French in Action: Cult Classic French Lessons from Yale (52 Episodes)
During the 1980s, Pierre Capretz, a Yale professor, developed French in Action, a French immersion program that featured textbooks, workbooks, and a 52-episode television series. Aired on PBS, the television series gained a devoted following and, years later, a 25th anniversary celebration at Yale asked the question: Is it fair to say that French in Action now has a cult following? You can watch French in Action for free online at the Annenberg Learner website. (Scroll down the page to find the videos.)
World Heritage Centre - Master in World Heritage & Cultural Projects for Development
This Master imparts the necessary competencies and skills in the conservation and promotion of World Heritage Sites as well as in the conceptualization of sustainable projects in the fields of natural and cultural heritage, creative industries, museums and tourism. The programme is divided into three learning cycles. The first cycle from October to December 2013 consists of distance learning on Cultural Heritage and Economic Development and the World Heritage System and Heritage Management. The second cycle is a face-to-face learning period from January to May 2014 that will be held in Turin, Italy, at the International Training Centre of the ILO and consists of four Modules: Culture and Economic Development, Project Management in the Cultural Fields, Cultural sectors and Creative Industries, and Tools for Strategic Planning and Evaluation. Course Structure
La Dyslexie: A French language podcast
This page authored by Laura Franklin, Northern Virginia Community College, based on the Neopodia website Author Profile Summary In this listening comprehension exercise, students will complete a questionnaire based on a podcast on the topic of dyslexia. Students will listen to the podcast at the website Neopodia and answer comprehension questions in complete sentences in French.
Catalog Search Results
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Master 50 of the Most Common Irregular Past Participles in French with This Guide
The French love to live for the present. That must be why they made talking about the past so difficult! French learners spend months sorting through the differences between the imperfect and composed past… only to face the myriad exceptions, the most baffling of which are certainly irregular past participles. Past participles are an integral part of all composed French tenses. At first, they seem pretty reasonable (especially when compared to the French subjunctive or so-called “simple past.”) After all, they are invariable, and the regular ones have just three endings: é, i or u.
Find Open Textbooks – BCcampus OpenEd Resources
Hair Colour for Hairstylists: Level 2Author(s): Arden Magtiza, Vancouver Island UniversityUpdated: Feb 19, 2021Description: This manual serves as a guide for apprentices with the desire to stretch beyond their foundational colour knowledge and skills so as to reach a higher level of competency. This text will walk the stylist step-by-step through many current and advanced techniques used in the industry today. Accessible Elementary Algebra - 2e (OpenStax)Author(s): Lynn Marecek, Santa Ana College, MaryAnne Anthony-Smith, Formerly of Santa Ana College, Andrea Honeycutt Mathis, Northeast Mississippi Community CollegeUpdated: Feb 10, 2021Description: Elementary Algebra - 2e is designed to meet scope and sequence requirements for a one-semester elementary algebra course. The book’s organization makes it easy to adapt to a variety of course syllabi. The text expands on the fundamental concepts of algebra while addressing the needs of students with diverse backgrounds and learning styles.
Class Is in Session: The 16 Best Sites for Online French Courses
Looking for the perfect French online course? Well, prepare yourself for some serious options. You can have the support structure of a class and the freedom of independent study. You can have textbook-like organization and the benefits of technology.
Best Online French Resources - FrenchCrazy
French online resources are important to learning French. I compiled a list of great websites to help you learn French. If you are looking for French lessons, tips, vocabulary, or other helpful things from this site then go to our French Language Learning Section section. Thousands of Free French Videos to Practice 10 French Movies You Must See How to Cheaply Travel & Visit France This is my personal list of recommended online French resources.
What Words Should You Capitalize in French?
The rules for capitalization are quite different in French and English. Many words that are capitalized in English cannot be capitalized in French. Put another way, French words are not capitalized as often as in English, even for titles of published works. The tables below list various terms and phrases that you would capitalize in English but which are lowercase in French together with explanations for the differences in capitalization rules in the two languages as needed. Words Capitalized in English but Not in French