DIY Stitch And Glue Kayak
Although I had never actually kayaked before, one day I decided to make a stitch and glue kayak. For a non-kayaker I'm not sure why, but it had to do with a rowing class I had taken once, and I wanted to get out on the water on my own boat. Also, building a rowing shell seemed difficult, better to start with a kayak.
The Best Online Sources For Images
Check out The “All-Time” Best Sources Of Online Images Jeez, there are sure a ton of ways to find images on the Web, as well as many places where you can find lengthy link lists to image collections. I’d lay odds that most people, including myself, just use Google Image Search when they need to find an image. However, there might be instances when you want to use another tool — perhaps you’re a language teacher searching for just the right clip art or photography to illustrate a verb, maybe you have very young students and are concerned about what they might find on Google, possibly you’re particularly teaching about copyright issues, or you want your students to easily connect an image to a writing exercise and have them send an E-Card. (Google has recently added an option in their advanced image search feature — go to the bottom left under “license” and choose “labeled for reuse”) I thought a “The Best…” list might be helpful in one of those, or other particular, instances.
The Museum Of Old Techniques
For almost every electronic device or oil driven machine there used to be a low-tech alternative that was powered by human muscles, water or wind. The Museum of Old Techniques aims to collect and study these historical alternatives to modern day machinery. Why, you may ask? To quote the Museum: "Evolution doesn't necessarily mean progress, what we consider to be primitive solutions are often not primitive at all".
Longbow Making
{*style:<b> <b><b>The Hunting Society </b></b><b><b><b> Over 4,272 pages of information on hunting, guns, archery and bowhunting, hunting guides, archery and gun histories, hunting dogs, wild game recipes and even the wines to serve with game.
A Growing Backlash Against 'Amish Exploitation' In Pennsylvania
Lebanon Levi (center) is depicted as the ringleader in Discovery's Amish Mafia. Locals in Lancaster County, Pa., say the reality TV show and its spinoffs are offensive fabrications. Discovery Networks hide caption itoggle caption Discovery Networks Lebanon Levi (center) is depicted as the ringleader in Discovery's Amish Mafia.
How-To's: Online Low-Tech Resources
Energy Bulletin pointed us to the website of Practical Action (previously known as the Schumacher Centre for Technology & Development), an online resource devoted to low-technology solutions for developing countries. The site hosts many manuals that can also be of interest for low-tech DIYers in the developed world. They cover energy, agriculture, food processing, construction and manufacturing, just to name some important categories. We would like to add to this the impressive online library put together by software engineer Alex Weir. The 900 documents listed here (13 gigabytes in total) are not as well organised and presented as those of Practical Action, but there is a wealth of information that is not found anywhere else. The library is also hosted here (without search engine).
Learn How to Shave Like Your Grandpa
Proper shaving has become a lost art. Today’s average male has no clue about the fine art of the traditional wet shave that their grandfathers and some of their fathers used to take part in. Instead, they’re only accustomed to the cheap and disposable shaving products that companies market. I’m not sure when or why it happened, but the tradition of passing down the secrets of a clean shave abruptly stopped. Thankfully, this glorious male ritual is making a comeback. Benefits of the Classic Wet Shave
Straight Razor Shaving For Beginners
Our very first post on the Art of Manliness was a introductory guide to shaving like your grandpa with a double-edged safety razor. Since then, we’ve received requests to do a similar article on straight razor shaving. Well, after months of experimenting with straight razor shaving myself and researching the subject in old books on barbering, I present this beginner’s guide to shaving like your great-grandpa.
Music In Your Pocket With A Thumb Piano - DIY
Like many people, I'm attracted to folk music . . . primarily because I like its innate "personal" quality. While folk tunes often do reflect universal human feelings and ideas, they're just as often played on instruments created by the individual performer. A good example of this sort of music maker is the African "thumb piano" (also known as the mbira, zanza, or kalimba) . . . which isn't a piano at all, but can be more accurately classed as a plucked idiophone. Appearing throughout Africa in virtually whatever shape strikes the musician's fancy, the mbira may have tines made of any springy material from metal to rattan, while the whole instrument can range from hand to lap size. With my first exposure to the thumb piano, I found the tune maker fascinating . . . and before long, I came up with a small, easily carried version that I call a pocket harp.
How To Tan A Rabbit Hide - DIY
Like many modern homesteaders, I keep rabbits for meat. However, unlike most small-scale breeders (who consign their animals' pelts to compost piles), I also save the hides, tan them, and use the fur to make beautiful hand-sewn items. I've discovered that small pelt tanning isn’t time-consuming, difficult, or expensive.
Weather Predict Without Technology
How to Weather Forecast And Weather Predict Without Technology We have no control on the weather yet it is a part of our lives which influence what we do, what we eat, what we wear and many times where we live. How did people predict the weather before there was the Internet, television, radio or the weatherperson with all of their gadgets? Modern Tools for Weather Forecasting Doppler radar and high altitude balloons. The Doppler radar produces velocity data about objects at a distance with the help of the Doppler effect.
Make A Reed Pipe
Walking on the lakeside brought to my mind a childhood memory of making reed pipes... A reed pipe is easy and fast to make and this teaches some simple things of making sound with a reed instrument and instrument making itself. Also bigger children can make these themselves although it can be a little challenging with using a knife and not breaking the cane.