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100 Websites You Should Know and Use (updated!)
Entertainment Meet David Peterson, who developed Dothraki for Game of Thrones There are seven different words in Dothraki for striking another person with a sword. Among them: “hlizifikh,” a wild but powerful strike; “hrakkarikh,”a quick and accurate strike; and “gezrikh,” a fake-out or decoy strike.
A smarter way to bookmark web pages
Stache is a visual bookmarking app that lets you bookmark a page with only one click while also making it easy for you to re-discover bookmarked (or Stached) pages as they are catalogued into a fully searchable archive. hypi.st! says: Stache is a great visual bookmarking app on account of its many useful features geared to make it easy for users to catalogue their favorite web pages, which can be accessed in a matter of seconds thanks to the more streamlined and fully searchable archive you are presented with. Features Stache it in a clickVisual bookmarkingComplete searchGroup with tagsFull-page archivingIn sync with iCloudQuick-look Page PreviewExport Web ArchivesImport/Export of Bookmark FilesExport Full ScreenshotsBrowser BookmarkletURL Scheme SupportURL Sharing
50 Of The Most Useful Websites On The Internet - WeHaveNoTopic
There are many website to help us be productive. The problem is that you probably never heard of most of them. That’s why we made a list of 50 of the most useful websites on the internet!
Visual Bookmarking App for iOS and Mac
The internet today has become an integral part of our daily lives. Every day, we come across several different websites and webpages through various sources. Some are sent to us by our friends or colleagues, some we find while spending time on Facebook or Twitter. It’s become nearly impossible to remember or recollect that one website that you visited several days ago.
Back in September 2014, it was estimated that there are now over one billion websites on the internet, with that number increasing every second. With so many sites out there, it can be extremely difficult to locate a resource that will actually fulfil your needs and help you with your projects or inquires. Fortunately, the list below features over 100 websites you can use for almost any creative project, intellectual research or simply for fun! TallTweets lets you write tweets longer than 140 characters, and Tubemogel.com allows you to upload video to multiple sites at once, including Youtube.
Best Bookmarking Tools
We all find cool stuff online that we want to save for later – but we never remember it and most bookmarking systems on browsers become messy and cluttered very quickly. This is where bookmarking tools shine. Bookmarking tools allow you to keep track of anything you find online, organize it and store it for you, being ready to access anytime and from any device with internet access. We’ve put together a list of 12 our favourite bookmarking tools for you to check out.
50 Unique and Useful Websites on the Internet
In the internet world when we surfing the browser we can see millions of websites, blogs, gaming sites. Websites are categorized as personal resource, travel, education, general internet etc. But if you visit a website that may be useful and interested for you but another one feels that’s not special for him. Internet is an amazing source and they offer some useful websites for the users. Here we go with the list of 50 unique and useful websites on the internet useful for everyone.
100+ Alternative Search Engines You Should Know
If someone asks you, off the top of your head, what search engines you use or know off, chances are you’ll be naming the regulars: Google, Bing, Yahoo. The Internet however is a really big place and there are plenty more search engines out there that can cater to very specific requirements. General Search Engines We’re skipping the search engines that everyone know about so you won’t be seeing Google, Yahoo or Bing in this list. Here are many other alternative search engines available out there. Aol – Aol offers search results combined with content from AOL.
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