Using advanced search - Gmail Help

Advanced search operators are query words or symbols that perform special actions in Gmail search. These operators allow you to find what you're looking for quickly and accurately. They can also be used to set up filters so you can organize your inbox automatically. Some of the most useful operators are listed below. You can also refine your search by clicking the arrow in the search box. Boolean operators You can use boolean operators such as 'OR' when searching in Gmail. For example, to look for messages from and messages that contain the subject line 'Meeting reminder', you can enter ' OR meeting reminder' in your Gmail search box. Using these along with Gmail's advanced operators can be a great way of making your search criteria more powerful. The 'or' function in Gmail is represented by 'OR,' and the 'not' function is represented by a minus (-). Share this: Vivian is a Gmail expert and the author of this help page. Was this article helpful?
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