1000 Free High Resolution Photoshop Brush Sets - Noupe Design Blog
Oct 15 2008 Hundreds of thousands of incredible Adobe Photoshop brush sets are all over the web. Due to this phenomenally vast amount of Photoshop brushes available, you can now add patches of dirt, rust, floral effect, swirls, mold, oil stains in your artworks and photos to give them an aged, damaged, dreamy or any look you want. Without further ado, we present 1000+ high-Resolution Adobe Photoshop brush sets that will be perfect for any project you may happen to be working on. Important: Licenses of every brush set varies, so be sure to check that information before using them. 1.
Using the White Balance Tool in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 > White Balance tool
The Temp and Tint sliders in the White Balance tools (WB) section can be used to precisely adjust the white balance of a photograph. With these you can color-correct most images or, if you prefer, apply alternative white balances to your photos. The White Balance tool is located near the top of the Basic panel. You can activate the tool by clicking on it or by using the to activate the White Balance tool and continue clicking with the tool until you find the right setting. You can then use the
70 Professional Fonts For All Design Life Situations
Choosing the right fonts for your design is very important. This gives your viewers an impression on what you promote or convey. Choosing of fonts can also be an art, and fonts can also be in style. In this article, I will give you the best fonts you can download and use to make your designs look clean, professional but stylish. The fonts you will see below are the fonts we can consider as clean, professional but stylish.
Useful PSD Files For Your Creativity - Noupe Design Blog
Mar 02 2011 PSD files can be used to create beautiful, stunning, vibrant and very creative business cards, icons, characters, website layouts, photo manipulations and much more. With Adobe Photoshop’s convenient interface, even newbies can understand how to work with some of the basic tools and options that this fantastic program has to offer. Here are 40 PSDs you may find useful for any ongoing projects you may have at the moment. Please note that all of these files listed below are free of charge, however not all of them are available to be used for both commercial as well as personal use.
Phlearn Photoshop and Photography Tutorials
Now on sale! Get your copy here: You want your images to look beautiful. We all do. What is the point of investing so much time and money in photography, if you can’t produce images that you are proud of?
How to Create a Glossy, Colorful Text Effect
In the following tutorial you will learn how to create a glossy, colorful text design in Illustrator CS5. We'll use an interesting font choice, opacity masks, shape building techniques, and more to create this text effect. Step 1 Create a 700 px by 200 px, RGB document.
10 Free After Effects Assets
Is anything truly free anymore? You bet. And to prove the point, we’ve rounded up an awesome list of free After Effects assets!
60 Most Wanted Photoshop Tutorials, Brushes, .PSDs and Resources - Noupe Design Blog
Jan 04 2009 For months, we have been bookmarking interesting, useful and creative Adobe Photoshop tutorials and Resources, so you can now rest assured that you will have the necessary tools to get the job done. Due to this phenomenally vast amount of textures, brushes, patterns available, you can now add dirt, rust, floral effect, swirls, mold, oil stains in your artworks and photos to give them an aged, damaged, dreamy or any look you want. So in today’s post, you’ll find an assortment of top-notch tutorials, brushes, patterns, textures, actions and .PSD downloadable files that others have freely contributed to the design community for making your next photoshop effect.
Mastering Photoshop With Paths
Anomalously residing within the pixel-gridded world of Photoshop are a series of tools waiting to break out of the canvas’ inherent squareness. Mastering these tools opens the stage for a higher level of flexibility, full of clean lines and non-destructive editing. Presented here is a guide to help you build proficiency, increase productivity and demystify the elusive world of Paths. Creation Pen Tool The Pen tool ( ) – simple to use but difficult to master.
Quickly Build an Abstract Background of Colored Bars
Oftentimes there's a need for a quick but unique design. In this tutorial, I'll be showing you a short but attractive way to create a graphic for backgrounds, wallpapers, greeting cards, designs, and all that other good stuff. You will learn a simple Photoshop trick that you can easily manipulate for your daily needs. Step 1 First off, let's start by creating a new document and applying the oh-so-obligatory clouds (Filter > Render > Clouds).
10 top After Effects resources
The web is a wonderful thing. It's full of endless resources and tutorials for people wanting to learning the art of After Effects CS6 (and previous versions). But, sometimes too much choice can be confusing so we've picked nine top sites that will really help you get to grips with the compositing software. 01. Adobe TV
There are essential features that you can incorporate in your web page that can make a difference to its visual appearance and functionality. A particular feature or element is the… Share Aside from textures, there is a design element which a graphic artist or web designer can use to add detail and fill the background layer of a graphic, website or… In this tutorial we’re going to create a nice animation that you can use in your videos as an intro or credits. The effect is inspired from the Battlefield 3…
A collection of useful tricks to become better with Photoshop
For a designer, Photoshop is a master platform where they can show their potential to play with an image, design custom templates and many more. Expert designers may know the available shortcuts, cheatsheets, tips and tricks used in Photoshop. However, for a newbie, it might be hard to deal with Photoshop without knowing the easy tricks. That is why today we have collected some articles where there are easy tricks revealed to save your time and make your working speed higher in Photoshop. Let’s have a look at them below!
Design a Colorful Illustration Using Patterns and Shapes
A good friend and amazing artist Bram Vanhaeren and I decided to collaborate on an illustration to then create a tutorial for all the readers at Psdtuts+. We came up with a cool illustration that incorporates patterns, coloring, as well as 3D shapes. The most important thing about this is that it is all extremely simple to create so it shouldn't be that difficult for anybody. There are a lot of new techniques here that I guarantee you'll be using, so check this one out! Final Image Preview Take a look at the image we'll be creating.