Energies fossiles
23 août 2021 A new scorecard ranked companies on environmental racism. Guess who came in last?
ExxonMobil isn’t exactly known for being an environmental justice champion.
But according to a scorecard published last week, the oil major is dead last among the S&P 500 companies when it comes to racial equity and environmental racism.
TCE (Traité sur la Charte de l'Energie) - Copie
Guyane : EDF peut-il « compenser » les impacts environnementaux du projet de centrale thermique ?
Un projet de centrale thermique, convertible au gaz, porté par le groupe EDF dans la commune de Matoury en Guyane, fait débat dans le territoire français d’Amérique du Sud, où il sera situé dans une zone soumise aux inondations.
AFGHANISTAN : Pour comprendre la GUERRE, suivez les PIPELINES !
Arctique : les énergies fossiles responsables du noircissement de la glace. Une récente étude publiée dans la revue scientifique Science Advances conclut que ce sont les énergies fossiles, centrales à charbon et usines, qui noircissent la glace.
Publicité trompeuse des lobbies gaziers et pétroliers suisses. Actualité - 23 novembre, 2015.
What can cure fossil fuel dependency and treat bipolar disorder?
Lithium is not just the anthem of millions of angst-ridden teens circa 1992 — it’s also a pretty wild mineral!
Oregon tells rail companies to keep oil deliveries secret. Oregon transportation officials are doing everything in their power to keep the state’s residents in the dark about the movement of crude-filled, explosion-prone rail cars.
The Oregonian won a two-month battle in March when the state Department of Justice ruled that the state Department of Transportation was of course legally required to provide information it receives about the oil shipments to the daily newspaper. Failing to do so “could infringe on the public’s ability to assess the local and statewide risks,” a Justice Department attorney advised. “Risks shmisks,” the Transportation Department replied. It heavily redacted reports it had received from the rail companies before releasing them to the journalists — and then kicked the intrasigence up a notch. The department told rail companies to stop submitting reports because such reports would become public.
Grainspotting: Farmers get desperate as coal and oil take over the rails.
The U.S. agriculture and energy sectors might be facing a Jets and Sharks situation: Our railroad system just ain’t big enough for the two of them!
Unfortunately, this scenario is unlikely to involve a highly choreographed mambo dance-off, not that we wouldn’t love to see Rex Tillerson’s moves.
Rebel smell: In the Deep South, dirty energy and disenfranchisement go hand in hand. The southeastern U.S. is pre-1990s South Africa, and the brand of apartheid practiced here is of the energy variety.
2013 in review: the year fracking shook the world. The pumping of water, sand and chemicals underground at pressure to crack rocks and release gas dominated headlines in 2013.
Fracking for shale gas, even if the process has not actually been producing much energy beyond its homeland in the US, has barely been out of the public consciousness. In the UK, drilling for oil by fracking explorers Cuadrilla in Sussex roused one of the biggest environmental protests in years, as thousands marched outside the village of Balcombe and Green party MP Caroline Lucas was arrested. A similar series of protests was mirrored in Manchester, later in the year.
Public figures and industry bodies lined up to say the technology should go ahead in the UK, from David Cameron down to geologists, water companies and some environmentalists, and the government laid out sweeteners of £100,000 for communities who live near any shale gas wells that are fracked.
Why the Peak Oilers are still right.
The piece is excerpted from the new book Snake Oil: How Fracking’s False Promise of Plenty Imperils Our Future.
For the past decade I’ve been a participant in a high-stakes energy policy debate — writing books, giving lectures, and appearing on radio and television to point out how downright dumb it is for America to continue relying on fossil fuels. Oil, coal, and natural gas are finite and depleting, and burning them changes Earth’s climate and compromises our future.
Oil Spills: U.S. well sites in 2012 discharged more than Valdez. Advertisement. Danger pour la société si plus de 20% des énergies fossiles sont brûlées. BP, Shell, Statoil accused of fixing oil prices. The good folks at BP, Shell, and Statoil would never break the law and screw over their customers in a quest for inflated profits, surely. Yet that is the very accusation coming out of Europe, where the industry giants are suspected of colluding to fix prices for crude, biofuel, and refined oil products at artificially high levels, allowing them to reap greater profits than the laws of supply and demand would dictate in a truly competitive economy.
