Over 5gb of Free Samples, Sounds and Loops

Sharing is Caring Below you will find over 5000 free samples, sounds, loops and one shots. Subscribe to my blog for more music and graphic freebies in the future. These samples are supplied in labelled kits (with varying bpms), each of which contains bass, beat, synth, piano, jazz, dubstep, percussion, house, drum, hip hop, rock, etc., samples. As well as loops, some of the kits also contain hits and multisamples. Most of these samples are supplied as 24-bit WAV files and can be imported directly into your DAW(digital audio workstation) or sampler of choice. The samples are supplied in a zip file, so you’ll need to extract them before you can see them. 466 Jazz Club Loops – 460mb 12 Crunk Synth Loops – 21mb 235 Songwriter’s Loops 265mb 50 Loops Kent Loops V.3 – Guitar – 95mb 50 Loops Kent Loops V. 4 – Battery Drum Loops – 51mb 721 Electro House Loops – 263mb 350 Minimal House Loops – 134mb 294 Filthy Hippy Loops – 230mb 303 Hi-NRG Loops – 298mb 500 Free Loungekore Loops – 313mb
Related: Sounds / Bruitages
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Free music samples: download loops, hits and multis from SampleRadar
Welcome to SampleRadar, the hub page for MusicRadar's regular giveaway of pro-quality, royalty-free samples. Here you can find links to all of our entries, which feature collections of loops, hits and multisamples in a wide range of genres. And the great news is that you won't have to pay a penny to download any of them. The samples are supplied as WAV files so can be imported directly into your DAW of choice.
P22 Music Text Composition Generator ( A free online music utility)
The P22 Music Text Composition Generator allows any text to be converted into a musical composition. This composition is displayed in musical notation and simultaneously generated as a midi file. 1. Usage Type or copy any text into the Text Field.
Philharmonia Orchestra
Thousands of free, downloadable sound samples specially recorded by Philharmonia Orchestra players. These samples are suitable for creating any kind of music, no matter what style. Contrabassoon Download all Contrabassoon samples (.zip)
Drum pattern sequencer
Includes over 400 unique drum samples, spanning electro to real drum kits. Create beats, compose drum tracks and then save the results to WAV sound files for use in other projects or software. Enjoy!
Music for Video
Just a friendly reminder. We know, the FMA is a great resource for all sorts of people - filmmakers, remix artists, people who wanna hear strange new sounds - but we've been getting a LOT of messages lately from confused people about whether or not they can use X song in Y video. It depends on the license, and how you intend to use the music, my friend! And best of all, you can find out all the information you need on your own.
Got it! This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website More info Cookie Consent plugin for the EU cookie law Airplane sound effects made available for personal non-commercial projects.
Key Chords
Key Chords app generates guitar chord progressions automatically. Use it free online, or get the app for Mac, Windows or iOS (iPad) - Click on a chord to preview how it sounds. - Drag and drop to arrange the chord progression - Tweak the settings to control the playback speed Or role the dice and Key Chords will automatically generate a nice sounding progression. Select a Key:
Online Grey Noise Generator
♥ With headphones, it's like a warm hug for your ears. ♥ As a tinnitus sufferer I have found sleep difficult and have spent many long tedious nights lying awake without relief. Then I happened upon your site one night when, in desperation, I was trying to find a masking sound that would help me get some rest. To be able to customise a sound that actually works for me has been bliss. I now call my personal sound my 'Velvet Lullaby' and it is wonderful. ♥ I love putting this on underneath my mp3's - makes the nuances of certain songs sound crystal clear.