Lutte anti fossile
8 sept. 2021 For a livable future, 60% of oil and gas must stay in the ground. To achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement, countries will likely need to set hard limits on the extraction of fossil fuels in addition to supporting the deployment of clean energy.
That’s one of the key takeaways of a new study published in the journal Nature on Wednesday by energy and climate modelers from University College London. The researchers set out to estimate how much of the world’s fossil fuel reserves must remain in the ground in order to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) above preindustrial temperatures — the target named in the Paris Agreement that would prevent the most catastrophic impacts of climate change. They found that in order to have a 50 percent chance of achieving this target, 58 percent of known oil reserves, 59 percent of natural gas reserves, and 89 percent of coal reserves cannot be extracted. This means that global oil and gas production must decline 3 percent on average every year until 2050.
18 août 2021 Physicians join the fight to stop Enbridge's Line 3 pipeline.
Medical professionals around the country rallied on Tuesday against the expansion of Enbridge’s Line 3 crude oil pipeline, calling it a threat to human and planetary health.
“The health of Minnesotans is at risk,” said Teddie Potter, director of planetary health at the University of Minnesota School of Nursing, addressing a crowd in St. Paul, Minnesota.
15 juin 2021 Norwegian 'People vs. Arctic Oil' Case Heads to European Human Rights Court. After repeated rulings from Norwegian courts that the nation's oil policy does not violate its constitution, six young climate activists and two environmental groups on Tuesday announced an application for a related case to the European Court of Human Rights.
"Our application to the European Court of Human Rights is for me the manifestation of action and hope in the face of this crisis.
"—Mia Cathryn Chamberlain, plaintiff The activists—ages 20 to 27—along with Young Friends of the Earth Norway and Greenpeace Nordic are now arguing that Norwegian Arctic oil drilling violates Articles 2 and 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights (pdf), which outline the right to life and right to respect for private and family life, respectively.
Traité sur la Charte de l'Energie (TCE)
Total attaqué pour inaction climatique : une première en France.
These 100 Companies Cause 71% Of Emissions. Demand Immediate Changes Before It's Too Late!
Undefined Afghanistan Aland Islands Albania Algeria American Samoa.
Take Action ! Sign now : Make Big Polluters pay to fix the climate catastrophe they’ve caused.
For decades, Big Polluters like Exxon, Shell, and others have spent billions of dollars simultaneously fueling and denying the climate crisis, delaying action, and pushing false “solutions” at every level -- all while raking in billions in profits each year.
And despite what their greenwashing advertising says, they’re still doing it, as are other major polluting industries like agribusiness. People around the globe are fighting to protect their homelands from the rising seas, their loved ones from extreme weather events, and their lives and livelihoods from floods, drought, pipelines, brutal fossil fuel extraction, deforestation, destruction of natural ecosystems, land grabs, and other violations of their rights.
Nous sommes les territoires qui se défendent ! – Notre affaire à tous. Ce 23 octobre 2018, 13 collectivités ont décidé d’interpeller TOTAL, entreprise française la plus grosse émettrice de gaz à effet de serre, quant aux conséquences désastreuses de son activité sur le climat et l’environnement.
United Beyond Gas – United Beyond Gas : French. Climate Camp in the Rhineland 2017. Fondation pour la Nature et l’Homme. Nuns built a chapel smack dab in the route of a proposed pipeline.
Geler l'extraction fossile en mer, c'est maintenant. Sauvons le récif de l’Amazone. Treaty and additional information. May 2016: Break Free from Fossil Fuels. Friends of the Earth: The Biggest Jobs on Earth. Check out these photos of bad-ass climate activists around the world. Over the weekend, tens of thousands of activists in 13 countries on six continents protested against climate change and the burning of fossil fuels.
Part of the Break Free campaign, activists from the coal fields of Germany to the oil wells of Nigeria to the rail lines of Washington state showed up with the same message: keep fossil fuels in the ground and transition to renewable energy. In Anacortes, Wash., 52 climate activists were arrested after blocking train tracks servicing refineries owned by Shell and Tesoro, two of the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions in the state. The three-day protest in Anacortes also included community workshops, kayaktivists, and a three-mile march along Fidalgo Bay, right in front of the oil refineries.
