The 10 Best iPhone and iPad Apps for Art Teachers 2010
Since publishing our 30 Best iPhone Apps for Art Teachers last year (August 2009), we have discovered many new apps that are worthy of being added to our best list. Covering a wide range of interests and uses, below are the Teaching Palette’s 10 Best iPhone, iPad and iPod Apps for Art Teachers 2010 – the latest and greatest apps for art teachers and their students. Consider this an amendment to last year’s list. Apps for Student and Teacher Use
WebRing - Social Networking, Website Promotion
Great Tools to Create Protected Blogs and Web pages for your Class
As I was reading " The Socially Networked Classroom: Teaching in the New Media Age " by William Kist, I stopped by the chapter talking about how teachers can set up blogs for their classrooms ( pages 52 to 64 ). Dr Kist has mentioned several facts about the educational blogging that I want to share with you.
Je recherche le meilleur réseau social pour la famille. Un réseau sérieux, je suis prêt à cotiser pour le service, et qui garantit la confidentialité ainsi que la sécurité des données. J'ai testé hellotipi mais la solution me semble artisanale, l'ergonomi
© 2011, Tous droits réservés - Trouvissimo - Qu'est-ce que c'est ? Le bookmarklet permet de toujours avoir Trouvissimo à portée de clic ! Lorsque vous surfez sur internet et que vous avez besoin d’un renseignement sur un produit ou un service, vous pouvez désormais poser vos questions directement depuis le bookmarklet !
Planbook Touch: iPad Lesson Plan Book App For Teachers
Planbook Touch has dozens of features to help you get more organized, save time, and share your lesson plans Choose Your Schedule Planbook can accommodate schedules where you teach the same thing each day, your classes change each day but repeat weekly and rotating schedules (up to a 14 day rotation). Write your Lesson Plans
Three Free Online Whiteboards Students Can Use Together in Realtime
Online whiteboards that let students communicate in realtime either by voice or text can be powerful tools to create a mathematics tutorial, create a diagram, or to brainstorm ideas for a project. The following three whiteboard tools can all be used by students for free. NoteBookCast is a free whiteboard tool that will work in the web browser on a laptop, iPad, Android tablet, and Windows tablet. NoteBookCast is a collaborative whiteboard tool. You can invite others to join your whiteboard by entering the code assigned to your whiteboard.
Creating Books on the iPad
Book Creator for iPad: $7.49The simple way to create your own beautiful iBooks, right on the iPad. Read them in iBooks, send them to your friends, or submit them to the iBookstore. Ideal for children’s picture books, photo books, art books, cook books, manuals, textbooks, and the list goes on. eBook Creator: $4.49 ‘eBook Creator’ is a simple and easy ebook creation application.
Comic Creator
The Comic Creator invites students to compose their own comic strips for a variety of contexts (prewriting, pre- and postreading activities, response to literature, and so on). The organizers focus on the key elements of comic strips by allowing students to choose backgrounds, characters, and props, as well as to compose related dialogue (shown at left). This versatile tool can be used by students from kindergarten through high school, for purposes ranging from learning to write dialogue to an in-depth study of a formerly neglected genre. The tool is easy to use, made even easier with the Comic Strip Planning Sheet, a printable PDF that comic creators can use to draft and revise their work before creating and printing their final comics.
100 Web Tools to Enhance Collaboration (Part 1) by Ozge Karaoglu
0 Comments January 5, 2010 By: Tech Learning Blog Staff Jan 5 Written by: 1/5/2010 8:48 AM ShareThis
Why Kids Can't Search
Illustration: Tymn Armstrong We’re often told that young people tend to be the most tech-savvy among us. But just how savvy are they?
A Social Network Can Be a Learning Network - Online Learning
By Derek Bruff Last fall, for my first-year writing seminar on the history and mathematics of cryptography, I posted my students' expository-writing essays on our course blog. The assignment had asked students to describe a particular code or cipher that we had not already discussed—how it came to be, how it works, how to crack it, who used it. They described more than a dozen codes and ciphers. It seemed a shame that I might be the only one to read such interesting content, so I asked the students to read and comment on two papers of their peers. The course blog provided an ideal platform for that task.
Guide to iMovie
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Six Twitter Applications That Let You Tweet on Your Desktop
If you’re an avid Twitter user, chances are you’re using one of these Twitter Desktop Applications that basically allow you to receive and post Tweets from your desktop. Meaning, you don’t have to visit your page from time to time to find out what’s new about your Twitter friends. If you haven’t used a Twitter desktop application before, well this might be the right time to do so.