Zwiggo: Share everything with a group
One of the great things about the web is how easy sharing information and collaboration have become . There are now hundreds ways to show photos to friends, work on code with colleagues, make presentations to audiences across the globe, video chat with family abroad and team up to work on all kinds of projects, big and small. We’ve covered plenty of apps that help you curate and share content, including Zootool and Pinterest – but what if you wanted to share with a group – and do more than just look at pictures together?
Brainstorming/Thinking Tools
Brainstorming/Thinking Tools Thinking tools Fun YouTube video: Blooms taxonomy according to the Pirates of the Caribbean, and New post “Bloom’s Taxonomy According to Pirates of the Caribbean” How I plan to use it in class perspectives on Learning, Teaching and Technology thinking and creativity: A staff handbook (from Dept. of Education, Scotland – and thinking skills into your lesson: A ten point plan Education Activities for Effective Education: titanpad replaces etherpad as realtime collaborative online writing tool: Organizer Interactives and more Technology for Teachers: Nine Tools for Collaboratively Creating Mind Maps your own thinking tools with Exploratree to resources for thinking in education and life Idiot Test – how do you get on?: a free quiz 2.0 and Marzano’s Classroom Instruction That Works: online thinking tools Maps resource: Graphic Organizers: “Help your students children classify ideas and.. MindMapping tools Thinking Skills and Tools
Visual Thinking Evolution
A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged around a central key word or idea. Especially in British English, the terms spidergram and spidergraph are more common,[1] but they can cause confusion with the term spider diagram used in mathematics and logic. Mind maps are used to generate, visualize, structure, and classify ideas, and as an aid to studying and organizing information, solving problems, making decisions, and writing. The elements of a given mind map are arranged intuitively according to the importance of the concepts, and are classified into groupings, branches, or areas, with the goal of representing semantic or other connections between portions of information. Mind maps may also aid recall of existing memories. By presenting ideas in a radial, graphical, non-linear manner, mind maps encourage a brainstorming approach to planning and organizational tasks.
Get Your Free Collaborize Classroom Account
Looking to engage your students IN and OUT of the classroom? This is one of the BEST FREE teacher tools we’ve discovered yet! With your FREE Collaborize Classroom account, even your quietest students will become actively engaged. Using Collaborize Classroom, teachers report 100% participation rates, reduced grading time (up to 2 hours LESS a week!)
100 Websites To See Before You Die (Part 1)
Here at Maximum PC, we've always done our fair share of website recommendation articles--including a couple of doozies from the past few years. And of course we're not the only ones who do this sort of article either; it's a proven popular format. But this year, we thought we'd mix things up a little bit.
Podio: A Social And Online Work Network In One
Since the explosion of cloud computing, small businesses are now turning to Internet-based software to help collaborate internet processes and help with the daily grind of tasks, meetings and memos. Internet-based software is much more appealing to businesses as it avoids the needs for expensive software licence fees and complicated computer systems. Internet-based systems also make the process of working from home a far easier and much more cost-effective solution for businesses.
Origin[edit] Advertising executive Alex F. Osborn began developing methods for creative problem solving in 1939. He was frustrated by employees’ inability to develop creative ideas individually for ad campaigns. In response, he began hosting group-thinking sessions and discovered a significant improvement in the quality and quantity of ideas produced by employees. - Fun Learning Games For Kids That Teachers Can Customize
Home > Online > - Fun Learning Games For Kids That Teachers Can Customize It's not always easy for teachers to keep kids enthralled with learning these days. The world introduces so many fun and interesting distractions.
Word Clouds for Kids!
ABCya is the leader in free educational computer games and mobile apps for kids. The innovation of a grade school teacher, ABCya is an award-winning destination for elementary students that offers hundreds of fun, engaging learning activities. Millions of kids, parents, and teachers visit each month, playing over 1 billion games last year. Apple, The New York Times, USA Today, Parents Magazine and Scholastic, to name just a few, have featured ABCya’s popular educational games. ABCya’s award-winning Preschool computer games and apps are conceived and realized under the direction of a certified technology education teacher, and have been trusted by parents and teachers for ten years.
Best Free Online Applications and Services
Online applications (also known as web applications or webware) are getting more popular, particularly when broadband Internet access has become more common and readily available to more users. With online applications and services, you do not need to download and install them into your computer for using them—you just need to open up a browser and access them online. Not only that you can save harddisk space as they do not need to be installed, but also you can work with files that are saved online from any computer anywhere, without the need to carry a storage device even a USB stick around with you.
Make Meetings Matter With yaM
For as long as I can remember, technology has really influenced the way we do things, such as the way we communicate, receive news and generally look at the world. This influence has also spread to the world of work. Nowadays, technology has meant that companies can reach out globally, not just locally, and has enabled them to spread their influence all over the world. Look at business meetings nowadays. It used to be that meetings meant you had to spend an hour cooped in a hot, sweaty conference room with a cup of lukewarm dishwater posing as coffee.
Brainstorm ideas online with a group or by yourself, color code them, save them and vote on them. by mosaic May 23