MOOCs must be open in both enrollment and licensing
Image by MOOCs—or Massive Open Online Courses—have been getting a lot of attention lately. Just in the last year or so there’s been immense interest in the potential for large scale online learning, with significant investments being made in companies (Coursera, Udacity, Udemy), similar non-profit initiatives (edX), and learning management systems (Canvas, Blackboard). The renewed interest in MOOCs was ignited after last year’s Introduction to Artificial Intelligence course offered via Stanford University, when over 160,000 people signed up to take the free online course. The idea of large-scale, free online education has been around for quite some time. Some examples include David Wiley’s 2007 Introduction to Open Education; Connectivism and Connective Knowledge, led by George Siemens and Stephen Downes in 2008; Open Content Licensing for Educators; and many others.
Why The Collaborative Consumption Revolution Might Be As Significant As The Industrial Revolution (TCTV)
Everything, it seems, is becoming collaborative. From Airbnb to RentCycle to Zipcar, we are swapping our cars, our homes, even our clothes with each other. According to Lauren Anderson from Collaborative Consumption, this change might be as profound as the industrial revolution. It will result, she told me when we met at Fast Company’s Innovative Uncensored event, in a world driven by “reputational capital” in which the “We” of the our collaborative age will replace the “Me” of the industrial age. While Anderson might be right, I’m not sure it’s such a great thing for people like myself who aren’t naturally participatory.
Creating Open & Collaborative Cultures through Play
Since 2004 IBM conducts every two years a Global CEO Survey among global business and public sector leaders to research what keeps them busy (at night in bed). The survey consists of in-person interviews with (in 2012) over 1700 CEO’s worldwide. More than half of all CEO’s see Human Capital, Customer Relationships and Innovation as key sources of sustained economic value (report 2012). The findings (2010 & 2012) show a fast growing need for some critical capabilities of employees, in order to deal with the complexity of operating in an increasingly volatile and uncertain world. These include; creativity and creative leadership, collaborativeness, connectedness, communication and flexibility. To foster these capabilities “CEO’s are creating more Open & Collaborative cultures – encouraging employees to connect, learn from each other and thrive in a world of rapid change.
Clément Delangue présente Open the 25 best classes of the world
The project Update 22-11-12 One and a half days ago, we were about to give up in this operation. And one of our mentors challenged us to try it anyway.
Creative/Collaboration as a New Participatory Paradigm?
After 6 months of thinking *very hard* about the more controversial things of life, like democracy, creativity and the future of society, *quietly to myself*, I suddenly find myself almost ready to ‘think out loud’ again and publish some unfinished thoughts for others to consider. While this can feel very risky at times I consider that collaborative and public conversations around some of these difficult topics holds enormous value – so I invite you to agree, argue and criticise the ideas and suggestions below as strongly as possible – with a view that this process toughens thinking - hopefully making it more robust and useful. Recap of earlier thinking In May I wrote a series of posts which promoted the idea of collaboration between citizens and government and other organisations. Below is the 'thoughts in progress' diagram which I ended up with in May, which attempted to describe these various complex processes - with small amendments. Current thinking
Agile Advice – Working With Agile Methods (Scrum, OpenAgile, Lean)
Index cards are an excellent tool to use to optimize communication. There are two primary types of use for index cards. 1.
The Scoop on MOOCs
With the Chronicle of Higher Education’s recent story, “MOOC Mania,” even more people are talking about MOOCs, or Massive Open Online Courses – and a lot of this dialogue is happening right here on Check out the links below for insightful posts on MOOCs and how to use them to revolutionize teaching and learning. From Cathy Davidson: From other HASTAC contributors:
Connecting through “Collaborative Consumption”
In April of 2000, on the spur of the moment, Casey Fenton bought a cheap airplane ticket to Reykjavik, Iceland, for a long weekend. At the time, Fenton was 22 years old and had no place to stay in Reykjavik. Undeterred, Fenton searched the online student database at the University of Iceland, extracted names and email addresses of 1,500 students, and sent messages like “Hey Bjorn, I am coming to Iceland. Can I stay on your couch and hang out with you for the weekend?” Within 24 hours, he received 50 invitations saying, “Hang out with me.”
Facilitating Collaborative Design Workshops – a step by step guide for rapidly creating a shared vision for execution
So how do you do great design in a rapid, multidisciplinary and inclusive way? How do you set up new projects for success in a fast moving, agile environment? How do you ensure shared understanding and ownership of new initiatives in just a few days? I now focus a lot of time on facilitating collaborative design workshops, and other methods focused on quickly creating a shared understanding of objectives and buy-in for and execution approach. In my experience if you set up a new project well a good team can then pick up the ball and run with it. On the other hand, if a project has a wobbly start – with a lack of vision and differing understanding of the objectives – then even the best team can be doomed to failure.
blueKiwi ZEN - Collaborative Ideation Platform
Collaborate Anywhere, Work Everywhere Find balance in your work. Accomplish business goals faster. Grow professional relationships. Work the way you want. blueKiwi enterprise social software becomes your organization’s social business hub, enhancing professional relationships, helping you to establish priorities and connecting users to the social network via the applications and devices they prefer. Smarter… not harder