46 Incredible Photos You May Not Have Seen Before. #22 Is Unbelievable.
1. Path-Laying Machine 2. The Internal Mechanism of a Watch by Patek Philippe, Considered the Finest Watchmaker in the World 3.
10 Detailed Close-Ups of Animal Eyes
Mar 15, 2013 We’ve already featured the incredible macro photography of Suren Manvelyan before, showcasing his series on human eyes. This time we check out Suren’s masterful collection of animal eye close-ups. While this post and the one prior focus on Suren’s macro work, his talent spans to portraits, landscapes and other creative photo projects which you can see on his personal website and portfolio on Behance. In parallel to photography Suren has been teaching physics, mathematics, projective geometry and astronomy at the Yerevan Waldorf School for the last decade.
21 Extreme Close Ups of the Human Eye
Aug 11, 2012 Born in 1976, Suren Manvelyan started to photograph when he was sixteen and became a professional photographer in 2006. His photographic interests span from Macro to Portraits, Creative photo projects, Landscape, and much more. Suren’s photos have been published in numerous magazines and newspapers in Armenia and worldwide. His project, entitled Your beautiful eyes, is currently the most viewed project of all time on Behance with 2,999,655 views and is the second most ‘appreciated’ project of all time with 70,140 likes. In parallel to photography, for the past ten years Suren has also enjoyed teaching physics, mathematics, projective geometry and astronomy at the Yerevan Waldorf School.
These 22 Far Away Perspectives Of Famous Places Will Change The Way You See Them Forever
Many of us only know the world’s most famous landmarks through images that show them in all their beautiful, historical glory. The world has changed since these structures were built, so the surrounding landscapes might not be what you’d expect. The Pyramids of Giza
Incredible Examples of Electron Microscope Photography
Caterpillar 30x Magnification (5mm width) | Photograph by OLIVER MECKES Electron microscopes help bring nanoscience to life, providing a level of detail to scientists that was simply not available mere decades ago. The FEI Company is a worldwide leader in electron microscope technology.
12 Photos Of the Strangest Weather Phenomena Ever Witnessed! (#3 Would Scare The Hell Out Of Me)
We all know how quickly weather can change, but it also provides a wealth of strange pictures and phenomena. Some of these are funny, others strange or shocking, but all are bound to pique your interest. 1. Before there was air conditioning, the only thing these residents of Lincoln, Nebraska could do to bear the 91 nighttime heat was to sleep on the lawn of the statehouse, hoping to catch a stray breeze.
Macro Photos of Individual Snowflakes
Feb 4, 2013 Andrew Osokin is a Russian photographer based in Moscow. Using a 60/90mm macro lens and his Nikon D90, Andrew has an incredible gallery of nearly 500 photographs on the Russian photosite LensArt.ru. There you will find not only close-ups of snowflakes but amazing captures of water droplets and insects.
16 Of The Most Magnificent Trees In The World
How do I love thee, tree? Let me count the ways; you change carbon dioxide into the oxygen we breathe, you sequester carbon, and you provide shelter for countless critters. There are many reasons for which we should all be tree-hugging hippies, but within the scope of this article, all we’ll focus on is how amazing some of them look.
Lichtenberg Figures: The Fractal Patterns of Lightning Strike Scars
Mar 10, 2012 Being struck by lightning is a dangerous and scary experience and can even be fatal. Sometimes, the electrical discharge can leave a tattoo-like marking or scar known as a Lichtenberg figure. The patterns created are known to be examples of fractals.
48 Unexpected Views Of Famous Historic Moments
By taking a look at iconic moments in human history from a different perspective, we can learn so much more. Share29508People Sharing reddit.com reddit.com
Guns and Murder Internationally
Feb 11, 2011 Posted by Sebastian in Crime, Guns | 7 comments Each dot represents an individual country. See my data if you’re curious about which countries.
50 Faces in Everyday Objects
Have you ever looked at an object or building and thought, “hey that kind of looks like a face!”? It’s actually a psychological phenomenon known as pareidolia. Pareidolia involves a vague and random stimulus (often an image or sound) being perceived as significant; it’s a form of apophenia (seeing meaningful patterns or connections in random or meaningless data). Online you can find entire communities dedicated to finding faces in everyday objects, places and buildings. On Flickr, the group FACES IN PLACES has over 6,365 members and a staggering 23,563 pictures. And on Reddit, there is a subreddit called /r/Pareidolia with nearly 40,000 members!
Amazing Photo Manipulation by Photographer Erik Johansson
Swedish photographer and retouch artist Erik Johansson has one of the craziest photography portfolios we’ve ever seen. Erik is completely self-taught in retouching his own photographs to make impossible and extraordinary images. He says his inspiration came from both growing up with a grandmother who painted and having a penchant for escaping into the other worlds of video games, so he naturally blended the two into a technique using computers to generate images that couldn’t be captured by a camera. Check out some of his mind blowing creations below: Cut & Fold – Cut along the dotted line.
50 Life Hacks to Simplify your World
Life hacks are little ways to make our lives easier. These low-budget tips and trick can help you organize and de-clutter space; prolong and preserve your products; or teach you something (e.g., tie a full Windsor) that you simply did not know before. Most of these came from a great post on tumblr. There is also a great subreddit ‘r/lifehacks‘ with some fantastic tips as well. 20.