Lesson Plans Tour
Our lesson plan software helps you connect planning and instruction to grading and assessment in an instant. Create beautiful lesson plans, align to standards, and add rich media. Build in seconds
Dallas, United States Recommendations
A few years ago, we created Wanderfly to make the online travel experience more personal, fun and beautiful. From a dinner conversation idea, to a dozen employees crammed in a Soho/Brooklyn loft, to being honored as a top 10 startup, it has been a crazy few years. In 2012, TripAdvisor acquired Wanderfly so that millions of travelers around the world could find the same travel inspiration and recommendations that Wanderfly fans already enjoyed. We're so proud to say that what started as a spontaneous "why not?" idea is now part of the world's largest travel website. The Wanderfly site is now offline.
How to Make an Interactive Lesson Using Youtube
We’ve been getting a lot of questions ever since our GMAT Choose Your Own Adventure video went up. Well, one question, really: How can I make one for my students? Answer: It’s easy!
5 Tools For Making Custom Timelines
Creating custom timelines is an age old school project, especially for history classes (since history is basically a giant timeline, after all!) Way back in the day, when I was a student, I remember drawing out my timelines with colored pencils on pieces of taped together construction paper (to make the line long enough). We’ve come a long way since the late ’80′s, and there are a lot of web tools and apps out there that help users make much more advanced timelines than I could crank out with my awesome colored pencils. Whether you’re using them to chronicle well known historical events, or your own personal history, these tools can bring together audio, video, photos, text, and more to showcase a well rounded, multimedia timeline to tell your story. Time Toast Time Toast also offers uses free, unlimited timelines and easy Facebook integration.
This is a fully functioning scalable scientific calculator. It is highly recommended that professors require all their students to use a Faculty Standard Calculator in class. Suitable for: Teacher, Home Educator, Student, Parent Players: Single Published by: Bongo LLP Purchasing Information To purchase the resource please select the most appropriate platform by clicking on your chosen 'Platform Availability' option on the navigation to the top right of this page where specific platforms are listed. The platforms are Cloud based and you will be directed to the correct Learning Platform store page.
Workshops for Educators - Technology in Education
Experience the innovative technology in education found at the Google Teacher Academy. The CUE Google Workshop for Educators is now available to any educational institution. Incorporating web-based technology in education has never been easier. Now from only $120 per teacher per day* Brought to you by CUE, the producers of the Google Teacher Academy, the nationally acclaimed Google Workshop for Educators (GWE) introduces participants to innovative ways the Google Suite for Education can be leveraged in education. A full day (or more) of fast-paced presentations and hands-on activities includes experience with advanced search techniques, collaborative web-based applications, and inspirational instructional strategies.
Microsoft BI
Capabilities Self-service Excel provides new self-service capabilities and empowers users with data discovery, analysis, and visual exploration. Uncover hidden insights and facilitate ease of collaboration and access from anywhere through HTML5 and mobile applications. Dashboards
What is Quipol
Thousands of you have built polls to learn from and interact with the world, and I want to thank you now for your patronage, your feedback, and all the excitement that you have brought to my life. I owe you an explanation, so here it is: We’re not out of money, and we’re not out of passion—on the contrary, this journey has ended so that another one can begin. In July of 2012, I started building a new application with three other gentlemen, with the hopes of bringing a new level of simplicity, elegance, and usability to business-based education and training. I wanted to take everything I’d learned at Quipol about dead-simple workflows and ease-of-use and bring it to a market filled with products where the opposite was the rule. The result is a product called Lesson.ly, and it’s working. Over the past year, we have released and iterated upon initial versions of the application, signed client after client, and partnered with an amazing lineup of investors.
- 50 Sites and Apps for Digital Storytelling
Digital Storytelling is the process of telling a story through the use of digital means. It also happens to be one the easiest ways to integrate technology into the classroom. Educators can use digital storytelling with almost any subject and can even "flip" their classroom by using mobile apps. Below is my comprehensive list of sites/apps that can be used for digital storytelling, presented in alphabetical order. 30hands - A fantastic user-friendly iOS app for creating a story by adding a narrations to photos. For my Pinterest board on Digital Storytelling click here.
Teacher Appreciation - Tip #7: Organize a Class Wallwisher to Thank a Teacher
Get tips and ideas every day in May for Teacher Appreciation Month on how you can thank your favorite teachers -- and support them throughout the year! Credit: Illustration by Walter C. Baumann Tip #7: Organize a Class Wallwisher to Thank a Teacher