Council of Europe Language Policy Portal
Languages are a fundamental aspect of people’s lives and the democratic functioning of society. In response to the needs identified in or by its member states, the Council of Europe has been working over the past few decades to compile a set of resources made available to education authorities and professionals and benefiting all Europe’s citizens (see milestones). Some of the end products have been widely distributed beyond Europe. The objectives of the Language policy Programme form part of the broader role and goals of the Council of Europe (in the context of the European Cultural Convention), concerning in particular the rights of individuals, social inclusion and cohesion, intercultural understanding and equal access to quality education. Language learners/users lie at the heart of the work of the Language Policy Programme. This work has now resulted in a multitude of resources, available on this portal and on dedicated thematic websites.
Best Music to Learn English
Here are my top 5 music artists that English students should listen to. They have been chosen because they have clear pronunciation and great vocabulary (by great I mean interesting and useful- none of this street ganksta talk or old-fashioned nonsense that people just don’t say in real life). 1) George Ezra George Ezra is a singer from Hertford England. He sings folk-rock music and his album “Wanted on Voyage” was the third biggest selling album in the UK last year.
Using Technology to Create Student-Centered Learning Environment
About ETR Community EdTechReview (ETR) is a community of and for everyone involved in education technology to connect and collaborate both online and offline to discover, learn, utilize and share about the best ways technology can improve learning, teaching, and leading in the 21st century. EdTechReview spreads awareness on education technology and its role in 21st century education through best research and practices of using technology in education, and by facilitating events, training, professional development, and consultation in its adoption and implementation.
Assignments -
Rubric Cover Sheets How To Instructions Below you will find links to and descriptions of all the assignments we use for Choose Your Own Adventure. Click on the individual assignment links to get the full instructions and printable worksheets.
Hello Mrs Sykes - Resources for Teachers: Guided Reading Guide and a Freebie Cheat Sheet!
I've had such fun creating this Guided Reading Guide for grades K-5. Since moving back into the classroom to teach 2nd grade, I've found that I *really* miss one special part of my prior life as a Literacy Specialist/Literacy Coach. I miss working closely with teachers, holding workshops, and meeting regularly to discuss the best practices they are using in their classroom so I can see how best to support their professional growth. Stemming from that desire to assist other teachers, I have created this blog to share resources. I had such a great response that I decided to open my Teachers Pay Teachers store. I created this Guided Reading Guide based on some of my most successful in-service teacher workshops I gave during my former life.
Neuromyth 1
The brain is only plastic for certain kinds of information during specific ‘critical periods’-thereby the first three years of a child are decisive for later development and success in life. The concept of critical periods states that there are certain periods during early life when the brain’s capacity for adjustment in response to experience is substantially greater than it is in adulthood. This concept originated from observations by some of the pioneers in the study of animal behaviour. For example, Konrad Lorenz examined a dramatic example of a critical period: imprinting in birds. Newly hatched birds will become indelibly attached, or imprinted, to almost any prominent moving object in their environment, normally their mother. Such imprinting can only occur during a critical period soon after hatching.
English as a second language - Basic questions
When students start to learn English as a second language, there is a set of basic questions in English they need to master. All language courses start with these questions, but many people struggle to learn them. It is necessary to learn these by heart.
Language In Brief
Language Language is the comprehension and/or use of a spoken (i.e., listening and speaking), written (i.e., reading and writing) and/or other communication symbol system (e.g., American Sign Language). Communication difference/dialect is a variation of a symbol system used by a group of individuals that reflects and is determined by shared regional, social, or cultural/ethnic factors (ASHA, 1993). Language can be classified as receptive (i.e., listening and reading) and expressive (i.e., speaking and writing). In some cases, augmentative/alternative communication may be required for individuals demonstrating impairments in gestural, spoken, and/or written modalities. (ASHA, 1993).
The Differentiator
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dandelions and dragonflies
...would find its employee in her office at 5:45am, sitting at her computer, wearing an over sized sweatshirt and ball cap (large Micky D's sweet tea for energy) writing plans for someone to come in, take her place for the day because her child was up at 3am throwing up? I'm sure you have all heard/felt it before...I swear teachers are the only ones that have to do this! Of course my child gets sick on the week that my husband is actually on OUR schedule and in training (therefore can't take off), and I leave my work laptop at school the night before! To top it off...she is perfectly fine today, no fever, not throwing up, nothing...of course.
Centre for Educational Neuroscience
Teachers and parents have a great enthusiasm for the brain sciences and the light they can shed on children’s and adults’ learning in educational environments. We share that enthusiasm at the CEN. However, we also believe that sometimes this enthusiasm can lead to educators too readily accepting teaching practices, ideas, or techniques that do not actually have a scientific basis in neuroscience – or which reflect some basis in neuroscience but have not been rigorously tested within an educational context. This phenomenon has been labelled the spread of ‘neuromyths’ – mistaken ideas about the brain – and it has been the topic of discussion by researchers within neuroscience (e.g., articles by Goswami and Howard-Jones, see this report from the Royal Society). Are these ‘neuro-hits’ or ‘neuro-myths’?