Break Free Germany – Ende Gelände : Jusqu’ici, pas plus loin. Disobedience FR. May 2016: Break Free from Fossil Fuels – Visuals + Graphics.
Mai 2016 : Libérons nous des fossiles. 4-15 mai 2016 : une vague mondiale d’actions de masse ciblera les projets fossiles les plus dangereux de la planète afin d’arrêter l’extraction du charbon, du pétrole et du gaz et d’accélérer une transition juste vers une énergie 100 % renouvelable.
Partout sur la planète, des prennent leur courage à deux mains pour s’opposer aux pollueurs là où ils règnent en maître, des coulisses du pouvoir politique jusque dans les mines de charbon et sites de forage pétrolier ou gazier .
Climate activists gear up to protest new oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. Environmental Action Tell the Department of Justice to prosecute Exxon. Update: The FBI has opened an investigation into Exxon's climate crimes, but the Department of Justice is keeping it's distance.
Sharon Eubanks, a former DOJ attorney who won a similar case against the tobacco industry in 2006, said "It would have been much more powerful had the Justice Department said it was asking for an investigation.
" Sign and share to ask Attorney General Loretta Lynch to take over and bring Exxon to Justice.
No new offshore oil drilling. Right now, President Obama is deciding whether or not to open new coastal areas to offshore drilling.
It’s one of the last major environmental and climate decisions he’ll make as president. The president's Department of the Interior released a draft plan early last year to open up new areas of the Atlantic coast, Arctic and Gulf of Mexico to new offshore drilling.1 The agency is finalizing the plan now, and recent reports suggest President Obama is moving forward with plans for new offshore drilling.2 For the sake of our oceans, and the urgent need to transition from dirty fossil fuels, it would be a huge mistake for President Obama to allow new offshore drilling on federal waters.
Tell President Obama: Don't open our oceans to new offshore drilling.
Tell Congress: Zero carbon emissions by 2050. Sign the petition After the Paris talks on climate change, let's seize the momentum and build a strong national consensus on the future of energy, and begin a just transition to a renewable energy economy. A great first step is the Congressional Progressive Caucus' climate resolution, which calls for zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and lays out ideas to get there.
Environmental Action Tell Your AG To Prosecute Exxon Now. It's understandable that Big Oil companies like Exxon and Shell want to discover, extract and burn all the fossil fuels, that's how they make money and satisfy their investors in order to collect billions of dollars every year.
But leading scientists have told us that we must leave 80 percent of them in the ground to avert the worst effects of climate catastrophe. What's not understandable, or at least not forgivable, is that after knowing about the dangers of climate change for nearly 40 years, they funded a climate denying scheme designed to mislead the public and influence lawmakers to not act on climate.
Corporate Accountability International. Big news broke last year: Exxon knew about climate change in the 1970s. And surprise, surprise, it’s been promoting climate denial and subverting climate policy in the decades since.
Exxon didn’t come clean about what it found, and has spent tens of millions of dollars over the past forty years, along with the rest of the world’s biggest polluters, trying to convince us all that climate change isn’t real. When that didn’t work, it said climate change isn’t that bad, and when that failed, it said, “Oh hey, it’s not our fault.”
Climate activists and pipeline protesters turn to civil disobedience in the Northeast. Nine climate activists are facing charges in New York state for an act of civil disobedience. One day in November, they blocked the entrance to a parking lot in Montrose, N.Y., where work is being done on a major natural gas pipeline expansion, the Algonquin Incremental Market (AIM) Project.
Stop the Tesoro-Savage oil-by-rail export terminal.
