SD Card Formatter
SD Memory Card Formatter 5.0 for SD/SDHC/SDXC The SD Memory Card Formatter formats SD Memory Card, SDHC Memory Card and SDXC Memory Card (respectively SD/SDHC/SDXC Cards) complying with the SD File System Specification created by the SD Association (SDA). It is strongly recommended to use the SD Memory Card Formatter to format SD/SDHC/SDXC Cards rather than using formatting tools provided with individual operating systems. In general, formatting tools provided with operating systems can format various storage media including SD/SDHC/SDXC Cards, but it may not be optimized for SD/SDHC/SDXC Cards and it may result in lower performance. SD/SDHC/SDXC Cards have a “Protected Area” for SD Card security purposes.
Download Windows XP Remote Desktop Connection software [XPSP2 5.1.2600.2180] from Official Microsoft Download Center
<a id="b7777d05-f9ee-bedd-c9b9-9572b26f11d1" target="_self" class="mscom-link download-button dl" href="confirmation.aspx?id=856" bi:track="false"><span class="loc" locid="46b21a80-a483-c4a8-33c6-eb40c48bcd9d" srcid="46b21a80-a483-c4a8-33c6-eb40c48bcd9d">Download</span></a> Remote Desktop in Windows XP Professional provides remote access to the desktop of your computer running Windows XP Professional, from a computer at another location.
Linux Update Client: ddclient
ddclient is a Perl based client used to update DNS entries. This client works with all of our services as well as services provided by many of our competitors. ddclient was originally written by Paul Burry and is now maintained by a group of developers via a SourceForge project. Acknowledgment: Much of the info here is extracted from the ddclient home page. Download: The most recent version of ddclient should always be available here. IP Detection
How to Build a Stop Motion Animation Studio With a Raspberry Pi - Tuts+ Computer Skills Tutorial
In this tutorial I'll show you how to configure the Raspberry Pi and camera to create your movie using simple and free stopmotion software. By default the pi camera module is not supported by standard video subsystems so after assembling your hardware, you'll install a compatibility layer and the stop motion software. The Pi camera comes with a short ribbon cable which makes it difficult to mount and attach to a tripod or move far from the Pi itself.
The GPIO utility
WiringPi comes with a separate program to help manage the on-board GPIO interface as well as additional modules such as the PiFace and other devices like the Gertboard as well as generic GPIO expander type devices. This program, called gpio, can also be used in scripts to manipulate the GPIO pins – set outputs and read inputs. It’s even possible to write entire programs just using the gpio command in a shell-script, although it’s not terribly efficient doing it that way… Another way to call it is using the system() function in C/C++ or it’s equivalent in other programming languages. The gpio command is designed to be installed as a setuid program and called by a normal user without using the sudo command or logging in as root. In addition to using the gpio utility to control, read and write the GPIO pins, you can: See the man page for the gpio program to see what all the features are by typing
You may want to configure your controller for your new recalbox! If you have a PS3 controller with a bluetooth dongle, just take a micro usb cable, plug the controller into recalbox and wait 10 seconds. You can now unplug the controller and press the HOME button. Your controller is configured!
Spheres Free Graphics & Free Graphics Tools
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Belkin WeMo Community
WeMo Switch and Motion will ONLY work on cellular but NOT on wifi. I've had these for almost 2 years and have had nothing but issues. I can set them up just fine using the iPhone app on wifi.
Temperature to Speech with Raspberry Pi 2 and
It’s A Great Time To Be Alive If you have even a passing interest in technology you can’t help but be excited about the Internet of Things - small computers like the Raspberry Pi and Beaglebone Black are evolving into smaller, ever more powerful computing devices, while platforms like allow you to get code running on them with a single command. The potential uses of this technology is very exciting, so to get you up and running fast we've developed a fairly basic project to show you how easy it is to develop for connected hardware these days. Is It Getting Hot In Here?
40Mhz GPIO read speed?
signal wrote:Based on the wiringPi speed test example (which tests 3 methods of accessing GPIO) it looks like you can get up to about 14Mhz reliably. Maybe a smidge faster with overclocking.This would still be well under my 40Mhz need though.Gordon at wiringPi pointed out that there are 32 GPIO lines to use though. Using something like a shift register to store x4 8bit samples would require 10Mhz to read. Well within the limits but unsure how to handle a read cycle to the RPi while we still have data coming in. Digging into it a bit more.
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Raspberry Pi Downloads - Software for the Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi OS (previously called Raspbian) is our official operating system for all models of the Raspberry Pi. Use Raspberry Pi Imager for an easy way to install Raspberry Pi OS and other operating systems to an SD card ready to use with your Raspberry Pi: Version: 1.4 Install Raspberry Pi Imager to Raspberry Pi OS by running sudo apt install rpi-imager in a terminal window Alternatively, use the links below to download OS images which can be manually copied to an SD card.
An emulator is useless without a ROM (Read Only Memory) image, which contains the software you use to operate the calculator. It's illegal to distribute these ROM image files; you must copy the ROM from your calculator using a link cable. See our Linking section for link cable and link software information.
Raspberry Pi Tutorial – Connect to WiFi or Create An Encrypted DHCP Enabled Ad-hoc Network as Fallback
In this post I describe how I have configured my Raspberry Pi (RPi) to first attempt to connect to WiFi and if that fails, create and use an ad-hoc network as fallback (in this way I can always reach the RPi via SSH). The blog post is based on the following “How To” from the Raspberry Pi forum: – however, I have introduced a level of more detail and a couple of modifications in order to get faster boot time and support for multiple wireless networks (see my previous RPi blogt post suvery for details on which parts of that “How To” I think are good as well as which I think can be improved). Hardware The WiFi adapter I have used for this tutorial is the Edimax EW-7811Un (more details here) which seems to be one of the more popular WiFi adapters for the RPi (at least based on the amount of forum posts where it appears).