A Simple Guide on The Use of Hashtag for Teachers
Chris Messana was the first guy to share a tweet containing a hashtag back on August of 2008. Since then, hashtags have become the most popular communicational medium of choice for television shows, political campaigns, educational news and updates, commercials, and also an icon of the 21st century pop culture. So, what is a hashtag ? Here is what Twitter said about it : " The # symbol, called a hashtag, is used to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet. Hashtags are a great way to build community around content."
5 Hashtag Tracking Tools for Twitter, Facebook and Beyond
Are you using hashtags in your social media campaigns? Do you want to find tools to help manage your hashtags? The right tools can help you launch, track and analyze hashtags across social networks. In this article, you’ll discover five tools that make it easy to track hashtags and their related conversations. Why Use a Hashtag? Hashtags make it easier for people to find and follow discussions about brands, events and promotions.
Why Scoopit Is Becoming An Indispensable Learning Tool
Leanna Johnson, Learning with Technology Scoop.it collates work from online publications using an online magazine format, and this visual impact alone makes it very effective. The additional appeal of broadcasting from a hub allows me to tap into and share with my ed tech networks, which is why I find myself using it more often during time constraints. First of all, it’s powerful–it incorporates multiple elements of familiar social media tools.
What inner city kids know about social media, and why we should listen — I.M.H.O.
I know which of my teenage students smokes weed in the park after class on Fridays, and which other students are with him. I know which ones are struggling with making friends in their first few weeks at college, and which ones aren’t. I know which of my students chafe against overly strict parents on a regular basis.
What Would Seth Godin Do
Seth Godin advocates using cookies to distinguish between new and returning visitors to your site: “One opportunity that’s underused is the idea of using cookies to treat returning visitors differently than newbies. It’s more work at first, but it can offer two experiences to two different sorts of people.” (Source: In the Middle, Starting)
Teachers Teaching Teachers, on Twitter: Q. and A. on 'Edchats'
A screenshot from TweetDeck showing, left, a recent #Edchat stream and, right, the #Engchat stream at the same time. Like other groups with shared interests, from epidemiologists to James Joyce fans to locked-out N.F.L. players, teachers are turning to Twitter to collaborate, share resources and offer each other support. Many, in fact, are using it to take professional development into their own hands, 140 characters at a time. Each week, thousands of teachers participate in scheduled Twitter “chats” around a particular subject area or type of student.
29 Social Media Tools Recommended by the Pros
Are you looking for ways to enhance your social media marketing? Do you want new tools to simplify your job? We asked a group of social media pros for the hottest social media tools they use today.
A teacher in social media - Pearltrees - 10 tips for teachers
A (Finnish) teacher's dive into social media - "I discovered pearls in Pearltrees!" + 10 tips for teachers This time I thought I could write about Pearltrees from a teacher's perspective. I started to use the web curation tool Pearltrees during my autumn holiday (in 2012) and I'm still amazed by the possibilities it has to offer.It was the head teacher of our upper secondary school Kari Rajala who first introduced me to social media. I started using Facebook and soon got friends from my fellow teachers.
The Benefits Of Your Company Getting On Twitter Everyday
Twitter has quickly become a key aspect for business marketing and brand building. Since Twitter is real-time, there is something happening during every second of the day. If you don’t use Twitter at least once a day, there can be a lot to get caught up on by the next morning. Rather than get behind or miss out on opportunities, you should log on every day and make sure you are doing the following things:
PicFlow, InstaQuote, Repost iPhone Apps for Instagram - Red Cactus
Make delightful video slideshows for Instagram Create beautiful text images for Instagram Do more than like it - #Repost it