Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Page Content ASD is a complex developmental disorder that affects how a person behaves, interacts with others, communicates, and learns. NICHD is one of many federal agencies and NIH Institutes working to understand ASD. NICHD supports and conducts research on what causes autism, how best to detect signs of autism, how best to treat autism and its symptoms, and other topics. General Information NICHDWWWPageContent2
Personality disorders
A personality disorder is a type of mental disorder in which you have a rigid and unhealthy pattern of thinking, functioning and behaving. A person with a personality disorder has trouble perceiving and relating to situations and to people. This causes significant problems and limitations in relationships, social encounters, work and school.
Time Management Tips - Time Management Tips for ADHD
Time Management Tips and Adult ADD I’m running late. I’ll be there in just a little while. I am so sorry that I am late.
How Does Stephen Hawking Talk? - ScienceABC
Stephen Hawking talks through the computer using a speech-generating device (SGD) or a voice output communication aid. This is a special device that either supplements or replaces speech/writing. Stephen Hawking is a name that is impossible to ignore, at least if you’re a human from Earth. Although, to be fair, I’m willing to bet that aliens also know a thing or two about him.
Histrionic personality disorder - causes, DSM, ...
Photo by: FlemishDreams Definition Histrionic personality disorder, often abbreviated as HPD, is a type of personality disorder in which the affected individual displays an enduring pattern of attention-seeking and excessively dramatic behaviors beginning in early adulthood and present across a broad range of situations. Individuals with HPD are highly emotional, charming, energetic, manipulative, seductive, impulsive, erratic, and demanding. Mental health professionals use the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (the DSM ) to diagnose mental disorders.
Autism Island: 50 things you SHOULD say to autism parents.
I received many comments wondering when I was going to post 50 things you should say to autism parents like I promised. Here is one comment that I think sums up how many people feel “I do not have autistic children. Most of the things on this list sound horrible.
When students need extra behavior support
Having targeted supports and mediation techniques in place makes it easier for teachers to readily manage behavior issues Classroom teachers face a range of challenges during their school day but none perhaps so demanding as persistent problem behaviors. Whether schools have a formal positive behavior support system in place or not, having techniques at hand is essential for getting teachers back to teaching and students back to learning. In The Teacher’s Pocket Guide for Positive Behavior Support, Tim Knoster and Robin Drogan build on the universal supports introduced in The Teacher’s Pocket Guide for Effective Classroom Intervention, Second Edition with targeted approaches for students with challenging behavior. According to Ondine Gross, author of Restore the Respect: How to Mediate School Conflicts and Keep Students Learning, universal supports will suffice for 80–90% of your students.
7 Social Hacks For Manipulating People
1. Whenever someone is angry and confrontational, stand next to them instead of in front of them. You won’t appear as so much of a threat, and they eventually calm down. 2.
Sensory Diet Activities - SensorySmarts
What is a sensory diet? Just as your child needs food throughout the course of the day, his need for sensory input must also be met. A “sensory diet” (coined by OT Patricia Wilbarger) is a carefully designed, personalized activity plan that provides the sensory input a person needs to stay focused and organized throughout the day.
Guideline on Expanding Opportunities: Academic Success for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students
Prepared by the members of the 1986 Task Force on Racism and Bias in the Teaching of English The age of specialization has often encouraged educators to create separate and remedial ways of teaching culturally and linguistically diverse students. This trend has led to the development of special books, programs, courses, and methods for such students. Some of these curricular approaches have impeded, rather than fostered, their intellectual and linguistic growth. How can educators reverse this miseducation and develop responsible ways to meet the needs of these students? Research shows that culturally and linguistically diverse students can achieve academic success if appropriate strategies for teaching reading and writing are used.
8 Important Reasons To Let Go Of People Who No Longer Play An Important Part In Your Life
There comes a point in every person's life when he or she parts ways with someone: ex, friend and anyone in between. Upon first meeting this person, there's a sweet beginning, but once you come to really know each other and grow comfortable, you suddenly realize that the relationship no longer brings any particular value to your life and is perhaps, even detrimental. Sometimes, we hold on to people purely based on how long we have known them.
Guide to the Individualized Education Program
1. Preface The purpose of this guidance is to assist educators, parents, and state and local educational agencies in implementing the requirements of Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) regarding Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) for children with disabilities, including preschool-aged children. (This guide does not address the development of Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSP) for infants and toddlers.) Guide to the Individualized Education Program Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services U.S.
International Literacy Association
For more than 60 years, the International Literacy Association has championed rigorous research as the foundation for literacy leadership, and we have developed research-based standards for preparing and certifying literacy professionals. Standards for the Preparation of Literacy Professionals 2017 Standards for Reading Professionals-Revised 2010 Standards for Middle and High School Literacy Coaches Standards for the Assessment of Reading and Writing Looking for resources about the Common Core State Standards?