Permaculture is a branch of ecological design, ecological engineering, and environmental design that develops sustainable architecture and self-maintained agricultural systems modeled from natural ecosystems.[1][2] The term permaculture (as a systematic method) was first coined by Australians Bill Mollison and David Holmgren in 1978. The word permaculture originally referred to "permanent agriculture" [3] but was expanded to stand also for "permanent culture," as it was seen that social aspects were integral to a truly sustainable system as inspired by Masanobu Fukuoka's natural farming philosophy. "Permaculture is a philosophy of working with, rather than against nature; of protracted and thoughtful observation rather than protracted and thoughtless labor; and of looking at plants and animals in all their functions, rather than treating any area as a single product system." - Bill Mollison [4]
The Seed Ambassadors Project » Winter Gardening
Yesterday was the Eugene Permaculture Guild’s annual Spring Seed Swap. Every year, hundreds of gardeners and seed savers convene for a few hours on a Saturday to share seeds, plants, and a potluck meal. The event is more than the free gifting of seeds, though, and has become a pivotal community event for the local gardening scene. This year was the Seed Ambassadors Project’s first appearance at the spring seed swap, and we brought two grocery bags filled with seed that we have saved in the past few seasons.
Sign Up for Project Green Challenge
Erin Schrode is the co-founder and spokeswoman of Teens Turning Green, a student-led movement promoting global sustainability, youth leadership, environmental education and conscious lifestyle choices. Have you ever felt as if you wanted to “do something,” but didn’t know where to start? Project Green Challenge is that chance, your entry point into action and sustainability. Our upcoming 30-day eco lifestyle challenge is mobilizing high school and college students nationwide through fun, simple and high impact daily steps.
Deep Green Permaculture
This is guide to everyone out there who want to learn about creating their own sustainable, organic gardens, no matter where they live! The focus is on practical skills and DIY (do-it-yourself) instructions that anyone can follow, articles will be added on a regular basis on a range of gardening topics and projects… so, give it a go, and hope you enjoy this site. I’ve also included a section on the design, construction and progress of my own garden, hopefully to provide ideas and inspiration to people out there of what is actually possible. Contact Details: If you have any comments, queries, feedback or requests for articles, please feel free to contact me at About Me:
Small Lot Tropical Permaculture Garden
Australian Permaculture is more than just organic gardening. Read how a sustainable permaculture garden was created on a rocky inner-city hill slope in Tropical Australia. Our story - 'In Townsville we lived in a house on a city block of 540m2. Even though it was right in the very centre of a city with 150,000 inhabitants, the wildlife in our garden was amazing: possums, fruit bats, large goannas, snakes, lizards, tropical birds and much more. In this old part of Townsville many houses are perched on hill sides. When we moved to Townsville our garden was just a wilderness consisting of large noxious weeds.
Permaculture Research Institute of Australia » Fruit Flies in a Bottle
Copyright 2010 by Ernest Partridge. Published here with permission of the author. Men at some time are masters of their fates.
1000 Words: A Manifesto for Sustainability in Design
1000 Words: A Manifesto for Sustainability in Design By Allan Chochinov I don't like the word manifesto. It reeks of dogma and rules—two things I instinctually reject. I do love the way it puts things on the line, but I don't like lines, or groups. So a manifesto probably isn't for me. The other thing about manifestos is that they appear (or are written so as to appear) self-evident.
The Lowdown and Dirty on Permablitzing
The Lowdown and Dirty on Permablitzing Details Last Updated on Thursday, 30 January 2014 09:10 Published on Monday, 10 July 2006 00:00 On this page: Permablitz Defined
How to Establish a Small Space Intensive Food Garden
Editor’s Note: This post is a good reminder to ensure you take good before, during and after photos as you implement projects! Case studies like this become an awesome portfolio for yourselves, and help people to see the practical potential in permaculture. It can be totally inspiring, and help get people moving on the ground! Case Study – Noela’s Garden, as installed by Geoff and Nadia Lawton This is a story about a garden that Nadia and I were asked to establish in 2006. It’s a very small space – the area is 95m2.
Introduction to Permaculture - 40 hours of Free video lectures
Permaculture means 'permanent culture,' (or 'permanent agriculture') and ...'is the conscious design and maintenance of cultivated ecosystems that have the diversity, stability, and resilience of a natural ecosystem.' (Bill Mollison) This course will explore, through lectures, discussions, field trips, and required projects, a design/thinking methodology that seeks to profide for our physical needs, food, water, shelter, energy, etc., while doing so in an environmentally friendly, sustainable manner. Download all lectures for Free here:
Our Approach: 7 Stages to Sustainability (7SS)
Building sustainable futures from the ground up At the foundation of Empowerment WORKS, 7 Stages to Sustainability (7SS) is a collaboration road map, an Asset Based Community-driven Development (ABCD) framework, philosophy of self-determination and an educational curriculum empowering communities to build sustainable futures from the ground up. In short, 7 Stages to Sustainability is a tool to transform poverty into prosperity in the world's most economically challenged communities. And, modeling the way nature creates, the 7SS pattern is universal and used world-wide to catalyze innovation in business, technology, music and even movies. Although those using it have little or no awareness of one another, the widely distributed 7SS pattern, termed 'monomyth' by author Joseph Campbell (a.k.a.
Permaculture (How to Design Systems for Sustainable, Community Living) – Bill Mollison « Only Ed
Posted16 September 2011, by Staff, Sterling Insights, Permaculture (permanent agriculture/culture) is the use of Ecology as the basis for designing integrated systems of food production, housing, technology, & community development. The objective is to produce an efficient, low-maintenance, productive integration of plants, structures & people, to obtain on-site stability & food self-sufficiency in the smallest practical area.
Free Online Permaculture Design Course
Annika provided this link in the lastest newsletter of the Dunedin Permaculture Group. Apparently this is a "Complete 72+ Hour Permaculture Design Certificate Course". The instructors are Larry Korn (translator of Fukuoka's book One Straw Revolution) and other world-class teachers. This is an example of the challenges online learning creates for professional educators. On the one hand it's fantastic for people who can't afford a residential PDC course, or even a modular one, to be able to access permaculture training at no cost ("gratis"). Most of us put our time and energy into permaculture because we believe it has very real benefits to offer people and the biosphere in which we are embedded, and we want to make it as accessible as possible.
What is Permaculture - Part 1: Ethics
Permaculture is primarily a thinking tool for designing low carbon, highly productive systems but its influence can be very pervasive! What can start as a journey towards living a more ecologically balanced lifestyle can go far deeper, even transforming our worldview and radically altering behaviour. This is the inspirational nature of permaculture, it is a means of connecting each of us more deeply to nature’s patterns and wisdom and of practically applying that understanding in our daily lives. The discipline of permaculture design is based on observing what makes natural systems endure; establishing simple yet effective principles, and using them to mirror nature in whatever we choose to design. This can be gardens, farms, buildings, woodlands, communities, businesses, even towns and cities.