Planetary Bodies
The Interpretation of Pallas in Astrology. ARACHNE THE SPIDER. ARACHNE THE SPIDERAstrological symbolThere is no accepted symbol for Arachne.
We use here the sign used by James Vogh. It is a circle enclosing a cross, the symbol used by astrologers to denote the earth. This is appropriate since the Earth would appear to be the ruling planet of Arachne. CharacteristicsAnyone born between 13 May and 9 June would be an Arachnean and have higher than average chance of having some physic abilities. Others who may also have psychic abilities would be those with other planets in the sign of Arachne, in particular Moon in Arachne and Arachne rising.
Asteroid Arachne. I planned to write about Pallas-Athena today but something about Arachne kept calling me back to her.
I have a spider living nearby that looks distinctly like a false widow. She made a web on my balcony last week. This week she’s moved to the window of the stair well downstairs. I didn’t realise her breed until I started to see the news about a man who nearly lost his leg from a bite and various over-stretched media about this ‘dangerous‘ spider ‘invading‘ the UK. I thought she looked a little different to the usual balcony spider with her fat body and grey-white marks.
In truth I have an odd relationship with spiders.
Page-writings-details.php?wr=43. Owning Our Inner Pluto before . . .
It Eats Us for Lunch Posted on Sep 01 2014 KALI the DEVOURER. Pluto. Neptune is known as the planet of Illusions.pdf. Esoteric Astrology - The Planets - Chiron. Chiron in Esoteric Astrology (Artwork by Kagaya) Please note the writings have been taken from ~Chiron - The Healing Journey~ by Melanie Reinhart and are used with her kind permission.
For more detailed information I recommend you to read this excellent book.
Esoteric Astrology - The Planets - Neptune. Neptune in Esoteric Astrology (Artwork by Kagaya) Esoteric Ruler of Cancer.
Esoteric Astrology - The Planets - Neptune. Esoteric Astrology - The Planets - Pluto. Esoteric Astrology - The Planets - Venus through the Signs. Venus through the Signs (Artwork by Kagaya) Planet of the Fifth Ray Venus in Aries.
Untitled Document. The Message of the Stars, by Max Heindel. The Message of the Stars, by Max Heindel. By Max Heindel and Augusta Foss Heindel Click here to go back to previous HTML page.
There is no doubt that this person has resorted to mouth breathing, which has aggravated the throat trouble, but by consistent continuance of the treatment here outlined she will soon experience less difficulty in breathing and it will then be an easy matter to learn to breathe through the proper channels, the nostrils. A healer having Leo on the Ascendant and whose Saturn is not in Virgo would probably be the best one to help this patient. Good Aspects: Saturn sextile Jupiter, trine Mars and Uranus. Bad Aspects: Jupiter opposition Mars and Uranus; Moon opposition Venus; Sun and Mercury square Uranus, Mars and Jupiter.
The Message of the Stars, by Max Heindel. Dejanira(Victim Asteroid) In The Chart. How do I make sense of the Dejanira Asteroid in my chart?
This is a reader’s question and a great one..
Chiron : Chiron, discovered only in 1977, is certainly unusual.
He doesn’t quite fit any of the rules. Astronomers generally agree he is a comet, trapped alone in our solar system. Some say Chiron may break free of the solar system entirely some day, just as they think he’s perhaps just recently arrived. His orbit is extremely elliptical–more so than any other body in our solar system. Because of this extraordinarily eliptical path, there are no “standard ages” for the major Chiron transits in our lives.
Pluto : Powers of the Mind: The Pluto-Mercury Interface. Copyright 2005.
All Rights Reserved Scientists have identified that our minds are literally not one, that is, we are of multiple minds.
Pluto-Moon From a Spiritual Perspective. See Also: The Spiritual Dimension of Pluto Aspects x wrote: In one of your previous posts, you mentioned the " juiciness" of Pluto/Moon aspects.
Other than the usual intense emotional experiences of early childhood with the Mother influencing the psyche, any other insights into this? At the time I basically meant that a Moon-Pluto aspect is a very difficult aspect, which is also therefore very transformative. But since you ask, I have another take on Moon-Pluto.
