Culturally Responsive Pedagogy (CRP)
> Dtaddleaders
The Melanin Chronicles pt 1/2. African Centered Education – DNBE. By Jacob H.
Carruthers The African centered curriculum has emerged as the leading thrust in the movement to reform education in the United States. The western civilization cultural monopoly of modern education is undergoing revision and moving toward more balanced multicultural content in the wake of the momentum caused by the African centered education project and its predecessor, the Black Studies movement. The African centered education campaign is related to the chronic failure of the education system to provide equal educational results and opportunities for African Americans. But even if African American students were equally successful in terms of education achievements, the African centered curriculum would still be necessary. Indeed all students suffer from these negative images of Africa and its people.
Dr. Amos Wilson: The Developmental Psychology Of The Black Child. Teaching Diverse Learners. Communications of High Expectations. Family_meeting.pdf.
Families, Communities & Diversity
Publications & Resources / Family Involvement. Hide | ShowEvaluation Exchange Articles Q & A with Rebecca Parlakian: Learn Anytime With the Let's Play App How can you turn daily bedtime and mealtime routines into learning opportunities for young children?
How can commuting, shopping, and other everyday activities offer vibrant learning moments for children? Read about the Let’s Play app to learn how! Harvard Family Research Project (September 17, 2014) Research Report Racing to the Top: Maryland's Promising Practices in Family Engagement Maryland is embedding a new family engagement definition statewide as a foundation of policy and infrastructure.
Elementary Genocide » A Controversial Film About the School-to-Prison Pipeline. The twilight of neoliberalism: can popular struggles create new worlds from below?
If the ideologists of neoliberalism want to present it as the natural order of humanity, a more sober historical assessment points out that it has lasted about as long as Keynesianism did before it – a few decades.
In our new book We Make Our Own History: Marxism and Social Movements in the Twilight of Neoliberalism we condense four decades of research and activism into an argument about how ordinary people can understand the nature of the world we live in and find ways to push beyond the neoliberal orthodoxy of the last few decades. We start by asking how we can get beyond the theologies of university economists – impervious to the failures of their ideas and their costs in human lives – and the opinion politics of angry right-wingers on the Internet. Funeral urns of political activists executed by the Chilean military dictatorship (1973-1990), in the cemetery of Santiago. Horowitz/Wikimedia Commons. Some rights reserved.
Moorish Civiletter.
Understanding Culturally Responsive Learning
The Vanishing Evidence Of Classical African Civilizations Update. Groundbreaking New Book: MODERN FRAUD “A 2001 Update” Prof.
Manu Ampim. Caring Teachers. Literature over the last 30 years has increasingly documented the importance of supportive student-teacher relationships to improving student motivation, learning, and achievement (Davis, 2003).
Research suggests caring, or supportive, teachers create qualitatively different classroom environments that feel warm, encourage student to behave in social responsible ways, and emphasize learning over performing. Students who perceive their teachers as caring tend to engage more with the content, take intellectual risks, and persist in the face of failure. Children who had caring, supportive teachers early in their schooling tend to evidence more adaptive academic and behavioral outcomes up through junior high school.
Moreover, junior and senior high school students who perceive their teachers as caring are more likely to connect with classroom content and less likely to dropout of high school. Caring Guides Teacher Engagement Caring as a Professional Disposition. Culturally Responsive Teaching. Hollywood Assault on the Black Mind - Browder 1. Storytelling to celebrate cultural diversity. Folk tales from all cultures have universal themes and at the same time tell us about specific features that can illuminate and alter our perception of those other cultures, often through metaphor.
Insights into other culturesI know of no other medium which can give language learners such insight into another culture as the sharing of stories. Storytelling acts as a celebration of cultural diversity, provides students with support in their language learning and builds self-esteem.
Five Competencies for Culturally Competent Teaching and Learning. November 12, 2012 By: Cheryl Irish, EdD and Monica Scrubb, EdD in Teaching and Learning Today’s classrooms require that instructors possess competencies for teaching all students.
Robust instructional strategies and culturally sensitive curricula are critical, but more important is an instructor who is sensitive and responsive to the unique differences of each student. Recognizing the need to strengthen specific competencies to reach and teach all students requires an understanding of new ideas and a willingness to view instruction through varied cultural lenses. 1. 2.
Cassie-frey-mrp.pdf. Ashford University - Welcome. The Mental And Spiritual Aspects Of Melanin - Part 1: Kaba Hiawatha Kamene. The Mental And Spiritual Aspects Of Melanin - Part 3: Kaba Hiawatha Kamene. "12 YEARS A SLAVE" EXPOSED by Phil Valentine. Dr Ali Muhammad Blackness & The Consciousness Of God. .Slavery by Another Name.
African Moors: The Appearance of the Original Berbers According to European Perceptions – By – Dana Marniche. The Appearance of the Original Berbers According to European Perceptions All the early major Berber tribes including the Masmuda, Sanhaja, Ketama Zenata and Nafusa are described as dark reddish brown like the “Indi’ or as “blacks” or Ethiopians in early documents.
The notion of the early Berbers as being “whites” or Caucasoid is a new and racist one related to the concept of the African “Hamite”. Certainly the original Berber-speakers were never referred to as anything but “black” or something near it until the 12th century and were otherwise considered the color of Abyssinians and other so called “Indi”. Even the Kabyles a notoriously fair-skinned “Berber” people of North Africa are up until the 19th century described as “brown” “apart from a few clans”. (See quotes below). 2003 – “From 1500 to 1650 when trans-Atlantic slaving was still in its infancy more Europeans were taken to Barbary than black African slaves to the Americas. 1stt c.
