Permaculture / Organic Farming - Documentary Films Archive
// May 1st, 2012 // agriculture With information on mushroom cultivation, sowing a fruit forest, alternative ways to keep livestock, and more… Sepp Holzer farms steep mountainsides in Austria 1,500 meters above sea level.
Establishing a Permaculture Food Forest
Permaculture is a design system that is based on understanding ecosystems, it takes a look at the interactions between the trees, plants, fungi, bacteria, birds, animals and all other natural elements to create a sustainable ecosystem. In the first video we go through a slideshow with Josh Robinson a permaculturist gives us a detailed insight into Permaculture, the functioning and how it works as a sustainable solution in creating a food forest. He talks about the flaws in the tradition orchard system, where the same trees are planted together, thus making the soil deficient of the same nutrients, the need for fertilization and also susceptible to diseases. The alternative to this method is a permaculture food forest, a perennial polyculture of multi-purposed plants. This design not only produce lots of food, but provide other services such as pest control, auto fertilization, mulch, pollination and much more. What can you expect when you have a Food Forest based on permaculture?
Sign Up for Project Green Challenge
Erin Schrode is the co-founder and spokeswoman of Teens Turning Green, a student-led movement promoting global sustainability, youth leadership, environmental education and conscious lifestyle choices. Have you ever felt as if you wanted to “do something,” but didn’t know where to start? Project Green Challenge is that chance, your entry point into action and sustainability. Our upcoming 30-day eco lifestyle challenge is mobilizing high school and college students nationwide through fun, simple and high impact daily steps. We challenge you to complete themed actions each day in October. Can you do it?
Introduction to Permaculture - 40 hours of Free video lectures
Permaculture means 'permanent culture,' (or 'permanent agriculture') and ...'is the conscious design and maintenance of cultivated ecosystems that have the diversity, stability, and resilience of a natural ecosystem.' (Bill Mollison) This course will explore, through lectures, discussions, field trips, and required projects, a design/thinking methodology that seeks to profide for our physical needs, food, water, shelter, energy, etc., while doing so in an environmentally friendly, sustainable manner.
Free eBooks Archive - Permaculture Media Blog
See also: On the Duty of Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau - Civil Disobedience is an essay by Henry David Thoreau that was first published in 1849. It argues that people should not permit governments to overrule or atrophy their consciences, and that people have a duty to avoid allowing such acquiescence to enable the government to make them the agents of injustice. Thoreau was motivated in part by his disgust with slavery and the Mexican-American War.
1000 Words: A Manifesto for Sustainability in Design
1000 Words: A Manifesto for Sustainability in Design By Allan Chochinov I don't like the word manifesto. It reeks of dogma and rules—two things I instinctually reject. I do love the way it puts things on the line, but I don't like lines, or groups.
The Food Forest Card Game
You probably already know that I am in “shameless self-promotion” mode with the Food Forest card game. Fortunately for all of us, the campaign will soon be drawing to a successful close! The game will eventually be available to the general public but this is the last call for now. If you know anyone who wants a copy, or to show their support, please spread the word.
Free Documentary Films Archive - Permaculture Media Blog
Permaculture Design for Orphans and Vulnerable Children Programming – Free eBook // May 1st, 2012 // Uncategorized A promising development approach for addressing food and nutrition insecurity for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) is permaculture. In the context of OVC programming, permaculture helps guide communities toward permanent solutions for food and nutrition security, while ensuring that these options exist harmoniously within their environment. The purpose of this technical brief is to provide an overview of permaculture programming as a sustainable, non-donor-dependent tool for improving the health, food, and nutrition security and livelihoods of OVC and their families.
Our Approach: 7 Stages to Sustainability (7SS)
Building sustainable futures from the ground up At the foundation of Empowerment WORKS, 7 Stages to Sustainability (7SS) is a collaboration road map, an Asset Based Community-driven Development (ABCD) framework, philosophy of self-determination and an educational curriculum empowering communities to build sustainable futures from the ground up. In short, 7 Stages to Sustainability is a tool to transform poverty into prosperity in the world's most economically challenged communities.
What if Permaculturists Designed our Cities? Interview with Richard Register
SE: It seems that ecocities are permaculture on a larger scale. In what areas do you think ecocity thinkers can learn from permaculturists, and what can permaculturists do to scale up to city size? RR: It's relatively easy to experiment with permaculture. All you need is a piece of land and you're ready to go. Cities are more difficult - you don't own them and you have to work with the most difficult natural condition in the world: humans. How do you convince humans to act in their own best long term interest?
Introduction to Permaculture - 18 part webinar with Bill Wilson of Midwest Permaculture
Interplanting and Beyond, An Excerpt from Gaia’s Garden // May 1st, 2012 // No Comments » // Uncategorized This coming Sunday, May 6, is International Permaculture Day! To celebrate, this week we’ll be sharing some classic excerpts from one of our perennial bestsellers, Gaia’s Garden by Toby Hemenway. Permaculture is more than just a way to garden, it applies systems-thinking to every facet of our relationship to the earth and each other. The three main ethics of permaculture are care for the planet, care for people, and only keeping a fair share of the yields of your productive work (gardening and otherwise).
Step inside my greenhouse house
On Wednesdays for the rest of March, I’ll be indulging green-thumbed readers (or those hoping to grow a pair) with tips and tidbits on the world of eco-friendly lawns and gardens. Although it may seem premature, March is in fact a busy month when gardeners start revving their engines and heading outside. My hope is that when April hits, you’ll be in the know when it comes to organic soil amendments, dung bunnies, eco-lawn mowers, recycled lawn décor, and more. A disclosure: I’m not a gardener. I don’t even have a backyard. I do, however, have a fair number of houseplants — bamboo, ferns, jade and more — that I haven’t murdered (yet).
Introduction to Permaculture Gardening
First of all, let's make sure we're clear on what permaculture gardening means: Permaculture is a word coined from "permanent" and "agriculture" but it's not just about gardening; it's about a whole new outlook on growing food for your family, using the rules of the physical universe to help. Bill Mollison, often called the Father of Permaculture, first started to think about how all the systems around us should be integrated into a holistic approach. Instead of keeping the garden separate from all the other things going on in and around our dwellings, why not incorporate everything in a supportive way? Permaculture Ethics and Principles From the ethics, Care for the Earth, Care for People, and Return Surplus, we then have the basic permculture principles. There are many different versions of these principles, but here is the most commonly used: