School Library (mostly) Bloggers/Podcasters/Webinar Hosts to know
> Joycevalenza
> Leadership, Management and Evaluation of School Libraries (575)
*Knowledge Quest. Emerging Tech for Schools & Libraries with Michelle Luhtala. School Librarians Webinar Series (Nikki Robertson)
A Monthly Webinar Series from ESC Region 13 Join the ESC Region 13 REMIND Group The School Librarians Webinar Series offers school librarians the opportunity to connect and learn from school librarians around the country as they share their area of expertise.
Webinars are the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 4:00-5:00 CT.
Leading from the Library. Future Ready Librarians: Leading from the Library Podcast. SLJ Blog Network. Katie Day (The Librarian Edge)
Top 100 Young Adult Book Blogs, Websites & Influencers in 2021. 1.
Epic Reads Blog | YA Book Recommendations & Bookish Fun New York City, New York, United States About Blog Epic Reads, brought to you by HarperCollins Publishers, is the largest online community of fans of young adult books! We are a passionate, vibrant community of Book Nerds from around the world who love talking about, sharing and discovering new books. Join the community to find the hottest teen books, connect with your favorite YA authors and meet new friends who share your reading interests. Frequency 1 post / day Since Apr 2012 Blog Facebook fans 1.2M ⋅ Twitter followers 204.4K ⋅ Instagram Followers 670.8K ⋅ Social Engagement 181ⓘ ⋅ Domain Authority 57ⓘ ⋅ Alexa Rank 195.5Kⓘ View Latest Posts ⋅ Get Email Contact 2.
About Blog YABC is your first stop for all things book-related! 3.
The Story Spectator. Make your library the center of your school. The Library Voice (Shannon MIller)
The Primary Source Podcast (Tom Bober)
Librarian Influencer podcast (Laura Sheneman)
School Librarians United with Amy Hermon. American Indians in Children's Literature (AICL)
Don't Shush Me! – Adventures of a Future Ready High School Librarian (Kelsey Bogan)
Librarians Lead in the New Normal. School Librarian Leadership (Judi Moreillon)
Library Instagram Padlet. Kids Ask Authors podcast on Apple Podcasts. Discovering the Remarkable (Martha Bongiorno)
Reading Rants. Two Podcasts Created By and For School Librarians. If you had asked me about podcasts a year ago, I would have told you that I had tried listening to a few, but had never gotten hooked on one.
I simply preferred listening to audiobooks and music. However, that changed in early 2019, when, thanks to my PLN, I stumbled across two podcasts created by and for school librarians: School Librarians United with Amy Hermon and Checked In: A MASL Podcast with Ethan Evans. Now I regularly listen to both of them. These podcasts keep me connected to school librarianship in a way that’s convenient and engaging. I can listen whenever I want, and I always look forward to the next episode.
YA Books and More – Reviews of young adult books, educational technology, and library advocacy (Naomi Bates/Lyndsey Thomas)
The Joyful Teacher Librarian (Melissa Thom)
In 2015 I obtained my Library Media Specialist certificate through the ACES ARCLMS program and am currently working as a middle school teacher librarian at Bristow Middle School in West Hartford, Connecticut.
The decision to leave the classroom and enter this field was somewhat unplanned but has turned out to be the job I was always meant to do. Read Janet Lee Carey's blogpost about the Bristow Library to see some of the exciting things that happen in the Bristow Library Learning Commons and Makerspace!
Nurturing the compassionate maker, the reluctant reader, and embracing #librarylife. The Hub -(YALSA)
Today’s Quick Picks nominees are filled with thrills and chills.
Breaking by Danielle RollinsBloomsbury USA Children’sPublication Date: June 6, 2017ISBN: 9781619637405 Charlotte has never been a top student at her prestigious, expensive, academically rigorous boarding school. Her best friends Ariel and Devon, however, are true Weston Prep material – freakishly smart and incredibly talented at a multitude of things. Understandably, Charlotte is reeling after they both commit suicide within weeks of each other – they were pretty much her only real family. Then she discovers a clue… and realizes that Ariel has left her a trail of breadcrumbs right to the answer to all her questions.
The Audacious Librarian (KC Boyd)
A Kids Book A Day (Janet Dawson,)
Not a Rocking Chair Librarian (Zoe Midler)
Exploring the world of Latinx YA, MG, & children's literature. Hijabi Librarians – We've got it covered.
Librarian Influencers Podcast on Apple Podcasts (Laura Sheneman)
Reflections & Resources– Jennifer Casa-Todd. The Teaching Librarian (Nancy Jo Lambert)
Cardigan Papers-American history and news literacy meet in the school library, (Chris Young)
KidLit TV - Explore the world of children’s literature.
The Children’s Book Podcast - Avis. High Shelf Esteem. Library Tech Talk - Digital Tools for Librarians. Lucacept – intercepting the Web (Jenny Luca)
Expect the Miraculous. NeverEndingSearch @joycevalenza. Stony Evans: Library Media Tech Talk. 13 Must-Hear Librarian Podcasts. The world of libraries is a world we love.
Welcome to our new weekly feature all about libraries, librarians, and the people who love them, starting with a look at some must-listen librarian podcasts, sponsored by Revell Books. Former military psychiatrist Brooke Adams and Special Ops Sergeant Asher James thought they left the fight on the battlefield. But their greatest struggles are just beginning. Bestselling author Lynette Eason returns with a new series that spans the globe and will have your heart working overtime.
