First Aid
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How to Make Black Drawing Salve Recipe. This Is the Most Healing Tincture in the World – Recipe - Healthy and Natural Life. How big the healing power of comfrey is, is best shown in one folk saying.
Two healthy fingers would grow in each other, if they were tied with the straps of comfrey roots. Comfrey.
How to Make & Use Castor Oil Packs. Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide: What Is It, Top Uses, Benefits, & More. You’re probably familiar with hydrogen peroxide and know it can be used to whiten teeth, sterilize a cut, or as a mouthwash.
However, do you know about food grade hydrogen peroxide? Watch my video or read the transcription below to learn about the basics, benefits, and uses of food grade hydrogen peroxide. What Is Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide? Length: 7 minutes What Is Hydrogen Peroxide? Hydrogen peroxide is a naturally acidic compound that has two hydrogens and two oxygens. Most people are familiar with three-percent hydrogen peroxide — the concentration typically found at the drugstore — and use it to clean wounds. 3% vs. 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Three-percent hydrogen peroxide is the variety you've seen at your grocery store, and I don't recommend taking it internally.
How to Make Your Own Pine Salve.
If you’re looking for a cure all, this is it.
Pine salve can be used for just about anything.
Four Thieves Vinegar Recipe and Uses - DIY Home Health. Does the thought of vinegar make you sour?
Growing up, my mother would put apple cider vinegar on cooked spinach. Whenever I got a whiff, I would be instantly angered that someone would willingly subject me (and others) to the foulest smell in the universe. Dinner ruined. I carried that hatred with me through college, avoiding all things vinegar. Until I met someone who drank Bragg’s apple cider vinegar with the mother to help a hoard of health issues she had.
Activated Charcoal: Why No Mama Should Ever Be Without It. How to Make the Best Natural Bug Spray Recipe with Kombucha Vinegar. Every spring, we’re happy to see the sunshine return, for the days to lengthen, and the warmth to tempt us outdoors.
But the first few months of the season can be tough to enjoy, when the bugs are out in full swing, bringing annoyance and discomfort.
Making and Using Genuine Colloidal Silver - The Health Wyze Report. Print Details Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher Category: Reports Reports Published: August 15, 2013 August 15, 2013 Two thousand, three hundred years ago, Alexander The Great was surveying his battlefield and drinking water from silver urns.
The new history of silver is a falsified history.
How to Make Your Own Colloidal Silver at Home. Colloidal silver you can buy.
Natural Remedies for Food Poisoning. Make a Natural First Aid Kit: Meet Healing Head-On with Herbs. When I was in seventh grade, I made a first-aid kit for a science project.
It wasn’t very big, and it was rather basic, consisting mainly of adhesive bandages, first-aid cream, gauze, sticky white tape, scissors and iodine. Over the years, my idea of first aid has changed considerably. Some of the basic items still have a place in my kit today, but many of my remedies have changed with experience and with my continuing herbal education.
How to Use Activated Charcoal for Beauty, Health & Home.
10 Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar (Infographic)
Mindbodygreen 10 Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar (Infographic) By mindbodygreen Share on: MBG Wellness Expert, Jess Ainscough, got us hooked apple cider vinegar last year.
Now check out this awesome and super-simple infographic on its benefits from Natural News. What do you think?
Natural Band Aid. This all natural version of the Band-Aid comes in a variety of sizes and widths – and it’s edible!
(Prior to using of course.) Your first step is to obtain a kombucha SCOBY (Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria and Yeast).
Overcoming fiber dependence. Dietary fiber is literally a delayed-fuse mine inside your gut. This guide explains how to overcome unhealthy dependence on fiber without resorting to laxatives. It is essential for anyone who wants to reduce fiber consumption, and is especially useful for people who wish to lose weight or reverse diabetes. Dietary fiber expands and transforms colorectal organs, and, eventually, causes a physical dependence similar to drug addiction. This unfortunate outcome is familiar to anyone who has failed a low-carb diet because of severe constipation.
The following colorectal and genitourinary disorders and conditions are commonly related to consumption of fiber with food or as laxatives: Practically all these conditions share several common characteristics — difficulties in moving the bowels, irregularity, and large or hard stools. The first task is easy to do, but the second — normalizing stools — is an enigma. Form Follows Dysfunction*Summing Up the Damages. (1) How to Detect a Fracture without an X-Ray. 7 Reason to Keep a Health Journal. Our healing basket - Sew Liberated. Infected Finger: When It's Dangerous. This is a paronychia—an infection that stays around the fingernail. It’s not as dangerous as a felon (another type of finger infection), but it still needs proper treatment so it doesn’t get worse. by James Hubbard, M.D., M.P.H.
If you’ve ever had a hangnail that got a little infected, you discovered you have a lot of nerve endings in your fingers. And you found out you use your hands for just about everything. Hands you’ll especially need during disasters. Fortunately, most infected hangnails heal well as long as you keep the area dry and clean. The infection can run up the finger, into your hand’s tendons, and you have a dangerous mess on your hands—literally.
The Best Supplements for Concussion Recovery. How To Hack Your Own Poop. How to Remove a Splinter with Baking Soda: 10 Steps. Insecure Connection. Poison Ivy (& Oak): Home Remedies For Relief : Herbal Roots zine.