15 Useful Color Mixers For Effective Designing
I wanted to create this list, because there are times when I struggle choosing my design colors - for me it’s not always easy task to just play with the colors and choose the right ones – of course, there are few favorite colors for everybody, but finding new great color combinations are not so easy task. That’s why there a lot of helpful resources to ease this task, and I am here to show You those! Hopefully this will help You to create new designs and the process will become a little easier. 1. Colourlovers
Weekly Web Design Inspiration #90
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Broaden your Color Vocabulary With This Color Thesaurus
Articles November 27, 2014 There is a plethora of colors in this world that is more complex and varied than a simple color spectrum that rainbow represents. So no wonder why most of us are having a hard time describing a particular shade of a color. Well maybe for other people, a red is a red regardless of its hue and intensity.
Unlock Creativity
Organizations struggling to fulfill their creative potential should reframe the questions they ask about their business, marketplace, and customers, according to the founders of Beautiful Mind, a London-based innovation consultancy launched this month to help U.K. and global brand owners do just that. Beautiful Mind describes itself as a "neuro design lab" with neuroscientists working alongside designers. It was cofounded by Stuart Youngs, creative director of London-based design and branding agency Purpose and neuroscientist Beau Lotto, a professor at University College London, where he runs Lottolab--a cross between an art studio and science lab, to further his investigation of human perception. "While collaboration between the worlds of neuroscience and design is not new, what we want to create is something permanent that will bring the two together, not just on ad hoc projects but through a lasting platform," Youngs explains. [Images: Flickr users Microlito, and Jean-Pierre Dalbéra]
The Top 8 Free Online Image Editors
Taking photos or making beautiful digital artwork is activities most people enjoy doing. Most people have heard of, and might be familiar with, Adobe Photoshop. It’s arguably the most popular image manipulation app around, especially for professionals. However, most people’s image editing needs would be met by apps available right in their browser.
Best Color Tools For Web Designers
Determining the core color for a web project could be easy but finding the right alternatives to match the core can sometimes be difficult. That’s where the color tools play its roles. Color tools help you determine matching color or even suggest sets of matching color palette when you are totally clueless. Amongst are some of the best color tools web service on the internet any web designers should bookmark, or at least know. Full list after jump. Adobe Kuler
The Creativity Club
There are two black sheep in Sir John Hegarty’s office in Soho, London. One of them is literal – a stuffed animal inspired by BBH’s first ad for Levi’s, which gave birth to a corporate logo and a typically catchy slogan: ‘When the world zigs, zag.’ The other sits at a desk scattered with the detritus of a 40-year career (framed images from successful ads; D&AD Yellow Pencil; CLIO award bedecked with multicolored wristbands), sporting a trademark checked suit and wry smile.
The Art of Color Coordination
Colors affect us in countless ways—mentally and physically, consciously and subconsciously. Psychologists have suggested that color impression can account for 60% of the acceptance or rejection of a product or service. Good color choices should never be neglected in web design. A bad color combination can have the same negative effect as poor copy and slow load times. In this infographic, we will briefly discuss color coordination and how you can use this to your advantage when designing your site. Special thanks to @speckyboy, @smashingmag and @onextrapixel.
Live Model Books Pose Tool
A Pose is usually a collection of photos of a model in one position. For example, a nude model standing in the contrapposto position or the T-pose will be photographed from 24 different angles (once every 15-degrees as the model is rotated). Those 24 art reference photos are collected into one "Pose." When the project first started, we imagined our customers as sculptors. They would be looking for anatomy reference photos and also traditional male and female nude artist's model photos but they would need to see all around the figure to create a complete sculpture.
Brainstorming Tool: Brainwriting
By Arthur B VanGundy Brainwriting is the silent, written generation of ideas in a group. It was originally popularized in Germany in the 70s (although it may not have originated there). There are two basic types:
Color: Links, Books & Tools to Make your Life Easier
Color is certainly a very important element of a design, and deciding on the best color palette for a project is something you really need to dedicate time to. From understanding color theory to having a glimpse of color psychology, you need to make sure your choice will not only look good but also have a good balance and deliver the right message. Thinking about, that we have decided to gather some tips, books recommendations, links to interesting readings and also some tools and apps that will make your life easier when it comes to color. Tools Flat UI Colors