Getting Better
> Nicka
Critical Thinking. Self Development. A Complete Guide To The Science Of Self-Talk – Better Humans. I was instantly taken by the science of self-talk and emotion, but one instance in particular blew me away.
During my first year at college, Yvonne was head of the Psychology Department, but she soon moved to Ghent University, and we lost contact for several months. When I eventually emailed her, she asked me if I wanted to chat via Skype. As much as I wanted to, I was terrified of Skype and declined. I had never done a video call before, but there was another reason I was fearful of it, one I was completely unaware of. How we speak, especially when talking to ourselves, is grounded in our history. Before she had gone to Ghent, we had spent many hours in her office talking about language and emotion. The email went something like this: Hi Brian, don’t be worrying about Skype.
After reading the email, I thought to myself: “That sounds so simple. As I stood up to put away my laptop, it hit me: “Holy shit! When I sat down to read the email again, I recognized what she had done.
Why are you not designing your day-to-day experience?
The Munger Operating System: A Life That Really Works. Why do the world’s smartest and busiest people find one hour a day for deliberate learning (the 5-hour rule), while others make excuses about how busy they are?
Principles of Stoicism can be found in the modern psychology treatment Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Clarifying the Nature of Anxiety and Depression.
25 CBT Techniques and Worksheets for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Home » Positive CBT » 25 CBT Techniques and Worksheets for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy You have definitely heard about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
You may not know it, or you may not immediately assign meaning to those three letters placed side by side, but there’s almost no doubt that you have at least a passing familiarity with CBT. If you’ve ever interacted with a therapist, a counselor, or a clinician in a professional setting, you have likely participated in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. If you’ve ever heard friends or loved ones talk about how a mental health professional helped them recognize their fears or sources of distress and aided them in altering their behavior to more effectively work towards their goals, you’ve heard about the impacts of CBT. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is one of the most used tools in the psychologist’s toolbox.
More Positive CBT Tools? Become a Science-Based Practitioner! What is CBT? Cognitive Distortions. Quiet Ego. Why Wait? The Science Behind Procrastination – Association for Psychological Science. Believe it or not, the Internet did not give rise to procrastination.
People have struggled with habitual hesitation going back to ancient civilizations. The Greek poet Hesiod, writing around 800 B.C., cautioned not to “put your work off till tomorrow and the day after.”
Amazon. Why We Procrastinate. This article is not meant to diagnose or provide medical advice—that responsibility lies with physicians.
How And Why To Keep A “Commonplace Book”
The other day I was reading a book and I came across a little anecdote.
It was about the great Athenian general Themistocles.
Understanding (and Refuting) the Arguments for God. Michael Shermer has made a career of skepticism — he is the founder of Skeptic, for one — but in his 2000 book, How We Believe: The Search for God in an Age of Science, he does not come across as the hardcore atheist you might expect.
(He prefers "nontheist.
") One can appreciate his honesty and integrity. In a media that both champions and lambasts the so-called "New Atheist" movement, Shermer says one thing: Show me the evidence. Certain fundamentalists and atheists alike see the question of God as an either-or proposal, not content on the murky speculations presented by the other "side.
" As Shermer points out, what we consider "miraculous" simply means what we do not currently understand.
Four Simple Positive Psychology Interventions That Could Change Your Life. Positive Psychology (PP) is generally considered to be a subfield of psychology.
Refreshingly, PP focuses on what is positive about human beings, instead of what our deficits are. The PP movement is global and at the moment flourishing, with an abundance of newly researched positive psychology interventions (PPIs) and master degree courses popping up across the globe (the last count being 12 different programs). Every year I delight to watch PP’s continued growth.
We can see how its theories, research and practices are filtering into all areas of our society, policy and culture.
16 Audio Books That Will Improve The Way You Live, Work And Love. If there's an area in your life that could do with some improvement, a good audio book might be able to steer you in the right direction.
Best of all, they can be readily absorbed while driving or multitasking, which makes them perfect for people with busy schedules (i.e. - nearly all of us.) We asked Amazon's digital audiobook arm Audible to share some of its best-selling self-improvement titles. Here are their picks. Audio book picture from Shutterstock The following audio books cover a wide gamut of topics, from mastering creative thinking to maneuvering the corporate ladder as a woman.
Essential Life Therapy for Anxiety Disorders: Treating Anxiety with CBT and Other Therapy Options.