Comparison of mining pools
Reward types & explanation: CPPSRB - Capped Pay Per Share with Recent Backpay. [1] DGM - Double Geometric Method. A hybrid between PPLNS and Geometric reward types that enables to operator to absorb some of the variance risk. Operator receives portion of payout on short rounds and returns it on longer rounds to normalize payments. [2] ESMPPS - Equalized Shared Maximum Pay Per Share. Like SMPPS, but equalizes payments fairly among all those who are owed. [3] POT - Pay On Target.
Hollywood-funded anti-piracy group BREIN says it will pursue a similar strategy to its counterparts in the United States and UK by pressuring payment processors like PayPal to stop doing business with file-sharing sites. But BREIN says the processors must go further. Either they can voluntarily hand over the names of the admins behind the site accounts, or they will go to court and sue them into submission. No matter if there are pop-up and pop-under adverts on every page, or a single discreet button where someone can pledge a five dollar donation, thousands of file-sharing related sites need a mechanism by which to convert money into spendable funds. For many the payment processor – PayPal and other similar services – provide their financial lifeline.
decentralized cryptocurrency Bitcoin (₿) is a cryptocurrency, a form of electronic cash. It is a decentralized digital currency without a central bank or single administrator that can be sent from user to user on the peer-to-peer bitcoin network without the need for intermediaries.[8] Bitcoin has been criticized for its use in illegal transactions, its high electricity consumption, price volatility, thefts from exchanges, and the possibility that bitcoin is an economic bubble.[14] Bitcoin has also been used as an investment, although several regulatory agencies have issued investor alerts about bitcoin.[15]
What the U.S. can’t learn from Finland
As the United States is looking to reform its public school system, education experts have increasingly looked at other countries for examples on what works and what won’t. The current administration has turned its attention strong performing foreign school systems. As a consequence, recent education summits hosted in the United States have given room to international education showcases. This commitment to think outside of the box was illustrated two years ago, when Education Secretary Arne Duncan asked for a report titled “Strong Performers and Successful Reforms: Lessons from PISA for the United States,” prepared by a team of analysts — I was one of them — with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
Generate Bitcoin - Bitcoin Plus
It looks like you don't have Java installed. Please install java at You must have Java installed to use the bitcoin generator. If your browser asks you to run the applet, or to install Java, say yes. Waiting for Java applet to load...
Cybercriminals Have Their Eyes Set on Bitcoin
It seems like Bitcoin is gaining popularity not only in the computing industry but in the threat landscape as well. We recently reported a couple of attacks involving malware that installs a Bitcoin mining application into systems. Apart from turning systems into unwilling “miners,” such malware also disrupt usage since the mining process takes up a great deal of system resources.
The Beginners Guide To Bitcoin – Everything You Need To Know - Monetarism - A UK Money and Personal Finance Blog
In February 2013, version 0.8.0 of Bitcoin was released. This virtual payments system is the financial equivalent of Latin, the language with no native speakers. In the case of Bitcoin, though, what you are dealing with is a financial structure with no central bank, no one regulatory body as such, and no physical form. That may sound odd – so let’s look in more detail at Bitcoin, how it works, and what its future might be. What is Bitcoin? The brief description of Bitcoin given above is overly simplistic, and as you might expect, there’s plenty of thought behind this means of paying for goods and services – it is, by no means, an unregulated system.
Volunteer Abroad Travel - Home-Base & Sustainable Work Projects
We believe that the most impactful approach to international volunteering is one designed by the community. With CCS you'll do meaningful work that addresses a specific need. In each of our destinations, we have relationships 10+ years strong with local organizations who communicate real-time, local needs and objectives to the CCS-team so we can ensure that your volunteer experience is impactful, immersive, fun, and more than you ever could have hoped for. Our volunteer projects address a real community need. For example, in Guatemala City, public education is often under-resourced, understaffed, and overcrowded.
L019: Bitcoin P2P Currency: The Most Dangerous Project We've Ever Seen - Launch -
Solid discussions of this piece on, Hacker News, Slashdot and Reddit. Rob Tercek has a follow up to this piece here. by Jason Calacanis and the LAUNCH team A month ago I heard folks talking online about a virtual currency called bitcoin that is untraceable and un-hackable. Folks were using it to buy and sell drugs online, support content they liked and worst of all -- gasp! -- play poker.
Metasearch engine
A metasearch engine is a search tool[1][2] that sends user requests to several other search engines and/or databases and aggregates the results into a single list or displays them according to their source. Metasearch engines enable users to enter search criteria once and access several search engines simultaneously. Metasearch engines operate on the premise that the Web is too large for any one search engine to index it all and that more comprehensive search results can be obtained by combining the results from several search engines.