Age Restrictions. You may only use the Site and Services if you are: (i) at least 13 years of age; or (ii) if you are under 13 years of age, with the consent of your teacher or a legal parent or guardian. By using the Site and Services, you hereby represent and warrant that you are at least 13 years of age or, if you are under 13 years of age, that you have the consent of your teacher, legal parent, or guardian to use the Site and Services. Verification of Identity.
Make Beliefs Comix For Educators
How to Play with MakeBeliefsComix.com How to Play: For Educators Click here to watch a video of students at City College, New York, talking about how MakeBeliefsComix.com helps them learn English. Their instructor, Tamara Kirson, was named The New York Times 2009 ESOL Teacher of the Year.
Choisir un logiciel de gestion de projets : service de comparaison
Petit projet, grand projet, projet unique, plusieurs projets simultanés, petite équipe, grande équipe, courte durée, longue durée, petit budget, gros budget, un seul lieu, plusieurs lieux, tous à la même heure, plusieurs fuseaux, une direction, plusieurs décideurs, une langue, plusieurs langues, peu d’inconnues, beaucoup d’inconnues, peu d’expérience, grande expérience, peu de technologie, beaucoup de technologies… gérer un projet peut-être facile ou incroyablement compliqué. Pas étonnant que l’on trouve plusieurs centaines de systèmes de gestion de projet: plus de 700 ! Pour s’y retrouver, il existe bien quelques critères comme Taille de l’entreprise, nombre de participants au projetBudget, risque, complexitéMobilité et technologie en placeSpécialisation (construction, recherche, spectacle, etc.) Mais il devient vite évident que s’il faut faire un choix entre diverses solutions, on aura à déterminer lesquelles peuvent opérer dans son univers administratif et technologique. Références
SyncSpace Shared Whiteboard - Aplicações no Android Market
Whiteboard is a collaborative drawing app for the Android, iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. With over 7 million downloads, Whiteboard is the leading real-time collaborative painting app for iOS. Now it's going to Android Google Play. Wirelessly connect two Android devices over Wi-Fi peer-to-peer! Drawing Features: ✓ Open any image or photo on your device!
Plant a Question, Grow Answers
Topic (required) Type the topic of your new AnswerGarden. This can be a question or a topic, such as: "What do you think of my website?" More options (optional)
Logiciel de gestion de projets collaboratif en ligne
Hello, We launched Writeboard back in October of 2005 as a stand-alone service. A few years later we integrated Writeboards into Basecamp Classic and Backpack. Today, the vast majority of Writeboards are created inside those two products.
Group Chat, messagerie instantanée
Scribblar - Free Interactive Online Whiteboard