15 Useful Project Management Tools
Advertisement by Cameron Chapman There is a huge variety of project management applications out there. Most are general purpose apps, not aimed at any one industry.
Open Atrium
Open Atrium is an intranet in a box that has group spaces to allow different teams to have their own conversations and collaboration. Open Atrium 2.x for Drupal 7 A new architecture for Drupal 7 that is built upon Panopoly and intended as an extensible collaboration framework. Adds the ability to have private "sections" within a collaboration space with granular access control. Drag/drop layout control with dozens of widgets that can be placed on dashboards and landing pages.
Engine Yard Introduces Labs and Node.js Support - ReadWriteCloud
Stack another platform on top of the ever-expanding PaaS provider, Engine Yard. The company has introduced support for Node.js through a new Labs program. As the name implies, Engine Yard's Labs provides experimental features for users so that the company can get quick feedback from customers. The emphasis is on experimental, though, because there's no promise that support will make its way out to production. According to Dr.
Project Management Software
Learn how team members, project managers and executives use AtTask to better understand, organize, and get the right work done. See the software in action—complete the form now! AtTask is the leader in on-demand project management software, helping thousand of companies in over 65 countries get work done, better. AtTask delivers the world’s first and only collaborative work management platform designed with the Facebook generation in mind.
Google Keep—Save what’s on your mind
Every day we all see, hear or think of things we need to remember. Usually we grab a pad of sticky-notes, scribble a reminder and put it on the desk, the fridge or the relevant page of a magazine. Unfortunately, if you’re like me you probably often discover that the desk, fridge or magazine wasn’t such a clever place to leave the note after all...it’s rarely where you need it when you need it. To solve this problem we’ve created Google Keep.
Forrester: VDI, PaaS Technologies Stuck in the Gestation Phase - ReadWriteCloud
The prospects for virtual desktop technologies include the ability for office workers to utilize their business assets from just about anyplace, including their tablets, without transporting those assets directly into mobile devices and exposing them to security dangers. Already, businesses are saving millions by reducing the number of servers they would have deployed to host operating systems. And cloud-based developer platforms are helping businesses deploy new and dynamic applications with less overhead and reduced time to maturity.
Heroku Launches PostgreSQL Standalone Service - ReadWriteCloud
PostgreSQL is getting a lot of love from cloud providers this year. It was the first RDBMS chosen for OpenShift, and VMware gave the elephant a big squeeze earlier this year as the platform for its "database as a service." Now Heroku is launching PostgreSQL as a standalone service. Folks using Heroku as their PaaS have been able to make PostgreSQL their database of choice for some time. What's new here is that Heroku is letting people sign up for PostgreSQL services without using the rest of the Heroku platform.
If you dial 112 in Stockholm—the European equivalent of 911—and report a heart attack victim, it won't take long for an ambulance to show up. But a volunteer might to get there first. A new app uses GPS to ping anyone from a network of thousands of CPR-trained "lifesavers" who happens to be in the neighborhood. "In short, every second counts," says Rasmus Sellberg, strategy director for Daytona, the Swedish digital agency that worked with medical researchers to develop the app.
Amazing Kickstarter Project Twine: Cheap and Easy Internet of Things - ReadWriteCloud
David Carr and John Kestner are hoping to raise $35,000 to "connect your things to the Internet, without a nerd degree." The project, Twine, promises "the simplest possible way to get the objects in your life texting, tweeting or emailing." No programming required. Twine as pictured on the Kickstarter page is a tiny square that has internal and external sensors coupled with WiFi connectivity. According to the Kickstarter page, requires just two AAA batteries that will keep it running "for months."
A New Cloud Drive With a Twist From Pogoplug - ReadWriteCloud
Yesterday, Richard's cloud drive article made note of Dropbox and Google Docs and other cloud storage providers. There is a new take on this from a company called Cloud Engines with their Pogoplug service. It combines the typical cloud drive with a piece of hardware. Here is how it works. You purchase the device, called Pogoplug Mobile for $80.
COPS: A New Consistency Model for Wide-Area Storage - ReadWriteCloud
Here's a little Thanksgiving reading for you while you're digesting that fourth helping of pie: a paper on a new approach to geo-replicated, distributed data stores (PDF). The paper, authored by researchers from Princeton University, Intel Labs, and Carnegie Mellon University, proposes a new consistency model for wide-area storage. The idea is to provide an infrastructure that can support major Internet services. That might entail tens of data centers, each one having a set of application servers and data stores for those systems. As the paper notes "a distributed storage system has multiple, sometimes competing, goals: availability, low latency, and partition tolerance to provide an 'always on' user experience; scalability to adapt to increasing load and storage demands; and a supportciently strong consistency model to simplify programming and provide users with the system behavior that they expect."