‘Israel used depleted uranium shells in air strike’ – Syrian source
Published time: May 05, 2013 19:08 Edited time: May 06, 2013 10:09 Video still of Hezbollah TV's footage claiming to show the aftermath of an alleged Israeli airstrike on a military facility near Damascus, on May 5 2013 Israel used "a new type of weapon", a senior official at the Syrian military facility that came under attack from the Israeli Air Force told RT. “When the explosion happened it felt like an earthquake,” said the source, who was present near the attack site on the outskirts of Damascus on Sunday morning. “Then a giant golden mushroom of fire appeared.
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Citizens' Nuclear Information Center)
Below are links to CNIC's press releases and Ustream Press Conferences Press Releases and Statements CNIC Newsletter "Nuke Info Tokyo" 10 Million People’s Action to say Goodbye to Nuclear Power Plants Live Broadcasts
India's nuclear watchdog finds faulty valves in Kudankulam plant
South | Reported by Pallava Bagla, Edited by Ashish Mukherjee | Updated: April 20, 2013 10:27 IST New Delhi: For the very first time, India's nuclear watchdog, the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB), has indicated that faulty parts have been found at the Kudankulam nuclear power plant. The problematic valves are being replaced, said officials. The Department of Atomic Energy, which reports to the Prime Minister, has been insisting that the nuclear facility in coastal Tamil Nadu is safe and ready to be commissioned in weeks. Protesters, including local fishermen and villagers who have campaigned long and hard against the nuclear plant, have repeatedly shared their concern that sub-standard equipment has been installed at the facility.
Inherent and engineered safety: Did Weinberg predict today’s reactors a quarter century ago?
By Will Davis Following the Three Mile Island (TMI) accident on March 28, 1979, it seemed to many as if a slowing nuclear energy industry in the United States had been dealt a death blow. It had not, but the public’s confidence was shaken, and this blow to public opinion built upon a decade’s worth of intensive, focused anti-nuclear effort on the part of a number of large well-funded special interest groups. Weinberg Once the causes of the TMI accident were well understood, the task was taken up to predict what would be desirable for increased public support for new reactor construction. Alvin M.
The Bloody minded British Gov refusal to allow genetic testing of veterans – science refutes the government hacks of nuclear industry
From Dennis Heyden, CVFI. Dear all and undisclosed addressees , More evidence has emerged following the narrow UK Supreme Court verdict of 2012 by 4 to 3 stating the nuclear veterans have “ no evidence of causation for ill health ” and the recent Pension Appeals tribunals which found there is in fact reasonable doubt about exposure in ‘forward areas’ .
The Historic Records Show that Nuclear Authorities Know the Fallacy of their Current Position
In progress. This post compares the situation as documented by Dennis Heyden last post – that evidence showing a multiplier effect for internal emitters compared to external exposure readings is dismissed – with the early record which for the first time proved the multiplier effect does indeed exist. The very grave observations held by expert researchers made of the actions specific to internal emitters have not be contradicted by any later observations. And these early papers have not been contradicted by any later point by point rebuttal based upon evidence gained by observation. Pecher and Aebersold. 1939 -1941 “Pecher, C., “Biological Investigations with Radioactive Calcium and Strontium, Preliminary Report the Use of Radioactive Strontium in the Treatment of Metastatic Bone Cancer”, Contributed from the Radiation Laboratory of the University of California, Berkeley, University of California Publications in Pharmacology.
Mr. President, Put it in Writing
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