A Tale in the Desert VI - Life in Egypt
As I fly over Egypt--The (Long) Story of One Egyptian I sat in my compound, by the Nile. The stars were raising in the sky, a soft wind blowing, all in silence. The camels and sheep fed, the bunnies and chicken taken care of. All the daily chores done and it was time to have some rest and relaxation.
Picture This : Giant Friends Puzzle
Last year my son's nursery school teacher made an amazing giant puzzle using a class picture. She presented it to the kids on the 100th day of school and the kids all worked together to put it together. Needless to say it was a huge hit. With the simple instructions below, you can make your own personalized giant puzzle. Give it as a homemade birthday gift or simply use it as a rainy day surprise for your kids.
Serious Games for Social Change by BreakAway, Ltd - Award-Winning Developer of Numerous Real-Time Strategy Games and Technologically Advanced Desktop Development Software
Your goal is to orchestrate a nonviolent resistance campaign from the ground up against dictators, occupiers, authoritarians and oppressive rule. You are supported by the principles and experiences of some of the world's leading nonviolent activists such as, Gandhi, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Ivan Marovic, subject matter expert on A Force More Powerful, and member of Otpor, the Serbian resistance movement that played a critical role in ousting Slobodan Milosevich.
The Nobel Prizes
Between 1901 and 2014, the Nobel Prizes and the Prize in Economic Sciences were awarded 567 times to 889 people and organizations. The Nobel Prize is an international award administered by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm, Sweden, and based on the fortune of Alfred Nobel, Swedish inventor and entrepreneur. In 1968, Sveriges Riksbank established The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, founder of the Nobel Prize. Each Prize consists of a medal, a personal diploma, and a cash award. A person or organization awarded the Nobel Prize is called Nobel Laureate.
Cell Cycle & Cytokinesis - BioChemWeb.org
Cell Cycle Regulation and the Control of Cell Proliferation (Cell Growth + Cell Division) Cell Cycle Research - General resource with links to relevant recent literature, news and job listings. (Ion Channel Media Group) Cell Division - Undergraduate-level lectures on cell division. (Cell Biology Lectures, Mark Hill, University of New South Wales, Australia) The Eukaryotic Cell Cycle and Cancer - Introduction to the eukaryotic cell cycle as it relates to the genetics of cancer. (Phillip McClean, North Dakota State University) (Just above Beginner's Level) ICRF FACS Laboratory Cell Cycle Analysis - Methods for cell cycle analysis using flow cytometry. (FACS Laboratory, Imperial Cancer Research Fund, UK) The Interactive Fly: Evolutionarily Conserved Pathways (Society for Developmental Biology).
PowerPoint Games
Racing Games No preparation required, just have a sheet of vocabulary or review questions in your hand. Click a button on the screen and the car or horse moves one step closer to the finish line and victory. (Whole Class Participation Game) Download Car Race (Beach Rally) Download Horse Race
The Nobel Organizations
The Nobel Prize is surrounded by several organisations and institutions with different tasks related to the prize. The Nobel Foundation The Nobel Prize is financed by the Nobel Foundation, a private institution established in 1900 based on the will of Alfred Nobel. The Nobel Prize Awarding Institutions The process of selecting the Nobel Laureates is exclusively handled by the Nobel Prize awarding institutions.
Ten Recent Advances in Evolution
By Carl Zimmer Posted 10.26.09 NOVA To celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Origin of Species, here's a list—by no means exhaustive—of some of the biggest advances in evolutionary biology over the past decade. These advances include not just a better understanding of how this or that group of species first evolved, but insights into the evolutionary process itself.
UPDATE: Guess-the-google is temporarily offline for maintenance. Hopefully back online soon. About the game Guess-the-google is an addictive guessing game based on Google's image search. It turns the mental activity of searching into a fun, visual and engaging game where people can enjoy the challenge of being the fastest and most efficient at making that connection between search terms and their results.
this site helps you to learn about how thecells in your body works. It also has a few other interesting games. by benjaminboulton2019 Dec 12