Pluto Aspects, The Spiritual Dimension of. The bad guy is on the run, and the good guys are on his heels. The villain runs into a crowded room and grabs the first innocent victim that he can find, and holds the damsel close to himself, shouting, "don't shoot or the girl gets it!
" The villain escapes out the back door, hoping to make it off with its hostage and survive. This is what happens when Pluto aspects a planet in a birth chart.
Getting Serious About Ceres. Ceres Fresco by Cosimo Tura, 1469-70. Astrologers got a little huffy when Pluto was demoted to “dwarf planet,” but otherwise, it’s been business as usual. The technical reclassification hasn’t changed the way we view Pluto. Not so with Ceres and Eris.
Articles. Astrology: Plutonion people. Articles. added new features?
Posted September 23, 2005 05:03 AM The myth of Chiron and Pholus In the myth Chiron und Pholus are closely related: they are considered as the only reasonable and wise Centaurs, and they are said to be philanthropic.
Both are friends of Hercules´, and both inadvertently die by his poisonous arrows, while he gets entangled in a conflict with the other Centaurs.
Pallas, the Goddess of Creative Intelligence. NeptuneCafe presents. What is Pholus in astrology?
Black Moon Lilith - Mean Bitch or True Witch?
Mean or True – which do you use? This is one of those discussions between astrologers where everyone has an preference and opinion. Perhaps I should amend the word ‘everyone’ considering not every astrologer uses Black Moon Lilith. She is a contentious issue in some circles but despite some misgivings, she isn’t going away.
Synodic Astrology of Pluto, Ixion & Quaoar. A Historical Timeline & Astrological Exploration 1982 - 2020 Nick Anthony Fiorenza Copyright © 2007 Nick Anthony Fiorenza, All Rights Reserved Introduction. The Mountain Astrologer. « TMA This Week article list. The Astronomy and Astrology of Ixion - The Tyrant. Nick Anthony Fiorenza. Chiron and Friends (Centaurs, Asteroids, Exoplanets)
Chiron taught many things to his pupils, and one of these was astrology. Kepler College is open.
January 11th’s Venus/Sun Conjunction. « TMA This Week article list. Planetary Dominants of 46,812 Celebrites - Method. Methods used to assess planets' strength were devised by noted astrologers ranging from Alexandre Volguine, Jacques Berthon, Christophe de Cène, Gilles Verneret, to Catherine Aubier, Yves Lenoble, etc.
Almost all astrologers started to develop their own system when they got involved in programming. All these methods are historically interesting as, most often, they have led to improvements in the determination of dominants and offered remarkable results. Our purpose here is not to dismantle them, but only to briefly explain in which ways our efforts may have taken the process a great leap further, by applying our mathematical weighting to each criterion, and not mere numerical valuations. After a whole year of devising and testing, we have put into practice our own method in our Dominants and Celebrities pages.
We based our approach on two major points: pragmatism and analysis in its most elaborate form.
Neptune's Return, Part 2, Boots Hart, CAP - October 2009. By Boots Hart, CAP In the first part of our Neptunian exploration we discussed how Neptune works, doesn't work…or might work as we want it to… were that concept not so very Neptunian.
Neptune's Return, Part I, Boots Hart, CAP September 2009. Asteroids: Chiron, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta. Ixion: Our Conflict of Self – The Astrology of Ixion, Neptune, and Pluto – Boots Hart for Daykeeper Journal Daykeeper Journal - Astrology, Consciousness and Transformation Daykeeper Journal. ERIS - THE CHALLENGE TO TRANSFORM OUR LIVES : Lynn Koiner - Astrological Research. A Description of the Astrology of Eris. Vesta Astrology.
Small World Stories. Holistic Astrology: Chiron - Asteroid Pallas. ASTROLOGY. The Light of Love – Venus Retrograde, 28 Capricorn – 13 Capricorn. Minor Planet Eris. Craziness with love and money: Venus Retro Dec 21-Jan 31. Asteroid Pallas. Asteroid Pallas. Black Moon Lilith - Mean Bitch or True Witch?
Chiromancy. Planetary Grid System. Points in signs. 2204229 Venus by Sign House Aspect. Asteroids. Asteroids: Chiron, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta. What Does Lilith Mean in Astrology?
Chiron Lesson 21.5 , Astrology Lessons by Bob Marks. Chiron in the Houses.