“Eason remains a force in action-packed inspirational fiction with this excellently paced, heartening tale.” You haven’t lived until you’ve listened to librarian podcasts. American Libraries’ Dewey Decibel Podcast If you listen to no other librarian podcasts, listen to this one! Book Club For Masochists They read the books you’ve been dreading! Circulating Ideas. Anchor - The easiest way to start a podcast. A community of readers.
ON LIBRARIES: Hilda K. Weisburg. I decided to take my own advice and make time for fun (yes, that’s a professinal resolution.
Read on to see that one) – and more time for me. My blog for this week is a repeat of the one I did for January 2, 2017.
Reviewing a children's book from 2018 every day. School Library Connection Blog. In today’s age of social media and instantaneous communication, the world seems smaller than ever before.
With so many people across so many diverse countries, cultures, and backgrounds in contact with one another—and often part of our school communities—it is important to acknowledge and promote a global perspective among young learners. This is particularly relevant for libraries, where diverse characters and stories can offer readers windows into the lives of characters very different from themselves. Below is a list of titles recommended by SLC reviewers that focus on characters from various backgrounds and walks of life, all experiencing problems, joys, fantasies, and ordeals that readers from anywhere in the world can recognize and relate to. Subscribers can always find reviews of other great titles like this at reVIEWS+
Elaine Fong. Top School Library Blogs. One look at the titles of blogs narrated by school librarians reveals the evolution of a profession within an institution that is at a pivotal point.
Charged with the vital duty of promoting digital literacy, today’s librarians are daring, unquiet, sassy and definitely e-literate. This list features the top school library blogs ordered by website popularity metrics and social media engagement including the number of websites that link to a blog and number of followers on Twitter. We commend these school librarians for taking the time to share their ideas, experiences, and advice with the school library community. If you would like to recommend a school library blog to add to this list, please contact us to help improve this resource. Our list of top school library blogs is based on website popularity and social media engagement as measured by the number of sites linking to the blog, Google Page Rank, Moz’s Page Authority, MozRank, and number of Twitter followers.
Librarians and Library Media Specialists. Adjusting Course Blog. Collaborating and Making in the Library Learning Commons. Informative Flights – Musings of a Teacher Librarian (Nadine Bailey)
Doug Johnson's Blue Skunk Blog. School Librarian Leadership: Building Connections for Learning & Advocacy (Judi Moreillon)
Eliterate Librarian. Top 100 Education Blogs for Educators and Teachers - Education Blog. Top 100 Education blogs The Best Education blogs from thousands of top Education blogs in our index using search and social metrics.
Data will be refreshed once a week. If your blog is selected in this list, you have the honour of displaying this Badge (Award) on your blog.
Teach100 (A Daily Ranking of Education Blogs)
Learning in Progress (Heidi Neltner)
Heart of the School (Caroline Roche)
Library Learners (Cari Young)
Our focus is on books middle school students might like to read and topics pertaining to books for these students, and we are giving recommendations. Teachers, librarians and middle school students are the. Venn Librarian (Laura Pearle)
Cathy Jo Nelson's Professional Thoughts. A Media Specialist's Guide to the Internet (Julie Greiler)
Jennifer LaGarde: The Adventures of Library Girl. ...sherry's... (Sherry Gick, formerly the Library Fanatic)
Jennifer Reed: Reederama. Carolyn Foote: Not So Distant Future. Tracey Wong: Ms. Wong's Wonders: Incorporating Information Literacy. Gwyneth Jones: The Daring Librarian. Adventures in Library Land:
Nikki Robertson: The Absolutely True Adventures of a School Librarian.
A Fuse #8 Production — @fuseeight A School Library Journal Blog. The Classroom Bookshelf – A School Library Journal Blog. Read Roger — The Horn Book. Teen Librarian Toolbox — @TLT16 Pprofessional development for teen librarians. The Digital Shift — On Libraries and New Media, powered by Library Journal and School Library Journal. 5 Tips for Makers on a Budget from a Teen Librarian By The Digital Shift on August 4, 2017 “Teen Librarian Toolbox” blogger and SLJTeen Live! Panelist Karen Jensen shares some ideas and resources for low-budget maker spaces. The Chatty Librarians: Podcasting | Field Reports By The Digital Shift on June 27, 2017 Library staff are the folks who love to talk about books. Library Ideas Launches Movie and TV “Hotspots” By Matt Enis on June 22, 2017 Library Ideas, developer of the Freading ebook and Freegal music solutions for libraries, is launching the GoChip Beam, a new type of device for lending movies and television series.
Marmot Launches Digital Archive By Matt Enis on June 19, 2017 Marmot Library Network has developed a Digital Archive and repository solution, enabling its member libraries to showcase digitized collections of images, postcards, books, magazines, videos, recorded oral histories, music, and academic research. More Latest Stories. Judi Moreillon: Building a Culture of Collaboration®
John Schu: Watch. Connect. Read.
Travis Junker: 100 Scope Notes — Children's Literature News and Reviews. Reflections & Resources– Jennifer Casa-Todd. Tamara Cox: Eliterate Librarian. Craig Seasholdes: Books 'n Bytes.
Mrs. ReaderPants. Lisa Nielsen: The Innovative Educator. Amanda Hovius: Designer Librarian: about instructional design and technology in libraries.
Laura Fleming: Worlds of Learning - The World is Your Platform. Diana Rendina: Renovated Learning. The Unpretentious Librarian. Teacher librarian in the 21st century.