The True Negro (2a): The Berbers (Moors)
Ancient Man and His First Civilizations The Berbers-Tuareg-Moors of North Africa (All of these terms are actually foreign designations, and offensive to the people)
Information on Specific Cultural Groups. African American & African Asian American, Asian, & Pacific Islander Native American Hispanic & Latino Americans African Americans Individuals of African origin comprise approximately 14% of the population in the United States.
The term African American refers to individuals who are residents of the U.S.A., usually raised here, who are of African ancestry, whereas the term Black is more general and can refer to anyone of African ancestry, including recent immigrants. History & Background. Phil Valentine - THE WOUNDED WOMB PT. 4. Barbary Pirates and White Slavery. History - British History in depth: British Slaves on the Barbary Coast. Developmental Black Psychology Amos Wilson. Dr Booker T. Coleman The Dogon in London. What they don't want you to know about the African Native Americans. African history The Lost Libraries of Timbuktu (full) .mp4.
Ghana Documentary. THE FIRST PEOPLES: Ancient Voices - New Evidence Shows That The First Americans Were BLACK!
Moorish Rulers - Black Kings / White Slaves pt 1. The IceMan Inheritance pt 1 John H Clarke and Michael Bradley. THE CAUCASIAN ALLUSION & COLOR CONFUSION OF THE RACE ILLUSION. THE CAUCASIAN ALLUSION & COLOR CONFUSION OF THE RACE ILLUSION. 16th Cent. Songhai Empire Scholar - AHMED BABA. THE GREAT EMPIRES OF WEST AFRICA/THE DOGON TRIBE. African history The Lost Libraries of Timbuktu (full) .mp4. AFRICAN GENESIS: JOURNEY OF THE SONGHAI PEOPLE. AFRICAN GENESIS: JOURNEY OF THE SONGHAI PEOPLE. The Kingdom of Songhai and African Societies. African history The Lost Libraries of Timbuktu (full) .mp4. When Black Ruled The World. Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome - Theory and Book. POST TRAUMATIC SLAVE SYNDROMEAs a result of twelve years of quantitative and qualitative research Dr.
Cost of Racism to White America. KLT Vol 2 Ep 15 Moreno Vega.
The Feminine Principle in Ancient Kemet (Egypt)
African Genesis by Dr. Edward Robinson, Jr. pt 2 of 2.
Dr. Robinson Pt. 1 of 2. Songhai Empire (ca. 1375-1591)
93-Year-Old African Historian Shares Wisdom - Part 1. Merira Kwesi Speaks on Ancient Kemetic Goddesses in Kemet (Egypt)
Angela Davis and Tim Wise. Dr. Kaba Hiawatha KameneBooker T. Coleman Multiple Intelligences & Youth in Modern Education Pt. 2. Dr. Kaba Hiawatha Kamene/Booker T. Coleman Multiple Intelligences & Youth in Modern Education Pt. 1. Dr. Kaba Hiawatha Kamene/Booker T. Coleman Multiple Intelligences & Youth in Modern Education Pt. 1. Kaba Kamene (Booker T. Coleman) Proactive Approach To Culture, Curriculum & Consciousness.
Booker T Coleman (Kaba Kamene) Approach to Teaching Cirricula and Consciousness.
Kaba Kamene (Booker T Coleman) on the History of the "N. Dr. Kaba (Booker T. Coleman)- Grooming The Melanin Mind. The Cress Theory of Racism: Surviving Racism in The 21st Century - Clip 1 - Dr. Frances Welsing. Cultural Theory: The Concept of Culture in Modernity. Cultural Theory: The Individual and Society in Modernity. Racial Conflict Theory. The Moors Before Columbus - Part 1: Dr. Booker T. Coleman. The Crusades - Part 3: African Contributions To Modern World History - Part 5 - Kaba Hiawatha Kamene. The Moors Before Columbus - Part 3: Dr. Booker T. Coleman. Black History Timeline for Kids. Black History Timeline for Kids. Falsification & Transformation: The African Mind. An Ancient Evolutionary Advantage?
Shared sequences within the brain lipid-metabolism pathway between Neanderthals and modern Europeans highlight questions about how these genetic similarities arose.
WIKIMEDIA, MATT CELESKY, DRMIKEBAXTERModern humans of European descent have a lot in common with their Neanderthal ancestors when it comes to genes related to fat breakdown in the brain. A team led by investigators from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shanghai has found that people of European descent have three times the number of Neanderthal-like sequences in such genes compared to other modern human populations examined. The results, published today (April 1) in Nature Communications, point to how studying ancestral sequences could help researchers better understand modern humans. “This paper presents a sort of second-phase research using what we know about where genes have come from,” said John Hawks, a paleoanthropologist at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, who was not involved in the study.
Hawks agreed. E.E.
The Murderous Minds Of europeans. Origin of so called Caucasian Race. The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church. Dr. Ivan Van Sertima. Ivan Van Sertima was born in Guyana, South America. He was educated at the School of Oriental and African Studies (London University) and the Rutgers Graduate School and holds degrees in African Studies and Anthropology. From 1957-1959 he served as a Press and Broadcasting Officer in the Guyana Information Services. During the decade of the 1960s he broadcast weekly from Britain to Africa and the Caribbean. He is a literary critic, a linguist, an anthropologist and has made a name in all three fields.
The Legacy of African Liberation. Dr. Ray Hagins The King Alfred Plan. Rev. Dr. Hagins: The Bible & Family Who Wrote It.
Dr Ray Hagins - The Oppressor's Bloodline. How Children’s Books Fuel Mascot Stereotypes. Culturally Relevant Teaching Examples - Bing Images. Culturally responsive pedagogy - Bing Images. Microsoft Word - Developing a Culturally Responsive School Division final report _2_.doc - culturally-responsive-school-division. Free Online Diary and Personal Journal.