The Art Of Storytelling » Tell A Story
Get inspired by featured artwork from the Delaware Art Museum and write a story through the interactive Tell a Story activity. Look through the images below for a brief introduction on how this activity works, or click on the link below to begin telling your story. Launch the Tell a Story Activity
Common Writing Mistakes - English Writing - Learn English Free
This article features "dictionary look up". Just double click on any word to get an instant definition (uses a pop-up). Common Writing Mistakes by Michael LaRocca Most books aren't rejected because the stories are "bad." They're rejected because they're not "ready to read."
Describing photos (comparing, contrasting and speculating)
You are going to practise language for; Describing photosComparing and contrasting photos (discussing similarities and differences)Speculating on what might be happeningReacting to photos (giving opinions) Discuss Look at the presentation.
Linking Words — A complete List of English Connecting Words
Linking & Connecting Words It is essential to understand how Linking Words, as a part of speech, can be used to combine ideas in writing - and thus ensure that ideas within sentences and paragraphs are elegantly connected - for the benefit of the reader. This will help to improve your writing (e.g. essay, comment, summary (scientific) review, (research) paper, letter, abstract, report, thesis, etc.).
Big History Project
The Big History Project is not a for-profit program. Your engagement will exclusively benefit teachers and students around the world. Teaching the course It's easy to teach Big History — all you have to do is register, set up a class, and go! Start a pilot Schools that want to work with us have the option of joining a small group committed to delivering Big History. By working closely with a handful of schools, we can use feedback to rapidly improve the course.
Writing Frames and Printable Page Borders KS1 & KS2
Scroll/parchment A4 page borders (Ref: SB3643) Colour and black and white portrait and landscape page borders featuring a scroll/parchment background. Includes editable Microsoft Word templates as well as resizable JPG images. Other Writing Frames and Templates Editable fold-over mini book templates (Ref: SB7366) A set of editable templates where you can customise the title and text for mini books.
Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: Excellent Story Writing Apps for ...
July 31, 2015 Below is a short collection of some interesting iPad apps students can use to help them with their writing and more specifically, outlining, drafting and writing stories. Some of these apps are featured here for the first time but for more options on digital storytelling apps check out this page. 1- The Brainstormer ‘The Brainstormer is kindling for creative minds. A tactile tool to randomly combine a plot, a subject and a setting or style, the Brainstormer provides a moment of inspiration for writers, painters, or any creative mind. Combat creative block, spark new ideas and summon up quick subjects for doodling, sketching or journaling.’
Celebrating the End of the School Year
Photo School calendars are different across the nation, so while classes may be in session for another two months where you teach, in another district, it’s time for prom, awards season and commencement. Below are some ideas for reflecting on the school year that can be adapted to wherever you are in the semester, and for students of any age and with any level of English proficiency. Since this is the final post in our English-Language Learner series for this school year, we also invite you to tell us, below, if you’d like to see “Ideas for E.L.L.’s” return next year. What could we do to make the series more useful for you? Portfolio-Making to End the School Year on a Positive Note
7 Great Grammar Sites for Teachers and Students
June , 2014 Today I am sharing with you a list of some useful websites you can use with your students to help them better improve their grammar knowledge and polish their writing skill. From grammar lessons and teaching materials to free downloadable worksheets and presentations, this collection of websites will provide you with the content you need for teaching grammar. 1- Grammar Bytes Grammar Bytes is a great website that is packed full of teaching materials teachers can use to teach grammar.Grammar Bytes provides a glossary of common terms, fun interactive activities and exercises for students to test their grammar knowledge,instructional presentations and tons of tips on teaching grammar. 2- Road to Grammar Road to Grammar is a free website that provides a wide vareity of resources for teaching grammar.