Offices of the companies were raided last week by European Commission officials, and the Justice Department is being urged to investigate whether the alleged price fixing spilled over onto American shores. From The Hill: The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Chairman aired his concerns about the recent probe by EU officials into potential oil price manipulation in a Friday letter to Attorney General Eric Holder.
Cyberaction Audition de l'OPECST sur les Hydrocarbures non conventionnels : Petits débats entre amis..
Cette cyberaction est maintenant terminée Mise en ligne du 15/04/2013 au 28/03/2014 Nos députés et sénateurs, emboîtant le pas à MM. Bataille et Lenoir, s’interrogent depuis novembre 2012 sur les alternatives à la Fracturation hydraulique, cherchant un moyen de contourner la loi et de délivrer, au mépris du risque climatique, sanitaire, social et environnemental, les Hydrocarbures non conventionnels que la nature a pris soin de piéger dans la roche. Jeudi 18 avril prochain, dans le cadre de l’Office parlementaire d’évaluation des choix scientifiques et technologiques, ils auditionneront1 des « spécialistes » du sujet.
Un débat univoque qui ne prendra en compte que les aspects de « technique technicienne ».
Do You Know Where Your Oil Comes From?
If you drive a car that runs on gas or diesel, you’ve probably thought about where the crude oil that made your fuel came from, especially when you’re standing at the fueling station watching the numbers whirl by and cringing at the thought of your next credit card bill. According to the news and speeches made by politicians, the Middle East is the major source of US oil imports, right? That’s why energy independence is so important, and why the Middle East is such a critical asset, because instability in the region could threaten oil prices and cause shortages. However, our primary source of oil imports is actually found closer to home. A lot closer, it turns out; Canada and Mexico both have very large oil reserves and they sell frequently to the US. Other sources include Africa and South America.
Global Bioenergies concocte un hydrocarbure sans pétrole.
Méthane. Gaz. Charbon. Lutte anti fossile. Europétrole, le portail de l'industrie du pétrole, du gaz et de l'énergie. L'actualité du pétrole Les news d’Europétrole couvrent toutes les régions du monde et toute la chaîne des hydrocarbures, liquides et gaz, depuis la prospection jusqu’à la distribution. Les articles diffusés émanent de plus de 500 sources et sont collectés directement auprès des entreprises du secteur. Ils sont donc fiables et vierges de toute interprétation journalistique. Tous les articles depuis 2004 sont archivés et donc disponibles dans la base de donnée en utilisant les outils de recherche ci-contre.
Il y a actuellement 8891 billets d'actualité sur le site Europétrole. Total lance le developpement de Kaombo, un projet offshore ultra profond en Angola paru le 14/04/2014 Total et ses partenaires ont pris la décision finale d’investissement du projet Kaombo dans l’offshore ultra profond en Angola. >> Lire la suite >> Toute l'actualité française. IEA - World Energy Outlook. Conférence ASPO 2012 (2ème partie): perspectives énergétiques. Dans cette seconde partie, je vais entrer dans le détail des perspectives, à la fois pour le "non conventionnel", les gaz de schiste, les scénarios renouvelables et la géopolitique.
Gaz et huiles de schistes. 5 Things That Actually Determine the Price of Gasoline - Part 5. Written by Brian Merchant The price of gasoline is one of the most important variables in daily American life. The vast majority of Americans own cars—there are some 240 million of them on the road—and rely on them to commute to work and for general transportation. Whenever gas prices get too high, it can cause an economic shock for hundreds of millions of people. So whenever those prices show signs of heading towards the $4 a gallon mark, a mild panic ensues. Typically, it arises from the genuine concern of ordinary citizens, and then is promptly fanned into something resembling hysteria by opportunistic politicians and pundits.
Fuites, explosions...
Accueil. Manicore English version.