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Glossary - Chinese Grammar Wiki
We strive to avoid unnecessarily technical terms on the Chinese Grammar Wiki, but occasionally it's sort of necessary, and sometimes even useful (yes, really!). So to help you out, we've placed all of the grammatical terms related to Mandarin Chinese in one place. Click through each link for a more complete description of each term. Many pages also have lists of grammar points related to the term.
Pronunciation of Mandarin Chinese\
Introduction The purpose of this section is to clarify some important issues regarding the pronunciation of Mandarin Chinese. I have noticed over the years that some sources are publishing incorrect information about Mandarin pronunciation. It is my intent to identify a few of the misconceptions and to make the reality of the pronunciation of Mandarin Chinese crystal clear, both in linguistic terms and in everyday language. Please note that the criticisms I make are based on linguistic science.
Learn Chinese Online
Chinese Words Learn Chinese words from many different topics such as animals, furniture, and travel. Chinese Dictionary Use our Chinese dictionary for any English - Chinese or Chinese - English translations. Chinese Verbs
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China Resources Page
<p><span>If you can see this line, then JavaScript is turned off on your machine and you will not be able to use some features of this site. Please click <a href="../securitywarning.html">here</a> for more information.</span></p> The linked pages have been prepared for use in classes relating to China and may be assigned for direct use on-line if desired.
Name calling in China
Mild Chinese insults can be funny and creative for some light-hearted teasing. To help with your Mandarin learning, we’ve compiled some of the best Chinese name-calling into three categories: bad eggs, nasty numbers, and colorful curses. These monikers can be used in times of frustration but also for playful teasing and even affection.
Why Chinese Is So Damn Hard
(简体字:为什么中文这么TM难?) (繁體字:為什麼中文這麼TM難?) The first question any thoughtful person might ask when reading the title of this essay is, "Hard for whom?" A reasonable question. After all, Chinese people seem to learn it just fine.
15 Smartphone Apps to Teach Yourself Chinese
Learning a new language is never easy, but Chinese can be one of the hardest for English speakers to master as it requires not only learning to speak a new language but also to read and write using an entirely different set of characters. Learners don’t have to go it alone, however. As the popularity of learning Mandarin has exploded over the past few years, so have the number of helpful resources catered to language learners that can aid in studying, learning, and practicing key language skills. Even better, many of these resources are available over a smartphone, making it possible to learn at any time and from anywhere and often at no or a very low cost. Here we highlight just a few of the best Chinese language learning apps out there today, offering language learners the chance to use flashcards, look up words, draw characters, and practice vocab on-the-go.
The second round of Chinese character simplification
By Olle Linge Updated April 30, 2015. The history of Chinese characters is fascinating. Over thousands of years, characters have changed a lot, from being simple symbols to making up the component parts of a complete writing system. One of these changes took place fairly recently, in the middle of the previous century. In the 1950s and 1960s, the first round of simplification was introduced in China, which created what we today usually call "simplified characters" in English.
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