Vertical Garden: Home Facade Covered in 25 Kinds of Plants
Unlike its horizontal equivalent, pruning a vertical surface can be a tricky proposition at best, so species selection done from the outset is a crucial key to success. You need rugged and robust plants fit for the region, for starters. Rebelo de Andrade thought carefully about the plants picked for the outside faces of this stunning four-story structure, selecting varieties that would weather well and grow (but not too much!) in their environs in Lisbon, Portugal. The result is a green wrap that provides shade, fresh air and, critically, appealing aromas – smell is another critical consideration in living walls, particularly when you have a rooftop deck with a sunken swimming pool that runs along the outside edge of the greenery.
Kaibo Zonshinzu anatomy scrolls (1819)
25 Apr 2008 The Kaibo Zonshinzu anatomy scrolls, painted in 1819 by Kyoto-area physician Yasukazu Minagaki (1784-1825), consist of beautifully realistic, if not gruesome, depictions of scientific human dissection. Unlike European anatomical drawings of the time, which tended to depict the corpse as a living thing devoid of pain (and often in some sort of Greek pose), these realistic illustrations show blood and other fluids leaking from subjects with ghastly facial expressions. The fact that the bodies used in scientific autopsies in Edo-period Japan generally belonged to heinous criminals executed by decapitation adds to the grisly nature of the illustrations. According to the Keio University Library (where these documents are currently stored), the two scrolls contain 83 illustrations based on Minagaki's observations of over 40 bodies.
Endurance Growth and renewal Our world is radically changing again, never to return to its original state. Our capacity to adapt is contingent on a deeper knowledge, fluid imagination, thinking across disciplines, and working collaboratively. We begin by restoring long term visions in a short cycle world, renewing our collective values, and conserving our resources. The basis for this model derives from systems ecology which takes a holistic, transdisciplinary approach to design of cultural, economic, and environmental systems.
INTERVIEW: Ed Mazria Founder of Architecture 2030 Introduces the 2030 Palette
Ed Mazria is the influential environmental architect behind the 2030 Challenge, which aims to eliminate the use of fossil fuels in new construction, and to cut the use of fossil fuels in existing buildings by 50 percent before 2030. To help hit those targets, he has just publicly launched a unique new initiative called the 2030 Palette—a robust, visually oriented, online design tool that strives to help design low-impact, people friendly built environments from buildings to cities. We visited Mazria’s offices in Santa Fe, where we spoke with him in-depth about the new website, his work, and how sustainable development can save us from the worst climate change has to offer.
Photographs of Mirrors on Easels that Look Like Paintings in the Desert
Daniel Kukla is a photographer who had formal training in biological and anthropological sciences. His educational background plays a major part of his artistic practice, and this can be seen in his clever project titled, The Edge Effect. In the description and explanation of the project, Kukla writes, In March of 2012, I was awarded an artist’s residency by the United States National Park Service in southern California’s Joshua Tree National Park. While staying in the Park, I spent much of my time visiting the borderlands of the park and the areas where the low Sonoran desert meets the high Mojave desert.
40 More Clever Logos With Hidden Symbolism
You probably already think that we are obsessed with logo design (and you’re probably right), but our numbers show that most of you guys enjoy logos as much as we do. That’s why we proudly present 40 more clever logos with hidden symbolism. If you missed part I, you can find it here.
Here Is the Craziest Building in Harlem, if Not the Entire City: Diller Scofidio Design New Columbia Medical Building
And you thought the High Line looked crazy. (Columbia) This gives a whole new meaning to “in the heights.” Columbia University Medical Center has just announced that Diller Scofidio + Renfro will be designing a new 14-story medical building on Haven Avenue between 171st and 172nd streets that will be home to high-tech class facilities for all four CUMC colleges as well as the biomedical program within Columbia University’s college of art and science. The university tapped DS+R, along with Gensler, to create a new landmark for the medical center, one that will be visible from both the George Washington Bridge and Riverside Park.
Tiny London Loft is a Light-Filled, Storage-Rich Dream Home
Loft spaces in London – particularly in densely-populated Camden – are notoriously small. This Camden loft used to be an office space, but when it was to be converted into a flat, Craft Design Studio came up with some innovative ways to make this small space feel like a spacious, stylish home. Storage has been fit into every possible space in the apartment. Along every wall you’ll find shelves, cubbyholes and niches to hold the owner’s collection of books, art and objects.
Sketchbook Secrets: 50 Beautiful Sketchbook Scans
The sketchbook is—to borrow a term from the new millenniums’ popular discourse—an artist’s BFF. It’s a diary for the visually inclined—a place where artists can most comfortably explore their personal thoughts, work out their visual needs, practice, maintain a visual history, and hopefully create the unpolished work that will eventually lead to amazing work for the world to see. But, sometimes, when we’re lucky, we get to see the process. Below are 50 beautiful sketchbook scans from 35 talented artists.
About « MLRP
:description Danish-American MLRP is a young and innovative design practice, who work with a variety of projects, both public and private, typically small to medium scale. MLRP is owned by Mads Lund and Robert Paulsen, who have had their own practice together since 2004. We are inspired by the site and surroundings, we always push the design until the ultimate solution is achieved. We enter a close dialogue with the client to ensure that no stone is left unturned in the process, where curiosity and innovation are decisive factors in developing the appropriate design.
Modern High-Rise by Mia Rao Design
Contemporary apartment designed by Mia Rao located in Chicago featuring modern Italian furniture, clean lines, and artistic accents creating a multi-functional space with maximum comfort. Visit Mia Rao Design Published 1 year ago by Mat Watts in Interior. You might also like
Judith Ann Braun's Fingers Are Magical
With an art career spanning more than three decades, Judith Ann Braun has tested the limits of her artistic musculature. She began as a self-described “realistic figure painter,” and worked through the struggles common to anyone who endeavors upon an artistic pursuit, that of searching for one’s own voice in the chosen medium. Fast forward to the 21st century where the evolution of Braun’s work has brought us to the Fingerings series, a collection of charcoal dust landscapes and abstracts “painted” using not brushes but her fingertips.
GP House by Bitar Arquitectos
The GP House located in Pachuca, Mexico is an entirely contemporary space, designed under linear elements by Mexico City – based Bitar Arquitectos. GP House has basic spaces required for a residence: living room, bedroom, family, etc., spread over two floors connected by stairs are concentrated in a vertical volume that bursts with predominant horizontal construction formally. The intersection is more evident with the use of natural stone in the region and finished in the bucket of stairs, while the rest of the volume is concrete. The upstairs master bedroom and public areas (living room and game room) form the rear facade, which was almost entirely covered with glass, this in order to give lightness to the concrete structure, allowing these areas do not lose their continuity and enjoyed the view of the golf course, somehow eliminating visual barrier between the two spaces, inside and outside. A water mirror delimits this facade. Visit Bitar Arquitectos
Oui c'est normal, je l'ai mis dans mon compte hier, date qui reste donc. by bil Dec 15
zarb, mon message est daté d'aujourd'hui, je t'ai envoyé ça y a une semaine, c'est normal?? ( tu vois, j'ai trouvé plus le que wonderwall, fallait pas chercher loin ;-))) by camillepillias Dec 14
En effet le site a de la gueule, en revanche je n'ai pas vu quelque chose d'aussi lent à charger depuis des plombes... Quoi Pearltrees? On a fait des progrès... by bil Dec 14
En tout cas la présentation du site vaut le coup d'oeil ! by Touba Dec 4
perfect site, perfect ideas... by Martin Dec 1