que ceux-ci vous donneront de l'inspiration... On peut donc en faire : Et si vous cherchez un moyen rapide et pas cher de faire un boitier de protection pour vos Raspberry Pi, pensez aux LEGO. Bon, je pourrai continuer comme ça toute la journée, mais va bien falloir que je m'arrête. Amusez-vous bien ! Rejoignez les 60492 korbenautes et réveillez le bidouilleur qui est en vous Suivez KorbenUn jour ça vous sauvera la vie..
View topic - [Tutorial] In-Car Raspberry with Wifi Access point - DWA-121. My car is a Renault Espace with integrated screens at the back of the headrests (infrared transmitter for the sound to headsets) with a DVD Player and an extra RCA audio/video input.
Since I was bored with kids battles choosing cartoons from old DVDs I decided to use a Raspberry Pi together with Raspbmc as a media center. Everything had to be powered from the cigar lighter receptacle... I took an old 2.5" hard-drive as the repository for cartoons. Because of power constraints, I bought a 2.1A dual USB car adapter: it provides enough power for the Raspberry Pi and for the hard-drive; one USB cable goes to the power input of the Raspberry and another "Y" USB cable is connected to the USB car adapter, to the Rabspberry Pi USB port and to the hard-drive. Y USB Cable like this one: I wanted to use my iPad as a remote control for XBMC so the idea was to have a wifi emitter in the Raspberry Pi, to connect the iPad to this Wifi network and to use the official remote control app. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Build your own DIY Roomba-style robot vacuum cleaner.
The CleanBOT: a DIY autonomous floor cleaning robot Do you want a DIY service robot able to clean the floor of your house?
The Instructables user MosfetN shows you what you need and how to build a cheap vacuum cleaner. In other words, you can build at home a robot with almost all features of a Roomba vacuum cleaner. The designer says that the CleanBOT is a robot vacuum cleaner featured to work in two different ways: vacuum or active mop. It can work autonomously or controlled remotely via an Android smartphone connected to a Bluetooth module. The engineer writes the tutorial and explains step-by-step what you need to follow in order to build the robot including parts & tools, motors together with some hardware and a frame, the system for vacuum cleaner, an active mop, few details about the battery, sensors and how to control the robot.
This project can be built easily and with minimum costs. The CleanBOT is based on a custom platform that can be modified to meet your individual needs. Gav's World : Raspberry Pi : Car Media Server. Raspberry Pi Car Media Server [gav-pi2] It was extremely simple to set up... eventually... once I'd battled with RaspBMC for a couple of nights (it's too constrained to do a particular job - although it does it very well) and switched to Raspbian...
The thick yellow (orange externally), red and black wires carry +12V, +12V (accessory) and GND from the car. The thin white and blue wires are handshaking signals between the Pi and the power supply for controlled shutdown. Plus de 50 idées pour votre Raspberry Pi. Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the UK by the Raspberry Pi Foundation with the intention of promoting the teaching of basic computer science in schools.[3][4][5] The original Raspberry Pi and Raspberry Pi 2 are manufactured in several board configurations through licensed manufacturing agreements with Newark element14 (Premier Farnell), RS Components and Egoman.
These companies sell the Raspberry Pi online.[6] Egoman produces a version for distribution solely in China and Taiwan, which can be distinguished from other Pis by their red colouring and lack of FCC/CE marks. The hardware is the same across all manufacturers.