Create an app for free with AppShed, an intuitive and flexible tool that enables anyone to build content based web apps.Now you can have your own app on any smartphone (Apple iOS, Android, Blackberry and Windows 7).Step-by step instructions and interactive learning make app creation easy for complete beginners and experienced app developers alike. For education Engage your students in app creation and deliver cross-curricular learning in schools, colleges and university.
Images - Clip Art, Photos, Sounds, & Animations
Insert clip art In the newer versions of Office, there's no longer a clip art library, but Office still helps you insert clip art. STEP 1: Select Insert > Online Pictures (In Outlook, when you're using the Reading pane, there isn't an Insert menu. Click Pop Out and then you'll see the Insert menu.)
Use the contact-form for sending a question. Download the complete manuals here! Question: How can I add pictures in articles/image articles? Answer:
Great Tools to Create Protected Blogs and Web pages for your Class
As I was reading " The Socially Networked Classroom: Teaching in the New Media Age " by William Kist, I stopped by the chapter talking about how teachers can set up blogs for their classrooms ( pages 52 to 64 ). Dr Kist has mentioned several facts about the educational blogging that I want to share with you. I have also compiled a list of some of the best blogging platforms teachers and students can use to set up secure blogs for their classrooms. According to Dr Kist, teachers will often introduce blogging to their students by teaching the routines and conventions of blogging, feeling that the key to a successful experience, whether offline or online, is setting up the agreed upon group norms at the beginning of the process. These general guidelines can be something like :
Vizia - Create Interactive Video Quizzes
Vizia is a free tool for creating video-based quizzes. On Vizia you an import a video from YouTube or from Wistia and then add questions along the timeline of the video. You can ask multiple choice questions as well as short answer/ open-response questions. Adding a poll question into the video is also a possibility in Vizia. All of the responses to your questions are collected in a spreadsheet that you can download and or open in Google Sheets.
What's Eyejot?
Eyejot is the first, comprehensive, client-free online video messaging platform ideal for both personal and business communications. It offers everyone the ability to create and receive video messages in a self-contained, spam-free environment. With no client to install, you can start using Eyejot immediately with any browser, on any platform. It even features built-in support for iTunes™ (and iPods&trade), mobile devices and social networks like MySpace™. Watch Eyejot video examples.
Three Free Online Whiteboards Students Can Use Together in Realtime
Online whiteboards that let students communicate in realtime either by voice or text can be powerful tools to create a mathematics tutorial, create a diagram, or to brainstorm ideas for a project. The following three whiteboard tools can all be used by students for free. NoteBookCast is a free whiteboard tool that will work in the web browser on a laptop, iPad, Android tablet, and Windows tablet. NoteBookCast is a collaborative whiteboard tool.
Memoov: Create Animated Movies Online
GoAnimate is an online cartoon animator that allows you to create cartoons featuring some of your favorite toon characters and stars from TV. You can also create you own characters to insert yourself and your family and friends into your clip. This online cartoon animator is really easy to use with everything displayed neatly on a fully clickable window. You start off by selecting a theme. For example I selected Star Wars.
theLearnia - Free Online Whiteboard
Create Awesome Video Lessons In Minutes Flip your classroom. Tell your story. Inspire your students to learn. Sign with or
Spelling Bee
What are the different ways to play the Visual Thesaurus Spelling Bee? There are two different ways to play. In the Tournament Spelling Bee, you'll be challenged by a series of words, with the spelling difficulty adapted to your skill level. The more words you get right, the higher your score will go, on a scale from 200 to 800. You can compete against other spellers, since we keep track of high scores (with streaks of correct answers serving as tiebreakers). You can also try a Community Spelling Bee generated from one of our subscribers' word lists.
20 useful ways to use Padlet in class now
Padlet is a web app that lets users post notes on a digital wall. The uses for this site in the classroom are virtually endless! There’s a good chance you’ve done the “write on a sticky note and put it on the wall” activity — or have seen it happen before.
Dictionary – online translation –
The online dictionary is updated daily by a team of language lovers. We do our best to include new words every day. Our editors are always on the lookout for new terms: languages thrive with newly created words. An example of this are the trending terms that pervade social media channels and are used more frequently in daily conversations.