Tech-Savvy Teaching
Top apps for your class Graphite, a new website from Common Sense Media, rates apps, games, websites, and digital curricula. These elementary education apps are among their “top picks.” Find more reviews at • Teach Me: Kindergarten Young learners earn rewards like virtual stickers for acing math and spelling drills. • First Grade Pencil-Pal: Learning Game Animated characters in a TV show–style format host games and activities centered around skills like telling time, counting money, and identifying sight words.
Teaching With Glogster: Using Virtual Posters in the Classroom
Grades 3 – 5 | Lesson Plan | Standard Lesson A Musical Prompt: Postcards From the Concert Students won't miss a beat in this musical lesson that combines listening with personal response on a postcard.
Technicolor GIFs That Swirl And Pulse
We cover a lot of kaleidoscopic and psychedelic art here at The Creators Project, but this morning we noticed the work of artist David Szakaly on This Is Colossal, who's been sharing some of the most mezmerizing GIFs we've seen in a minute on his Tumblr. The Hungarian/German Szakaly is a graphic designer by day and regularly makes corporate work such as banners and other creative presentations, but makes technicolor, polymorphic shapes that pulse and swirl in his off time. Get lost in his animated forms, just don't stare for too long or you might get lost in the visual flurry. See more of Szakaly's work on his Tumblr, here.
Write Right Back: Recognizing Readers’ Needs and Expectations for E-mail Replies
ReadWriteThink couldn't publish all of this great content without literacy experts to write and review for us. If you've got lessons plans, activities, or other ideas you'd like to contribute, we'd love to hear from you. More Find the latest in professional publications, learn new techniques and strategies, and find out how you can connect with other literacy professionals. More
100+ Teaching With the iPad Hacks: A Curated Playlist of Quick Start Resources
A publisher recently asked me if I knew of a good iPad “Quick Start” Guide for teachers just getting started with using the iPad in the classroom. I didn’t, but had to imagine that I could find resources along these lines on the Web. As I searched, I found many good web pages, and knew right away that this was a great topic for creating a LessonPaths curated Playlist to share them. LessonPaths (formerly known as MentorMob) is an awesome free web tool for easily assembling digital content into an elegantly simple information resource. Just click through the Playlist, stop and further explore resources that interest you (clicking on one will open up the Playlist in full screen mode) then click through to the next one when you’re ready. This hand selected set of sources will provide teachers who are new to the iPad with the information they need to get started, and offer both new and current users information they need to successfully integrate the iPad into their teaching practices.
iPhone and iPad new user guide
Everything you need to know about getting started with your new iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, or iPad mini New to the iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, or iPad and need a little help getting started? Whether you're trying to set up your device for the first time, or figure out Apple features like iCloud, Siri, iMessage, Notification Center, or FaceTime, or simply get a handle on the basics like mail, calendar, or photography, we have a help guide for you -- an ultimate guide! And if you already know everything there is to know about iOS devices, no worries!
A Practical Guide For Teachers Who Just Got iPads
The above image was wonderfully put together by Richard Wells over at after seeing the article (below) originally posted here on Edudemic. Thanks Holly! So you finally got a class set of iPads and you are not sure what to do next and where to start? Here is a very simple list of tried and true tips to help. Don’t Start Collecting Apps! This is every teachers first inclination.
PARCC Releases ELA and Math Sample Items for Spring 2014 Field Test
If you were patiently waiting for truly interactive official PARCC assessment sample items, the wait is finally over! The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers, better known as PARCC, recently released its first grouping of web-based English Language Arts and Math sample items designed as a practice aid for schools taking the upcoming Spring 2014 Field Test. Up until now, PARCC's CCSS-aligned assessment counterpart Smarter Balanced (SBAC) held a considerable "leg up" on legitimate web-based practice/sample items, but with this release, PARCC has officially joined the "race".
A Matrix Model for Designing and Assessing Network-Enhanced Courses
Abstract: A matrix model using three qualifiers (tiers of tool usage; ephemerality of content; social domains of interaction) clarifies the design and evaluation of courses involving networked components. The model is tool-appropriate, simple enough for instructors to use in their work, and backed up by successful pedagogical practice. Content: Many current models for the design and evaluation of computer-based tools tend to be too complicated for teachers to use, or are based upon assumptions inappropriate to the medium.
Ruben R. Puentedura's Weblog: Game and Learn: An Introduction to Educational Gaming
Game and Learn: An Introduction to Educational Gaming Videogames are becoming a progressively more important component of teaching today: they can provide learners with rich worlds and complex narratives that both enhance and transform their educational experience in previously unexplored ways. Because of this, I'm pleased to announce that, as part of a joint research project between the MLTI and the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation , I have created a 14-part podcast series on videogames in education. This mini-course, available now in its entirety from iTunes U , provides educators with the knowledge needed to successfully use educational gaming in their classroom. I'll be supplementing this podcast series with ongoing posts and discussions, and more materials will be announced in the coming months — stay tuned. Posted by Ruben at August 3, 2009 8:37 PM