Gamblin Oil Mediums Set - Lowest Prices on Oil Painting Mediums at Utrecht. Pigments, Dyes, Fillers - Kremer Pigments Inc. Old Holland Classic Colours. We have selected a number of unique antique pigments which are mainly used for restoration purposes and other specific applications.
These colours can be ordered from Old Holland through your dealer. Please bear in mind the delivery time. Lapis Lazuli The mineral Lapis Lazuli has been known as a semiprecious stone for around 5000 years, initially in Mesopotamia, China and Egypt. Fragonard pigments, Pébéo Fragonard paints. RGH Artists' Oil Paints - Dry Pigments and Art Supplies - Shop Online. Pigments and Bronzes - Schmincke - Feinste Künstlerfarben. Pigments. Williamsburg Art Materials - Pure Pigments. Dry Powdered Pigments. Products. Non-toxic Pigments, Mica Powders and Mediums for Natural Finishes.