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Video Production and Learner Engagement in MOOCs
By Bryant Nielson, Managing Director On October 2, 2014 Under eLearning, Featured Posts, Learning & Development, MOOC, Training The idea that massive open online courses (MOOCs) can greatly enhance learner engagement and retention in corporate training settings has been a recurrent theme on this blog. (If your department is still using traditional instructor-led seminars for most of your training, well, you probably know that in some cases, there is no place to go but up.) Obviously, it isn’t just the mere use of technology that leads to increased engagement, but rather the fact that the MOOC format allows you to design training courses to better correspond with how people learn. One of the most significant advantages MOOCs have over ILT and traditional elearning is in how the content is delivered.
Recording a Screencast: Do’s and Don’ts – Flirting w/ eLearning
I’m always interested in learning more about new tools that are available for e-learning developers, so last weekend I decided to try my hand using the free screencasting tool Screenr! Before I made my first recording, I did a bit of homework into what goes into a great screen recording and I’ve compiled some of the top tips and techniques. Follow these Do’s and Don’ts of screen recording to help you create your own screencast! Select a topic Do have a clear purpose for the screencastDo keep it short and simple If the process is too long, chunk it down and make several short videos.
Télécharger automatiquement les sous-titres avec VLC
VLC is a great media player that can play almost any media format. When you have a video file (for example, .mkv) that your usual media player can’t play, simply play it with VLC and there is high chance it can play it without installing additional codec. VLC also comes with a subtitle feature where you can load the subtitle file for the video file. The thing it doesn’t do is to find and download the subtitle automatically.
create and share visual ideas online
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How To YouTube Your Classroom
How To YouTube Your Classroom by Terry Heick Ed note: This post has been updated from a crazy old post we forgot we published and nobody read anyway because we were only weeks old and had zero traffic so yeah. YouTube is popular. How popular? More than 1 billion unique users visit YouTube each monthOver 6 billion hours of video are watched each month on YouTube—that’s almost an hour for every person on Earth100 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute
Top 10 Screen Recording Software for Windows
Wait! Before you scroll all the way down to just see what is #1, we just published a new blog with an updated 2017 ranking! Check it out! Videos are excellent tools for visual and auditory learners. They can be used to:
Share: Description: Apple and Android app for creating and adapting songs. Add a basic track and then sing!
Best Practices In Blended Learning
Editor’s note: This article was originally published in February 2015 and has been updated to reflect current practices. Originally, blended learning referred to adding an online component to instructor-led training or classroom education. Now, blended learning refers to the use of more than one delivery method to provide and enhance training and support. This is one way to add continued support to people on their learning journey. Advantages of Blended Learning Some of the advantages of using an effective blended strategy include:
BBC Sound Effects - Research & Education Space
These 16,000 BBC Sound Effects are made available by the BBC in WAV format to download for use under the terms of the RemArc Licence. The Sound Effects are BBC copyright, but they may be used for personal, educational or research purposes, as detailed in the license. For commercial use, you can license sound effects.
Youtube technique