This week, Congress give Big Oil a huge holiday gift: lifting the four-decades-old ban on crude oil exports.1 With the ink still drying on the landmark Paris climate agreement, this is a significant setback that could promote U.S. drilling and increase carbon emissions. That makes it more important than ever to stop the next step in Big Oil’s plans: building huge terminals to export more crude overseas, like the massive Tesoro-Savage oil train terminal proposed in Vancouver, Washington. Tesoro-Savage would be the largest oil-by-rail facility in North America,2 shipping up to 360,000 barrels per day of crude to be burned across the world — making the project nearly half the size of the Keystone XL pipeline.
Mai 2016 : Libérons nous des fossiles. Peut-on vraiment sortir des énergies fossiles ?
Fossil fuel companies aren’t just bad for the climate — they’re bad investments. Activists often use moral language when advocating for divestment from fossil fuel companies: It is wrong to participate in the destruction of our planet, say college students and the parishioners of liberal churches. We should express our disapproval by divesting, they argue, and help to build momentum for carbon regulation and cleaner energy sources. But what if fossil fuels are just bad investments? What if oil, gas, and coal companies have sunk billions of dollars into buying up the rights to carbon fuels that they will never actually be able to extract? That’s what a growing band of financiers argue, and the people who follow their investment advice are benefiting from it.
In order to meet the international goal of keeping global warming below 2 degrees Celsius, 60 to 80 percent of fossil fuel reserves held by publicly traded corporations cannot be burned. The combination of these trends makes the long-term outlook for fossil fuel companies very bad, according to some analysts.
You have to see these pictures of Seattle’s kayaking climate protesters. An estimated 500 climate activists took to kayaks, canoes, paddleboards, and even a solar-powered party barge on Saturday to tell Shell to get the hell out of Seattle.
United Nations: Attempted murder of humanity and all life charges for Fossil fuel companies.
Pourquoi il faut soutenir l’adhésion de la Palestine à la CPI. Friends of the Earth. 22 JUILLET 2014 – JOURNÉE MONDIALE CONTRE LA MÉGA-INDUSTRIE MINIÈRE. Version imprimable Envoyer par e-mail PDF version Cette année de nouveau, en Europe comme dans toutes les Amériques, la journée internationale de lutte contre la méga-industrie minière, pour la défense de la vie et de l’eau aura lieu le 22 juillet. A l’occasion de cette journée mondiale de lutte, nous appelons à la mobilisation les habitants des territoires menacés par les projets miniers et tou(te)s ceux et celles qui se sentent concernés et solidaires avec les victimes de l’industrie minière, ici, comme ailleurs.
Earth Hour. Aboriginal rights a threat to Canada's resource agenda, documents reveal. Action à l'Élysée : Mme Merkel et M.Hollande doivent rejeter les énergies du passé !
Ce matin à 6h30, quelques heures avant un Conseil des ministres franco-allemands, dix militants de Greenpeace ont déversé, à l’aide d’un camion, cinq tonnes de charbon devant le palais de l’Elysée.
Inonder la France d'espoir. Stop investing in the construction of Europe's biggest new climate wrecker. Cyberaction Députés, co-signez la PPL contre les hydrocarbures non-conventionnels !
Cyberaction N° 596: Députés, co-signez la PPL contre les hydrocarbures non-conventionnels !
Water & oil: One battle to save the Sacred Headwaters ends, another begins. Révélation WikiLeaks : l’industrie pétrolière se prépare pour la plus importante campagne environnementale jamais connue.
30 de l'Arctique : tous libérés, mais pas disculpés. Gp_sunrise : The world can and must stop... Fossil Free Tour NL - Bill McKibben and Kumi Naidoo presentations. Fossil Free Fossil Free Europe Tour. Event Time Announcer. Fossil Free Fossil Free Tour - Live Streaming - Fossil Free. Envoyez un message à l'ambassade de Russie pour libérer nos activistes !
Movements Without Leaders.
Divest EBRD from Fossil Fuels!
Pipeline dreams: Why fossil-fuel divestment is easier said than done. Mapped: A hot hot summer of climate action. Deux bateaux, une mission : sauver l'Arctique. Recruit - Junglistan Hindi. Rébellion en Europe.