Nuke Tutorials
NUKE : Using Particles – Part 2 1.51K Views0 Likes NUKE : Using Particles - Part 2 Part 2 of 2. VFX compositor Daniel Lee shows you how to use the NUKEX particle system to change a Summer scene to Autumn.
Design a Hand Drawn Illustrated Desktop Wallpaper
In this tutorial, I will be showing you how to combine drawing skills, typography and the use of Photoshop to create a desktop wallpaper. We’ll cover how to set up your document for screen, how you get your pencil drawings into Photoshop, how to add some colour into the pencil drawing, and finishing it off to create the illustration. Preview
The Drug That Never Lets Go
Photo By @FatTonyBMX Dickie Sanders was not naturally prone to depression. The 21-year-old BMX rider was known for being sweet spirited and warm -- a hugger not a hand-shaker. The kind of guy who called on holidays. Who helped his father on the family farm. Who spent countless hours perfecting complicated tricks on his bike.
Hopi Indians (Hopis)
Hopi Tribe How do you pronounce the word "Hopi"? What does it mean? Hopi is pronounced "hope-ee," and it means "peaceful person" or "civilized person" in the Hopi language. Where do the Hopis live?
Jump Point Search « Shortest Path
This is the final article in my three-part look at symmetry reduction algorithms for speeding up pathfinding on uniform-cost grid maps. Recapping the story so far:Part one introduces the notion of path symmetry: a property of uniform-cost grid maps which can significantly slow down search. Part two discusses Rectangular Symmetry Reduction (RSR) [2]: a simple yet effective preprocessing algorithm that eliminates many path symmetries by decomposing a grid map into a set of empty rectangles. In this article I describe Jump Point Search (JPS) [3]: an online symmetry breaking algorithm which speeds up pathfinding on uniform-cost grid maps by “jumping over” many locations that would otherwise need to be explicitly considered.
Cinema 4D Nuke Vector Blur Node Creates Custom Nuke Node for Cinema 4D Renders
A while back Josh Johnson shared his workflow for get motion vectors out of Cinema 4D to use in a NUKE composite along side the NUKE vectorBlur Node. Alexander Lehnert has taken this a step further by creating a NUKE Script that creates the proper settings with a few bits of input. so i created a costume Vectorblur node, which allows you to fill in your Motionscale value from Cinema4D and on-the-fly recalculated your correct values
justin gabbard
cemlurk: The first concert I attended on my own volition was on July 13th, 1996, the gig was Pantera/White Zombie/EyeHateGod at Coca Cola Starplex in Dallas, Texas. It was also the first time I took LSD. I was 13 years old. At the time, it was the coolest thing I had ever done. Although I spent most of the gig freaking out in a Port-o-Potty, overall the experience left a big impression with me - whether that’s good or not, I do not know.
‘Any Call Has the Potential to Become Violent’ - Printable Version -
Friday, February 24, 2012 Gailynne M. Ferguson Over the years, the EMS and law enforcement industries have seen changes ranging from their ballistic protection and equipment to training and response procedures. Unfortunately increases in violence, mental instability, drugs, gangs, lack of attention and desperation have forced people in both occupations into combat situations. The result has been more high-risk tactical incidents for law enforcement that ultimately involve EMS. Increased attacks on both professions have resulted in injury and death to responders.
Education’s Core
Author: Colin "To save man from the morass of propaganda, in my opinion, is one of the chief aims of education. Education must enable one to sift and weigh evidence, to discern the true from the false, the real from the unreal, and the facts from the fiction." — Martin Luther King “I pay the schoolmaster, but it is the schoolboys that educate my son." — Ralph Waldo Emerson
Learning VFX Compositing Skill 14: Nuke 7.0 « Surviving Post-production
Free online tutorials A Sneak Peak at Nuke 7.0 Jon Wadelton for The Foundry
Bernstein & Andriulli Illustrators Lightbox/PDF Download
Effective Communication Between Providers & Physicians Improves Patient Hand-offs - Printable Version -
Thursday, April 12, 2012 George J. Koenig Jr., DO, MS Samuel M.