Lapse Pi – Motorised Time-lapse Rail with Raspberry Pi
Here’s another article in the series of photography related DIY projects using the Raspberry Pi single board computer. This time it’s a Time Lapse rail. In this case, I think it’s OK to start with the results, so here’s a video of a few time-lapse sequence that I’ve put together over the last few weeks. Make sure you play it in full screen, and High Definition if possible! Backgroud Music by
Best 8 Raspberry PI projects with Open Source software - peppe8o
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Build your own DIY Roomba-style robot vacuum cleaner
The CleanBOT: a DIY autonomous floor cleaning robot Do you want a DIY service robot able to clean the floor of your house? The Instructables user MosfetN shows you what you need and how to build a cheap vacuum cleaner.
HDMI AD Board (PCB800099) - China Hdmi Board,Av Board
Product Description The driver board functions are as follows: 1. 1 channel vga signal input, 2-way av 1 road hdmi, 1-way reversing signal input 2. standard backlight 6pin interface external high pressure plate 3. driver board integrated lcd led backlight driver board road 4. only supports the screen supply to 3.3v lcd 5. standard key board interface, and support for dual-color led display
RPi Low-level peripherals
Back to the Hub. Hardware & Peripherals: Hardware and Hardware History. Low-level Peripherals and Expansion Boards. Screens, Cases and Other Peripherals.
Attiny85 and RPI
It is wellknown fact that you can use the Arduino as a frontend for the RPI. A simpler and cheaper solution is to use one of the tinys from Atmel, for example the Attiny85. An ATtiny 85 cost about 1-2 $, and no other components are neede. You can use many of the librarys allready developed for the ARduino. The Attiny has among other things 3 ADC pins you can use for analog inputs, like light sensors, temperature sensor, sound etc.
How to manage a big hotel with a little Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi with Raspbian Lite can be very versatile to install a number of useful services (see also my Raspberry Pi projects article). Some addictive features can be achieved by searching for open source software and testing it with this fantastic device. An interesting example is installing a complete open source hotel reservation and booking system with Raspberry Pi and Qloapps.
View topic - [Tutorial] In-Car Raspberry with Wifi Access point - DWA-121
My car is a Renault Espace with integrated screens at the back of the headrests (infrared transmitter for the sound to headsets) with a DVD Player and an extra RCA audio/video input. Since I was bored with kids battles choosing cartoons from old DVDs I decided to use a Raspberry Pi together with Raspbmc as a media center. Everything had to be powered from the cigar lighter receptacle... I took an old 2.5" hard-drive as the repository for cartoons. Because of power constraints, I bought a 2.1A dual USB car adapter: it provides enough power for the Raspberry Pi and for the hard-drive; one USB cable goes to the power input of the Raspberry and another "Y" USB cable is connected to the USB car adapter, to the Rabspberry Pi USB port and to the hard-drive.
How to Make a Raspberry Pi Media Panel (fka Digital Photo Frame)
The goal of this project was to create a low cost Raspberry Pi Media Panel--a nice looking screen that could stand in the living room or attach to the refrigerator with the primary purpose of streaming personal photo and video content full time, but also be able to do some other cool things when show the weather, play a movie, play music, or receive AirPlay content. Read this blog post if you want to learn more about what a media panel is and why you might want one. Success criteria were: -Low cost: a full blown computing device and screen for between $100 and $200 all in -Attractive: meaning my wife finds it aesthetically acceptable for the living room -Light: no more than a few pounds -Thin: no more than an inch thick, including frame -Quick: can be built in a few hours or less -Simple: requiring mainly assembly, versus construction or manufacturing Update: Several people have asked me about an integrated product/service like this that is off-the-shelf. We call it Fireside.
Raspberry Pi Kernel Compilation
The Raspberry Pi cannot run a vanilla Linux kernel. A patched version of the kernel is maintained by the Raspberry Pi Foundation and is available from their github Prerequisites To compile a kernel, you require dev-vcs/git to download the source code and genkernel to manage the build process. root # emerge --ask git genkernel Get the Kernel Source
Wireless Raspberry Pi print server
Wireless printing has made it possible to print to devices stored in cupboards, sheds and remote rooms. It has generally shaken up the whole process of printing and enabled output from smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop computers alike. But you don’t have to own a shiny new printer for this to work; old printers without native wireless support don’t have to end up in the bin, thanks to the Raspberry Pi. The setup is simple.