eTools for Language Teachers: Videos
Click here for a document explaining how to create your own YouTube channel.Click here for a document explaining how to download YouTube videos. 1. My YouTube videos 3.
Les portes tordues - French Listening Comprehension
Les portes tordues - Beginning levelFrench Listening Comprehension Introduction and Sound Files Les portes tordues is a bilingual audiobook for beginning to intermediate French students. As the book proceeds, the French becomes progressively more difficult. The two sound files featured here are beginning level. Listen to both sound files in MP3 format by clicking on the links below.
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Rocket French Premium
I joined Rocket French a few years ago. After a respite, decided to try it again. What was already in my estimate, a fine program, has become even better!. What Rocket Languages has done has been to involve its' members in all aspects of learning : reading, hearing, saying and writing . A self- paced no stress program. A program where the student can reach out to other members in his/her language group or outside of it allowing for socialization and/or support in a peer related environment.
Learn French Online for Free: Phrases, Vocabulary, Grammar, Pronunciation, & Listening Resources - Free MP3s and Exercises
Buy French Language Tutorial as an e-book! French Language Tutorial includes more than 200 pages of grammar and vocabulary topics, sample sentences, informal ways of speaking, cultural information about France, and an overview of French pronunciation. This e-book also comes with 200+ mp3s (more than FIVE HOURS) recorded by three native speakers and FREE lifetime updates. Download the first 10 pages of French Language Tutorial (including the table of contents). NEW! The companion e-book, Informal and Spoken French, is also now available!
French Sports Vocabulary: 200 Football Terms and Expressions Sports is easily among the topics that people love to discuss, argue, butt heads, or bond over immediately like brothers-in-arms. Whether or not you’re in a pub in a French-speaking city, in the dining table discussing with French-speaking friends, or watching a World Cup game in your couch, French words for sports can surely come […] Continue reading Vote for Talk in French Voting is very simple.
Amener - Emmener - Apporter - Emporter
Lesson | Test The English verbs to bring and to take have four French equivalents: amener, emmener, apporter, and emporter. This causes all kinds of confusion, but it really is very simple once you understand the differences. To bring
1000+ Sound Effects Download Free and Premium
Sound effects or audio effects are artificially created or enhanced sounds, or sound processes used to emphasize artistic or other content of films, television shows, live performance, animation, video games, music, or other media. In many cases people don’t pay much attention to sounds effects but still they may have a significant effect on emotions and impressions. It has become increasingly popular to produce videos for sales pages, opt-in pages, blog posts etc. and using high quality sound effects for these productions may improve their ability to catch visitors attention better and maintain it. In fact low budget videos may feel a lot more professional if the sound part rocks. For this article I have found 35 websites where you can download free and premium sound effects for your video productions. Advertisement
50 Common French Phrases Every French Learner Should Know
Reading time: 3 minutes Difficulty: Beginner – Intermediate Sometimes, it is great to memorise some phrases that might come handy when in discussion with a French native-speaker. So, here I will share 50 common phrases in French, which I am sure you will find useful. If you want to learn even more, why don’t you check out 2 of my Ebooks: the French Phrasebook (useful for travellers) and French Slang (great for people who want to speak more naturally).
Here's an idea: French Resources
Salut! Welcome to my French resources page! I'm an author of French educational products. I have a store on Teachers Pay Teachers and I would love for you to check it out. Here are a few of my resources (click on the images to check them out on TpT): This is a recent blog and I'm still building this page.
French War and Military Vocabulary
Unfortunately, to follow the news in French, this bilingual French English war and military vocabulary may come in handy. War = La Guerre (not la gare) La guerre – war. Watch out for the pronunciation since I hear many students mistake “la gare” (A sound = the train station) with “la guerre” (ay sound). Peace = La Paix This weird French word ends in a silent X, and is pronounced like “pay”.
Le Petit Prince By Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
A Project Gutenberg of Australia eBook Title: Le Petit Prince Author: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944) eBook No.: 0300771h.html Language: French Date first posted: April 2003 Date most recently updated: May 2014 Project Gutenberg of Australia eBooks are created from printed editions which are in the public domain in Australia, unless a copyright notice is included. We do NOT keep any eBooks in compliance with a particular paper edition. Copyright laws are changing all over the world. Be sure to check the copyright laws for your country before downloading or redistributing this file.