Learn to Read: Free Phonics worksheets, Phonics Games, Phonics Activities and Phonics Flashcards
Phonics Flashcards Activities CVC Flashcards -with uppercase alphabets CVC Flashcards -with lowercase alphabets Long vowel (magic E) flashcards -with lowercase alphabets R Controlled words flashcards Lowercase LettersUppercase LettersAlphabet Train GameAlphabet Ordering Games Kids Phonics learning games: Phonics Games To link to this page, copy the following code to your site: <a href="
Free Printable First Grade Worksheets
Welcome to tlsbooks.com. This page includes first grade worksheets related to reading, phonics, rhyming words, and critical thinking skills. These worksheets are great for classroom or home use and you may print as many as you like. First grade is an exciting adventure for students. This may be the first time they are in school for a full day, the first time they read an entire book, or the first time they write a story.
Phonetics: The sounds of American English
Phonics Free printable worksheets
© Contributed by Leanne Guenther There are differences in opinion about whether using phonics is useful in teaching children to read. My personal opinion is that everyone learns differently -- try a variety of things with your kids until you find what works for them. My oldest daughter just sort of magically read books -- natural ability and lots of family reading time were the causes I think -- she didn't often sound out words or enjoy playing word games. My younger daughter was very keen on phonics lessons and constantly asked to play rhyming word games and activities. Word families really appealed to her and to this day (grade 6) she enjoys word based "puzzles" like word searches and crosswords (my eldest daughter would rather play soccer *grin*).
Organizing an Essay
There are many elements that must come together to create a good essay. The topic should be clear and interesting. The author’s voice should come through, but not be a distraction.
Primary Literacy Teaching Resources and Printables
Literacy and English Teaching Resources General Literacy Resources Writing and Letter Formation Stories and Nursery Rhymes
Phonics Worksheets
"These phonics worksheets rock! Thank you :)" -- Paul B., Fort Collins, CO, 11/29/13 Like these materials? Show your support by liking us on Facebook...
The MindShift Guide to Digital Games and Learning
Part 17 of MindShift’s Guide to Games and Learning Many teachers are excited about trying games in the classroom but don’t know where to begin. The landscape of learning games is vast and confusing — and it’s growing and changing rapidly. Moving at the pace of the software industry, games are often updated and iterated so that new versions replace familiar ones before you’ve even had a chance to implement them in your classroom routine.
Telling the Time - How to tell time in English - English basics
During this lesson you will learn to tell the time in English using images and text. The first part of the lesson you wlll have to learn the words that are used in telling the time, followed by a example clocks with times on for you to see what the correct time is. The image below is split into 2 colours, green and yellow. The green side 'to' and the yellow side is 'past'.
17000+ FREE worksheets
Activity Worksheets - Draw and Design, Word Finds, Word Fun, Word Unscramble, and more. Ages 3 to 6 Worksheets - Alphabet, Classifying, Color Fun Worksheets, Color Words, Counting Worksheets, Word Finds Worksheets, Following Directions, Learning About Sizes Worksheets, Learning Numbers Worksheets, Matching, and more. Awards for Children - One Award to a Page, Two Awards to a Page
The Celts and Romans - Interactive History Resources
Kitchen tools and equipment
It is very popular to teach vocabulary in lexical sets. It is easier to explain the meaning and you can present quite a few items at one time. Moreover, the presentation can look good and induce the students to study the words. ADVERT: Surprisingly, research shows that it is not so effective as teaching unrelated items.
Graphic Organizer Worksheets
Advertisement. EnchantedLearning.com is a user-supported site. As a bonus, site members have access to a banner-ad-free version of the site, with print-friendly pages.Click here to learn more. (Already a member? Click here.) Graphic Organizers
Online Activities for Phonics
This is one of the few online phonics game resources I came across in my search, and will be good to use during computer lab sessions with my class, or for students who are more comfortable in a computer-oriented learning environment. It also has a wealth of more traditional, physical games and activities. by theofficepicnic Jul 25
Lots a visuals and flash cards. The online games might be great for this tech-savvy generation. More than just worksheets. by msilvadun10 Jul 24
Using online games as well as printable activities, this site offers phonics practice for the emergent level. Vocabulary building is also addressed on this site. The ability to use this site at home is helpful to reinforce learning away from school. by lisabishop Jul 24
This online resource has many printable games, activities, and flash cards. It has online games and activities as well as printables. I think many of the online games it has would work well on a smart board which are becoming very important in teaching. by ttribou Jul 24
Soft Schools offers nearly unlimited amounts of practice for students who need assistance visualizing phonics. The activities are diverse and offer consonant and vowel help with kid friendly images. by cameronbourg Jul 24
This website has flash cards, worksheets and a diversity of games to play that teach and reinforce phonics concepts. The picture prompts are a nice feature and can be used by the youngest readers with a little computer savvy or help from a parent or older sibling. by mkknowles Jul 17
Soft Schools is a very useful website for phonics. It offers activities that the parent or teacher can use with their student as well as online interactive activities such as: Flashcard activities, Worksheets, and games for learning phonics. by jkor Jul 13
A great site for building phonics skills as well as vocabulary skills. Games are pretty easy to follow - can be used independently by students or on the smart board lead by the teacher. by amayberry1 Jul 2
This website has free flashcards, activities, and worksheets by britto Jun 14
Free phonics games, phonics worksheets, phonics flashcards and online activities. by mcussen Feb 23
Great Strategies. Worksheets available. Games and Comprehension activities by mgaines Nov 6
Learn to Read: Free Phonics worksheets, Phonics Games, Phonics Activities and Phonics Flashcards by mholloway Nov 6
This site allows students to practice forming simple words from graphemes and phonemes. Pictures prompts assist. by bmahieu Oct 28